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TC2010/Prop 19 unlikely to pass (new poll results)


ICMag Donor
my Dr.s recommendation says that I can grow 50 plants. I am protected! So 19 is gonna invalidate my Dr.s recommendation? Nope. Just as the Kelly decision ensures all medical users the right to grow what they need....this is a 'necessary right' judgment.

If 19 passes...
215 stays..
sb420 stays..
including all judgments related to..
millions of people will be able to smoke cannabis responsibly without the fear of arrest...
It will no longer be a felony to grow cannabis.

and then the Federal Government will have to start developing a sensible drug policy not based of the failed efforts of prohibition.
We've heard from the bullshitters who try to derail prop 19. They claim it doesn't mention prop 215 plants limits, perhaps because 215 never had limits and the SB420 were shot down with Kelly. What is there written to protect of the prop 215 limits, nothing!

Here's the benefits of prop 19

* the smell of marijuana on your person is no longer probable cause to search you;
* that joint in your pocket means nothing;
* the seizure of stems, leaves, and seeds from your trash is irrelevant;
* a couple of baggies with weed residue in them are just garbage;
* the sight of that bong on your table visible through the kitchen window isn’t a “welcome” mat for a police search;
* your utility bills raising a bit for water and lights don’t matter;
* your neighbors smelling skunky plants is just a nuisance, not the source for an “anonymous tip”;
* receipts for lights, soil, fertilizer, ballasts, trimmers, and stuff are meaningless;
* infrared signatures of your home aren’t evidence of anything;
* marijuana sniffing K-9 units are out of a job; and
* pre-employment drug testing programs become harder for businesses to maintain for cannabis.