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Teerull strikes back!



It's been a while... but I'm back!

In the following thread you will see the following:
  • Dutch Passion Power Plant - 1 killer in bloom NOW!
  • KC Brains Northern Lights - vegging nicely (bonsai mom)
  • DNA Genetics - Anunnaki - 3 seedlings now!
  • BAGSEED - Skunk x Maui Waui - 3 seedlings now!
  • Sensi Skunk#1 - soon!
  • The Flying Dutchmen - Pineapple Punch - 1 killer in bloom!
  • Bubble Cloning - first three went in @ 27.07 - Working without problems!
  • Cloning using peat pucks - 1st batch of clones were taken @ 23.07 - horrible failure. Not going to try again
  • Plain water cloning - 1st batch went in @ 01.08 - none ever showed roots even after 25 days. Stems turned to mush and I chucked them...
  • And much more....

Growing areas:

6" deep (15cm)
15.6" wide (38cm)
17.2" high (43cm)

18W CFLs - 9W 2700K, 9W 6500K running @ 18/6

Intake: 80mm pc vent (a relatively weak one)
Exhaust: powerful 80mm pc vent.
Filtering: an activated carbon sheet - enough for 1 mother and a few clones.
temps @ around 24-25'C(77F)
RH @ ~60%

In the PC:
Bonsai mom - Northern Lights. I managed to save an incredible pheno. Hard, dense buds, bushy structure, nice indica stone.
3 clones put in @ 27.07.

0.6m deep (23.6")
0.4m wide (15.7")
1.75m high (68.9")
~2,55 sq foot.

112W of CFL - 40W 6500K, 72W 2700K running @ 12/12

intake - 1x 80mm pc fan for intake + 1x80mm hole as a passive intake for now.
exhaust - 1x120mm 220V fan running @ 19W. move A LOT of air.
filtering - none at the moment :noway:
temps @ 23'C(73.4F)
RH @ 50-60%

In the cab:

Northern Lights - was vegged for almost two months - she had to do a lot of revegging, lots of mutated growth etc. she got a nice haricut a few days ago and is now under 12/12. I plan on doing very little training - a bit of supercropping perhaps.

2 Dutch Passion Powerplants - planted in the soil @ 21.07 - soilbreak @ 25.07.
I also planted 2 of my last WW seeds but neither of them made it for some reason. The only 2 seeds that I haven't managed to get up and running :nono:
Will germinate some Skunk#1 next.

2 Chilli plants - a Bolivian Rainbow and a Starburst. You just got to love the colour of the Bolivian Rainbow

The peat puck cloning facility:

I think I left the clones a bit too big... lots of yellowing tops :no:
It's sitting under my bed so it doesn't get that much light...then again, not that much is needed. I had luck with this technique last time. Lets see if they pull through.

The cab is able to grow plants at least as nice as this one :

That's about it for now. Hope you enjoy the show! I will try to update AT LEAST weekly.
Constructive criticism needed, especially when it comes to cloning! be sure to tell me if you want close-ups of something or need to know anything in specific.

Thanks for stoppin' by!
Last edited:


Grow like nobody is watching
Cab looks great. Watch your temps closely because I heard those chilli plants get hot. Hehe, some grow humour there. Peace.


Nice one Teerull,

I'm doing something similar with bosai moms in a pc, did you reveg or a clone mom?

I followed your other threads and learnt alot and hope to learn more.:joint:





Thanks for stoppin' by Krull! Enjoy the ride! :joint:

Cab looks great. Watch your temps closely because I heard those chilli plants get hot. Hehe, some grow humour there. Peace.

Feeling the vibe man! Thanks for stoppin' by! Those chillis will boost the temperature for sure! They will even turn fire-engine red when they're ripe! :laughing:

rock on brotha man.:lurk::lurk:

Will do, Sir! Enjoy the show!

Nice one Teerull,

I'm doing something similar with bosai moms in a pc, did you reveg or a clone mom?

I followed your other threads and learnt alot and hope to learn more.:joint:

Thanks man! Bonsais in a pc is a superb idea imo! that's the reason I'm doing it obviously! the Bonsai is from a clone. She was the first one I managed to root, so she's quite special to me.
Enjoy the show! :smoke:


There's even an update already!

I couldn't help myself and peeped how they're doing in the wet towel after 13h. Things are looking good!

All 3 of the Pineapple punches have officially cracked! I'm letting them sit in their nice and warm and wet places for 6+ more hours and then will plant them in soil!

I know I said I was gonna go with the Skunk#1's first but then I decided that the TFDPP already has some skunk#1 genetics in it so I though the more exotic, the more fun I will have :yeahthats



Thanks for stoppin' by Freezerboy! As a matter of fact a carbon filter was on my list of things to do - more about that in the update coming shortly!

opiumo, enjoy the ride man!



ok, this is gonna be a long one, so you might just want to light that fattie :joint:

First of all - things aren't really going my way. the Pineapple punches haven't made it through the soil yet and it's now day 4 after they went there. That's a huge loss for me and I'm still wondering what the causes might have been... Probably they ran just a tad bit dry the other day... I'm not giving up yet though!

:fsu: nevertheless

Just to make sure I will get some Pineapple punches going I put 2 to germinate again today... straight into peat pucks this time. Hopefully I will have more luck with this technique. They are sittin' under the dome with some of the clones.

Talkin' about clones, there has been a few setbacks and a few improvements as well. I had to chuck 2 clones that were in the peat pucks because they were really sad and one was even turning brown from the tops. The other ones are still ok but the tops are getting more and more yellow as the days pass... What might be the cause of this? two that strike my mind are:

1) too large clones (read - too much leaf material and small growth)
2) too wet peat pucks. I squeezed a lot of water out of the ones that were still there, they feel much firmer now as well. Still moist but not too wet.

I also trimmed my bonsai back quite a bit because she was gettin' too big for the pc and got a few burnt leaves. That left me with another bunch of clones. 2 went into peat pucks (1 small and one kinda larger, the larger one with rooting hormone) and 2 went straight to soil (again, one with root hormone, the other without). I also chucked a few... no need for that many clones at this point (or lets put it like this: no new cloning facilities yet:rolleyes:)

This is what's happening under the dome and with the bonsai

Also, I'm trying out YET ANOTHER method of cloning - plain water cloning. The picture are quite self-explanatory. There are 9 clones together taken at 01.08 from the big NL that started 12/12 today(yep, today - more about that later)

And lastly the bubble cloner and the pc. This looks the most promising method of cloning thus far. I had semi-success with it last time. By semi I mean I used a combination of the bubbler with peat pucks. 2 weeks in the bubbler and then into peat pucks and roots were visible in 5 days :tongue: The thing that mattered was that they survived!

No roots after 6 days..I'm not expecting any that soon either to be honest! :wink:

And of course we're saving the best for the last - the cab!

The positive side first - NL is looking superb I think. She is REALLY bushy and was trimmed and supercropped a bit yesterday. She almost looks like she's being SCROG-d! without the screen ofcourse :laughing:

The Powerplants are doing ok. Nothing spectacular and not extremely well. The bigger one(lets call him DPPP#1) looks good but the smaller one(DPPP#2) has some weird twists and looks a bit off. You can check for yourself and decide:

Only time will tell how it'll go. From my experience(or luck) so far, the bad starters always ended up male...although I would like a male and some seeds this run... It is hard to get them in this hell-hole, I'm sure I mentioned that somewhere earlier...

and now to the negative side of things:1help::
(besides the 3TFDPP-s probably not making it and 2 clones chucked away)

I screwed up with the timer: the cab had 24h light for 4 days... now i've switched it to 12/12. talk about bad luck, eh...

I went ahead and built myself a carbon filter yesterday! All seemed well until.... The temperature was 31'C (87.8F) I decided to remove the filter for now(since nothing is flowering yet) and it dropped back to 26'C(78.8F) - the perfect temp imo. It did remove the "planty" smell in the room though, so that's good news!

After some brainstorming and a good few hours of reading about air flow and ventilation, I've got an idea... or at least sort of. Hear me out: Since my light fixture seems to be the problem - hot air won't leave the actual grow space as easily through the openings on the sides. The idea that struck me was that if I made 2 venting holes (80mm in diameter) just where the lights are and put 2 pc fans running at fairly slow speeds there, most of the hot air will be moved away from the growing area. (be sure to check the photoshop sketch i made) My exhaust vent is rated at ~90CFM (Sunon DP201A) so it should be powerful enough, right?

There is a downside to this plan though: The only "reflector" for the lights is the "wooden board" and by drilling 2x80mm holes I will lose quite a bit of light, right? that's never a good thing...

Also, getting the cab 100% light-proof seems to be a bigger mission than I thought - weather stripping doesn't seem to do the job 100% and the place where the hinges of the door are let through quite a bit. Will have to think a solution for that...

oh and just to make matters worse, I dropped my camera and the screen is now in iwillshowyouthislineonly-mode... ahh, I guess we all go through a period like this once a year or so. :wallbash:

Congratz on reaching the end - for those who made it!
All feedback is welcome and please do share solutions for the various problems I have experienced - especially when it comes to germinating and peat-puck cloning!



Well-known member
most of em look good to me. that NL is looking dammm great. I wish I could get my plants to look like that nl plant.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
get down with the get down... Grow on brother.. great start.. peace.



Grow like nobody is watching
I think the holes in top of the reflector would work (could work?). The only thing is, you would lose a lot of reflection. A different way to do it is have a fan or fans on the wall, below the reflector, with the fan/s angled up and blowing on the bulbs - blowing the hot air out into the overall exhaust current (you would still have to widen the gap between reflector and wall though, this way).

If you do decide on fans in the reflector, I would use white fans. I'd even be tempted to put a stonking big 120mm in the centre, but I haven't seen your bulb setup so that's only a suggestion. The very best option would be to not have any fans on your reflector and focus on getting the main exhaust flow strong enough to cool all that. Who knows, maybe just drilling a few holes above the bulbs will open things up enough without using fans...worth a shot before you bolt em in. You do have a great specs fan so I'd say yeah, just open it up a bit more, definitely looks like a bottleneck around the edge of the reflector. You can even measure the gaps and calculate the area if you wanna get fancy.

It's a-ok for cuttings to go yellow by the way. They don't get any food after all. Hope that helps man.


most of em look good to me. that NL is looking dammm great. I wish I could get my plants to look like that nl plant.


Thanks for stoppin' by cheese! The Northern lights actually had a rough childhood! She was quite a monster in the early days - all revegging and stuff. I think I can even find a picture. It had quite a long veg time for that reason and nearly all of the mutant growth was cut away. I can't even locate the main cola any more, since the stem just decided to split and then split again and now it's such a mess I haven't even bothered to count how many flowering branches I will get... Time will tell though!

get down with the get down... Grow on brother.. great start.. peace.


Thanks sack! The start could've been better though! I hope I can still post some nice pictures here... now that I can't use the screen and all... :wallbash:


I think the holes in top of the reflector would work (could work?). The only thing is, you would lose a lot of reflection. A different way to do it is have a fan or fans on the wall, below the reflector, with the fan/s angled up and blowing on the bulbs - blowing the hot air out into the overall exhaust current (you would still have to widen the gap between reflector and wall though, this way).

If you do decide on fans in the reflector, I would use white fans. I'd even be tempted to put a stonking big 120mm in the centre, but I haven't seen your bulb setup so that's only a suggestion. The very best option would be to not have any fans on your reflector and focus on getting the main exhaust flow strong enough to cool all that. Who knows, maybe just drilling a few holes above the bulbs will open things up enough without using fans...worth a shot before you bolt em in. You do have a great specs fan so I'd say yeah, just open it up a bit more, definitely looks like a bottleneck around the edge of the reflector. You can even measure the gaps and calculate the area if you wanna get fancy.

It's a-ok for cuttings to go yellow by the way. They don't get any food after all. Hope that helps man.

Thanks for the help and the ideas ScrubNinja! The peat puck clones are actually looking better now that they're not that wet from below any more! They haven't got any more yellow, that's for sure!

The small holes in the "reflector" is quite a promising idea. I think that's the way I'm going to operate first. I know you don't have a picture of the light fixture but I will try to get one just now. The bulbs aren't that close to each other so I think I can maybe drill holes where the gaps are between the bulbs and therefore lose as little reflection as possible. I know it's quite a bottleneck kind of situation but temperatures were never really an issue.. they even stayed as low as 21-22'C without the filter when the cab was semi empty. now it all hits back... not too hard thankfully!

One little update as well (and it's a good one!):
we have new life!!

1 of the Pineapple punches broke soil! I knew it wasn't time to give up yet! :woohoo:



Grow like nobody is watching
:woohoo: good on you.

The bulbs aren't that close to each other so I think I can maybe drill holes where the gaps are between the bulbs and therefore lose as little reflection as possible.

I'm only speaking theoretically here, as I will be performing a similar operation later this week on my reflector. But you would be best to dril the holes directly above the bulbs, as that is the light that would otherwise shine straight up and get reflected straight back into the bulb, so it's wasted light right from the word go. The areas between the bulbs are contributing to the reflection that actually hits the plants. Plus the heat is gonna rise directly from the bulb so it's better in that way.

If you wanna get nerdy, you can work out the area of one hole, and work out the area of the gap around the edges, and you would want the total area of all your holes + the gap to = twice your exhaust area (or more), just like your intakes. It can still work with less but I'm just giving you the simple guide to stress free venting. :smile: Best of luck!


ScrubNinja, thanks for all the help bro!

I did some more brainstorming this morning/yesterday evening and this is what I came up with: 2 holes per lamp. 1 at the ballast and one just a bit after the tip of the bulb. This way I think I'm able to save as much light as possible and still get rid of a lot of heat. The ballasts were supposed to give off the most heat, right?

I installed the filter back on and the temps have stayed between 27-28'C (80.6-82.4F) after a few hours with the lights on. It looks like I have managed to solve the temperature issue! Thanks again for all the input ScrubNinja! :smile:

Also a small update of the little ones:

They aren't really as dark green as I would want, but at least they're growing fine! I'm using different soil for the seedling phase for the DPPP-s, so that might be the reason for this. Also I'm a bit worried with the TFDPP...It has looked like that for 6+ hours now and just doesn't want to lift it's head towards the lights...well hopefully it'll grow into a nice strong plant one day! Time will tell :joint:

This seems to be it for now, I'll keep you posted!



Grow like nobody is watching
Awesome work, brother! :yes:

I just had a thought too. In my tent grow I used simple aluminium reflectors on each cfl. They would rule out most light even getting to the "roof", as well as improving on the reflection in general. They were just disposable BBQ plates or whatever you wanna call them, very cheap. Something to consider perhaps. Peace.



Awesome work, brother! :yes:

I just had a thought too. In my tent grow I used simple aluminium reflectors on each cfl. They would rule out most light even getting to the "roof", as well as improving on the reflection in general. They were just disposable BBQ plates or whatever you wanna call them, very cheap. Something to consider perhaps. Peace.
That is something to consider indeed! thanks for stoppin' by man!

:yes: nice cab teerull! and the budshot in the first pic looks really amazing!

good luck whit your grow bro! :yes:

Thanks for stoppin' by jonkanoo! I actually had my very first taste of that bud today...after a nice month long cure... I must admit, that shit is nice!

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