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Tennessee GOP medical marijuana bill has oils, legal growing

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File Under : Promising

Marijuana legally grown, processed and given for treatment at the recommendation of a doctor in Tennessee could become a reality if lawmakers approve a new Republican-led initiative.

The chances of changing current law aren't fantastic: Sen. Steve Dickerson, R-Nashville, put the odds of the General Assembly approving his limited medical marijuana plan this year at "50-50, plus or minus 5 percent." The anesthesiologist argues the science behind the need for medical cannabis oil is more concrete.

"The data is improving every day. I've read 50, 60 papers and abstracts, and it looks like 60 percent plus of those have some sort of beneficial effect," Dickerson said.

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Active member
better than nothing - it has to start somewhere

Aaah. Yes you are right. A journey does start with a single step. We made that single step a long time ago and now we are at the tipping point for full legalization. Now that the powers that be see this they are taking their first step on their long journey to ensure the only legal cannabis is in a packaged form and free of that pesky THC. Now if that is the destination you are after enjoy this first step.it is the first step towards the undoing of all our progress


Well-known member
Aaah. Yes you are right. A journey does start with a single step. We made that single step a long time ago and now we are at the tipping point for full legalization. Now that the powers that be see this they are taking their first step on their long journey to ensure the only legal cannabis is in a packaged form and free of that pesky THC. Now if that is the destination you are after enjoy this first step.it is the first step towards the undoing of all our progress

it is going to have to be fought out in nearly every state before the federal govt rolls over, i think. all we have to do is keep going forward, step by step.there may be setbacks, there usually are. you just don't "get" reality, do you? i bet Christmas sucked when you were younger...

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
it is going to have to be fought out in nearly every state before the federal govt rolls over, i think. all we have to do is keep going forward, step by step.there may be setbacks, there usually are. you just don't "get" reality, do you? i bet Christmas sucked when you were younger...

for a cantakerous, feisty old hippy , you have quite the insight


Active member
it is going to have to be fought out in nearly every state before the federal govt rolls over, i think. all we have to do is keep going forward, step by step.there may be setbacks, there usually are. you just don't "get" reality, do you? i bet Christmas sucked when you were younger...

Yes it will be fought in every state. And the feds will pick the model they want. Notice the new fed CARERS act is basically there just to allow bills like this one in Tennessee and the one in new your, and the one in Florida and the one in Utah. Are you noticing a pattern? Also notice who is sponsoring the carers act. I get reality , reality is the feds sure as fuck Dont want you to possess high THC flowers or grow it yourself. So they are going Step By Step to ensure we Dont wind up there.


Well-known member
Yes it will be fought in every state. And the feds will pick the model they want. Notice the new fed CARERS act is basically there just to allow bills like this one in Tennessee and the one in new your, and the one in Florida and the one in Utah. Are you noticing a pattern? Also notice who is sponsoring the carers act. I get reality , reality is the feds sure as fuck Dont want you to possess high THC flowers or grow it yourself. So they are going Step By Step to ensure we Dont wind up there.

the feds get no input on state laws passed & voted on. do you think they liked what Washington or Colorado did? or Alaska? if they had any damn say on state laws, it would STILL be illegal there. but it is NOT illegal there, is it? sort of shoots your entire argument in the ass...like i said, and will keep on saying every time you crawl out from under your rock, you aint gonna get everything you want the first time through. no one does....:tiphat:


rec in az

rec in az

Mpp was working with Safer Az to word a bill for 2016. All along they said they were for home grow. They recently changed their mind, saying it wouldn't pass with it. Safer Az has accused them of pandering to big money and called for a boycott of dispensarys that were against home grow. It's getting hashed out as we speak. I have heard there is a meeting tonight in Phx. to work on it. I WON'T vote for anything that doesn't include HG.


Well-known member
Yes, small steps may eventually takes us down a road that leads to Rome, but I also think there are some dangers with the way laws like the ones proposed in TN, NY, and FL are meant to address the issue of legalization.

The idea behind them is to attempt to get at the physically medicinal benefits of marijuana while excluding the recreational and (sometimes) mentally medicinal benefits.

If they pass this, they can, in a way, say "problem solved" and wash their hands clean of the issue. They'll likely say "we allow it to be used as medicine for those who need it, but we can't have a bunch of goddamn potheads running around getting our children high" etc., employing all the same old propaganda.

IMHO, they are doing this to relieve some of the public pressure. Even people who don't smoke (who, believe it or not, are in the majority) see the benefits of and need for medicinal cannabis use (whether or not they are for recreational) and this is a way of appeasing them. They are STILL spewing the same old "we don't want potheads/drug dealers/growers/kids getting high" bullshit that they've been spewing for decades. That is why they are so careful to try to appease the MMJ voters while still suppressing recreational use and home growing. By doing so they (and many constituents) get it over and done-with so to speak, and wash their hands of the issue and chalk it up as solved.

Then, when we say "we want to smoke it recreationally and grow our own" out comes the same old propaganda as well as the notion that the cannabis issue has already been addressed.

Don't ask me if I have a better idea, because I don't. Unless you count continued widespread civil disobedience through illegally smoking and consuming cannabis. Sucks, but I think that is much more likely to get us where we want to be sooner than anything else. Reducto ad absurdum: show them concretely just how ridiculous this shit is (through widespread and incessant imprisonment of good people) and eventually they'll cut the bullshit.


Active member
do we have any more cookies to hand out because this man deserves one. Thanks for paying attention.[/B]
Yes, small steps may eventually takes us down a road that leads to Rome, but I also think there are some dangers with the way laws like the ones proposed in TN, NY, and FL are meant to address the issue of legalization.

The idea behind them is to attempt to get at the physically medicinal benefits of marijuana while excluding the recreational and (sometimes) mentally medicinal benefits.

If they pass this, they can, in a way, say "problem solved" and wash their hands clean of the issue. They'll likely say "we allow it to be used as medicine for those who need it, but we can't have a bunch of goddamn potheads running around getting our children high" etc., employing all the same old propaganda.

IMHO, they are doing this to relieve some of the public pressure. Even people who don't smoke (who, believe it or not, are in the majority) see the benefits of and need for medicinal cannabis use (whether or not they are for recreational) and this is a way of appeasing them. They are STILL spewing the same old "we don't want potheads/drug dealers/growers/kids getting high" bullshit that they've been spewing for decades. That is why they are so careful to try to appease the MMJ voters while still suppressing recreational use and home growing. By doing so they (and many constituents) get it over and done-with so to speak, and wash their hands of the issue and chalk it up as solved.

Then, when we say "we want to smoke it recreationally and grow our own" out comes the same old propaganda as well as the notion that the cannabis issue has already been addressed.

Don't ask me if I have a better idea, because I don't. Unless you count continued widespread civil disobedience through illegally smoking and consuming cannabis. Sucks, but I think that is much more likely to get us where we want to be sooner than anything else. Reducto ad absurdum: show them concretely just how ridiculous this shit is (through widespread and incessant imprisonment of good people) and eventually they'll cut the bullshit.


Well-known member
I find it kind of funny when it’s touted that “they don’t want people getting high”…yet what is the purpose of people drinking alcohol? Kind of hypocritical don’t you think. I’m sure the alcohol lobby has a lot to do with it. And the pharmaceutical lobby.


Well-known member
I find it kind of funny when it’s touted that “they don’t want people getting high”…yet what is the purpose of people drinking alcohol? Kind of hypocritical don’t you think. I’m sure the alcohol lobby has a lot to do with it. And the pharmaceutical lobby.

That, and alcohol doesn't get people high, it gets people drunk.

I don't think anyone here requires elaboration on the difference between the two phenomena.

Baked Alaskan

I don't know the future but pot was illegal then medical and now years later and lots of "baby steps" its legal and decriminalized in a bunch of places. There is big big money behind rec pot now and the truths are coming to light so if it continues the way it has many more states should legalize or decrim.

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