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tasty red oil, canidates (photos) - cherry oil


Pakistani chitral kush is a good idea but i personally would use a alien tech momma cherry dom for the cherry terps my kaylas kush is straight cherry fire im running pck right niw too hope to find a red or pink myself

ok sounds good,

tell me more about your choice of material selection
and your reasoning behind it....very interesting

perhaps we have the very same goals here...
and can compare notes, as it were

currently im growing cherry bomb, which I fully intend to turn into an resin oil...
to see how it comes up in flavor, and the terpenes I can manage to capture in the extraction process...
(that's the material selection of it)

and im researching red honey oil recipes....
(some claim to give it a cherry taste)...not sure tho until I try it

at this point I believe the material selection to make your premium honey oil out of,
is just as important as the selected process to extract it....thereby, I coming at it from both angles

hopefully I will develop an old school cherry oil recipe

axle A. robot
thanks again...


Namekian resident/farmer
ok sounds good,

tell me more about your choice of material selection
and your reasoning behind it....very interesting

perhaps we have the very same goals here...
and can compare notes, as it were

currently im growing cherry bomb, which I fully intend to turn into an resin oil...
to see how it comes up in flavor, and the terpenes I can manage to capture in the extraction process...
(that's the material selection of it)

and im researching red honey oil recipes....
(some claim to give it a cherry taste)...not sure tho until I try it

at this point I believe the material selection to make your premium honey oil out of,
is just as important as the selected process to extract it....thereby, I coming at it from both angles

hopefully I will develop an old school cherry oil recipe

axle A. robot
thanks again...

Im praying to the universe i am blessed with a female and male out of what made it of the pack of pakistani chitral kush if i dont find the coloured specimen this round with them i wanna make atleast five to seven lines with a coloured (pink or red) calyx characteristic to pass to progeny with some qualities like an increase in resin production maybe an additional blend of other terpenes and a decent yield for an indoor grower that loves to make extracts as i do when i have the material. I always seen pics off of IG of people posting what looks like fruit gushers with the red or pink rosin low temp im assuming and i would like to have access to genetics that produce similar oils but more to my perceiced liking ;) if i make more PCK we should talk my brother as of now im anticipating time :)


Im praying to the universe i am blessed with a female and male out of what made it of the pack of pakistani chitral kush if i dont find the coloured specimen this round with them i wanna make atleast five to seven lines with a coloured (pink or red) calyx characteristic to pass to progeny with some qualities like an increase in resin production maybe an additional blend of other terpenes and a decent yield for an indoor grower that loves to make extracts as i do when i have the material. I always seen pics off of IG of people posting what looks like fruit gushers with the red or pink rosin low temp im assuming and i would like to have access to genetics that produce similar oils but more to my perceiced liking ;) if i make more PCK we should talk my brother as of now im anticipating time :)

sounds good, I don't know if I love to make extracts as much as I love to smoke good quality oil....

I find it has several advantages over pot (weed)...
its compact, get a lot of joints per gram, but most importantly its very discrete,
it DOESNT SMELL....OR STINK on you, right after you smoked it like weed does...
also it doesn't smell in your pocket like weed does...

tell me more about the pakistani chitral kush you got going...
where did you get the seed pack from ?
how many seeds did you start with ?
how many plants have you got of this strain on the go ?

with me and my cherry bomb experiment...
I got 15 seeds from swami (US)...
got shipped across the border im in Canada

now out of the 15 seeds I got, 9 that actually germinated,
out of that 9, 5 actually grew into a small plant, at first I had 5 plants....
after a month or so, 2 were male and had to be destroyed...
then down to 3 plants,

out of the 3 plants, 2 were definitely female,(has white hairs)
and one took a long time to show its sex....
and yup you guessed it, one day developed pods-so another male...

so I havnt discarded that last male as of yet, picked off all the pods, and I continue to grow it bigger...

I don't want males around my 2 surviving females for obvious reasons...
im indoor -medium sized 2 bedroom apartment in a small town..

but here is what I am doing tho...
I only have 1 grow area with 1 florescence dual tube grow lamp
I run a 18/6 vegetative time schedule at the moment for the females. (females are priority),
and the male gets swaped out for the 6 hr off cycle of the females...
ALSO I have decided to make clones of the male (another experiment, 1st time dry run)
to keep the male genetics running for a bit longer in case I can repurpose it to make seed with...
I have 5 little baby male clones going on

so recap, 2 beautiful females, 1 male (pre adult stage id say)
and 5 little baby clones -male

I want to clone the females soon, the male clones I did were of a dual purpose, 1-learn how to clone, 2-preserve male genetics

here is the thing, with limited space indoor at the moment
I think im doing pretty damn good, utilizing my grow lamp in off cycle of the females,
I just swap the plants out every night and morning....also those 15 seeds were $100,
and in reality I only got 2 females that may bear fruit (flowers)

so in a couple weeks, I will do female clones to keep that line going...and I will select my 2 best males and keep them going
eventually I think I want to mate them together to produce seeds for myself (future plan).....

all this, in search of a tasty oil resin, cherry flavored oil is my end game...

read my other thread "old school cherry oil"....that is a damn good read for you my friend,
sounds like we might be in pursuit of the same thing, there is even 2 different recipes in there,
tons of great info, suggestions of strains, good good stuff for you..

chat soon

axle A. robot

hash head

Chlorophyll turns red when exposed to light.. also Henna is sometimes added when hash is pressed in Afghanistan and Morocco


Well-known member
Recently made my first batch of red oil ever. Thinner it looks just like regular oil but slightly darker, however as soon as its put together and in a larger amount, its very red.
This is also the loudest bho i've ever made.

I didn't really do much different in processing it. Same as I have been doing for the last year; low and slow, as in not much over 90 degrees and never full vac. Almost opposite of making shatter. I remember hearing other members in the past talk about psychedelic red oils. This is definitely one of those, however its not racey at all, just pure sativa bliss.




Strain: Citron City; Flowered about 85 days.
Solvent: Butane/Propane, 78/22
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