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Tattoos and pain



first i like the pain of tattoos...its a good pain....second alcohol thins your blood so you bleed more....third i like weed cuz i can space out...its more about the time it takes then the pain...specially if your getting a good tatoo...20-50 hours on a leg easy!


stone fool
And all this time I thought you HAD to be drunk to get a tattoo, I learned something new here, thanks. I find tats fascinating, but have never seen anything I wanted to have to look at forever.


My little pony.. my little pony
Imo if yer gonna get em do it early in life while the endorphin system is working well. I got one on my shoulder when I was 18 and by the time the outline was done I couldnt feel my arm from my elbow to my neck and it took about six hours before all the feeling came back. Hardly any pain at all thanks to the bodies own painkiller.. felt like massive amounts of localized novocaine.

Way different experience when I went to get it redone 20 years later. I kept waiting for my endorphins to kick in and waited and waited.. sorry, no deal. Felt it the whole way thru. As much as my increased threshold of pain was it didnt make up for zero endorphin production.
dayum verite...that makes me not so sure about going all natural this weekend. big show here this weekend...getting some 15 yr old tat jvst below my belt line. it hurt there like no other ...lol

hey jake...i actually get why your miffed...you did not advocate getting drunk and going to get plucked. 2 beers or a big glass of wine wouldnt get me drunk at least, but i cant speak for others.., i understand the feeling all to weel...just like talking to a wall? aye

im going to miss those andorfins...


After getting about 30 some tattoos, I can say you're better off, going in sober. Being stoned made it hurt worse, and yes, most of your better shops(who have a reputation to uphold) won't tattoo you if you reek like booze.Besides you need to experience the whole tattoo process with a clear head, that's part of the experience, don't worry your endorphins will be pumping so hard you'll be high enough as it is.
Jack Crevalle said:
SICK! Go for it, tattoos rock! I love 'em...
Cannabis is the worst for pain if used alone, however it can be great if used with other things! If you drink some alcohol (I don't condone abuse) it will numb the nerves alot and help 100 fold. Vicodin also help alot (if you have a perscription of course and don't mix too much ;) with alcohol;;)
. Don't get drunk or it will be overwhelming, just 2 beers or a big glass of wine and your good! Alcohol numbs the nerves and can make tattoos much more enjoyable. Also, tattoos near the outside ankle really hurt alot, get something like your back or arms or hip, whatever, but get used to the pain before you do outer ankles, they really hurt, peace

Alcohol thins the blood out and will fuck up your tattoo. So do not drink before hand. Weed is the only thing that i would recommend to have before a tattoo. If you want your tattoo to come out good then you should stay away from alcohol or drugs. Dont even have a heavy night before. Have something good to eat in the couple of hours before you go cos if ya dont then it could all go to your head make ya spin or even pass out. But then you dont know me so i dont expect ya to take my advise. Grin and bear it. It aint all that bad. More like gettin a bad sunburn for a while.

El Diablo

i got A LOT of hours in the chair and i dunno maybe i am a freak but i like the pain it's all part of getting the tattoo.

I used to work at a shop and have seen them turn away people for being drunk. give's them a bad image. they liked to keep it professional would always tell them to come back sober and 85% did.


Active member
I got my first one on saturday, and I would say and weed did chill me out initally, becasue I thought I was going to pass out from being so nervious. But once I got in the chair and he started, my buzz quickly faided. I was in the chair for 2 1/2 hours, and honestly, I have had WAY worse trips to the dentist :)
If you are seriously worried about the pain I would suggest maybe not getting a tatoo.. If you can't take the pain don't get the tatoo damn its not even that painful at all, just don't get any on your forehead or penis.
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Pfft Pain ? You got to be kidding me.. My whole left arm is tattoed. Without a single spot of skin. And i got two on my right...Never took anything for it. It doesnt hurt unless you hit bone..thats really uncomfortable :D

Noticed alot of No-no's here..

Do not do more than 3 hour sessions...no beer, wine or any alcohol..makes it really easy to get an infection..

Wanna feel pain ? Try branding...now that hurts :D

I think i have over 600 hours worth..lol...when i takes more than a year you stop counting.. :headbange
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You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
secretweapon333 said:
If you are seriously worried about the pain I would suggest maybe not getting a tatoo.. If you can't take the pain don't get the tatoo damn its not even that painful at all, just don't get any on your forehead or penis.

And whats wrong with a penis tat? :muahaha:


Oh dear God it burns!!! I didn't need to see that lol. :bashhead:

God Germans are weird they said this guy was german so....no offence to anyone that's german :p.
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my next sitting is coming up next week w/ my buddy/employer/teacher, im finishing up my left leg "sleeve"
then jumping onto the right.

that penis tatto is sick, looking into a branding on my collarbone soon


I don't know much about branding, is that literally like branding a cow? Because I spent enough time on my grandfathers farm to know that is nothing I'll ever be interested in. No disrespect intended.

I've also seen some 'art' where the design is literally cut into your skin...a bit too intense for me. None of my scar tissue can be classified as art, but they all have an interesting story to back them up.


eh scarification is another thing, but im looking into freeze branding using liquid nitrogen, its less painful but holds alot of the design after it heals


Shit. Never even heard of such a thing...I think I'll shut my mouth, apparently I know jack shit.

Either way, good luck with it. What kinda design are you gonna get?

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