This is an F2 that I made with a mother that produced a very, very large main cola with a blue-cheese smell and a relaxing/psychedelic high. The fathers were one Oaxaca leaning pheno with dark stems and long internode length and another with gangly Thai-looking growth and lavender-colored stems. There are others that did not get the same amount of care, they are there receiving pollen so that I can explore them later. One is even pure green which is not the norm with this line. My living situation has been legendary this last year so keeping moms has not been easy. I'm working forward with seeds for the time being. The males in the pic are pollinating TF13 F2, Durban x Thai, Ethiopian x Black Afghan Kush, Grape Ape, Blueberry (a good one), double-black, green mango thai and other Thais and probably some others to be honest. Ah yeah, pure Ethiopian as well. I have many f2s from the other phenos of TF13 as well so I do not want for fun genetics now
The offspring smells like elderberry syrup or liqueur. It's been flowering for about 5 weeks at this point.
The first photo is of a darker pheno with spear-shaped buds. That is TF13 x Purple-Thai. It has a nail-polish/lemon smell.
Hope I didn't photobomb too much, hope everyone is good >3
The offspring smells like elderberry syrup or liqueur. It's been flowering for about 5 weeks at this point.
The first photo is of a darker pheno with spear-shaped buds. That is TF13 x Purple-Thai. It has a nail-polish/lemon smell.
Hope I didn't photobomb too much, hope everyone is good >3
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