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Well-known member
I've just planted some Taskenti seeds I made in 2012. I don't know if they are going to be OK, but I remember having them in the fridge. I made them from the different line Cannabiogen sold just that year, because they started to have problems with the regular stock and they had to retire it.

I remember that this line is much more natural. Of course, I'm going to cross both lines to improve genetic pool.



Well-known member
Pictures from the old Taskenti line

Pictures from the old Taskenti line

Pictures from this 2012 line:

They used to grow tall for an indica. Let's see if I get them going, 5 years appear to be much.



Well-known member
I got some seeds to sprout. Not many, just half a dozen. The best ones look like the one in that horrible picture. The others are still sprouting, so I don't know if they will do. Maybe there will be more sprouts in days to come, I planted the seeds just a week ago. I hope so.

Old 2012 Taskenti comes back to life to resurrect the old spirit of the Taskenti hashplants. :woohoo:


Well-known member

I could manage to get 4 or 5 healthy plants from the 2012 batch. Let's see what we get.


Well-known member
Suerte con esas taskenti Carraxe! Tuve en el pasado un bx1 de un corte de un antiguo clon de taskenti del 2002 Taskenti x Taskenti/Original haze muy bueno que aun se conserva por acá.Enviado por el español scrasfi,por lo que veo aún tiene el clon.Me contaba que el paso ese clon a cbg para revivir los últimos lotes que se vendieron.Por aquí estalle las últimas uzbekas de lmn que me quedaban haber si hay suerte.



Well-known member
Suerte con esas taskenti Carraxe! Tuve en el pasado un bx1 de un corte de un antiguo clon de taskenti del 2002 Taskenti x Taskenti/Original haze muy bueno que aun se conserva por acá.Enviado por el español scrasfi,por lo que veo aún tiene el clon.Me contaba que el paso ese clon a cbg para revivir los últimos lotes que se vendieron.Por aquí estalle las últimas uzbekas de lmn que me quedaban haber si hay suerte.


Realmente hicieron un retrocruce con Haze? me parece una barbaridad teniendo en cuenta que se supone que es una índica pura o casi... contaban que los retrocruces para hacer la variedad habían sido hacia uzbeka desde NLxTaskenti... pero cualquiera sabe. Espero que las mías no tengan Haze, yo no se lo noté.

Suerte con esas uzbekas!

Sorry for the Spanish. We are just talking about what they mixed to backcross their Taskenti.


Good luck with your uzbek plants! I'm now growing Senegal and Angola from lmn as well.


Well-known member
Jejeje quizá me "expresé"mal.Scrasfi el chico que hizo el cruce no tiene nada que ver con cbg,él sólo conserva un clon muy antiguo de taskenti y a gusto de él la cruzo con haze.El clon puro de taskenti fue el que le paso a cbg.



Well-known member
Jejeje quizá me "expresé"mal.Scrasfi el chico que hizo el cruce no tiene nada que ver con cbg,él sólo conserva un clon muy antiguo de taskenti y a gusto de él la cruzo con haze.El clon puro de taskenti fue el que le paso a cbg.


Ah! Ahora te entiendo. Yo también les mandé otro de una madre espectacular, y semillas de una repro. Lástima que no hayan mantenido la genética.



Active member
nice job to keep it going. i find it a really interesting line, thought only have experience with the fem version which was last to be released.


Well-known member
nice job to keep it going. i find it a really interesting line, thought only have experience with the fem version which was last to be released.

Thanks for visiting

I think that the strain was evolving every year, according to Kaiki's work system (afaik, he used not to have any mother plants, and he chose every year the parents of the next offspring). That's probably why they didn't keep the line. And that's why last generations are better but more endogamic.

Probably the feminised versions were very good as well, I don't have any experience. But having some males in the offspring allowed us to work with the line.

At the moment I have three different lines of the Taskenti strain CBG was selling. They come from different stages of the evolution of the strain, and all of them represent what a Taskenti should be. Tall, big, resinous hashplant. I plan to make a fucking ton of seeds crossing all three to get more vigor and selecting offspring. This weed deserves to keep going.



Well-known member
My Taskentis from different lines are growing. First ones are from the 2012 repro I made. I just got these 5. I'm going to cross all males with my selected Taskenti mom.

And these little fellas are from a 2005 S1. It is all I know from them. I guess somebody had a good cut in 2005 and decided to self it. All of them are going to be female, so I'm going to select the best females (if they are that good) and cross them with the males from my 2008 F2 and from my 2012 F2 as well.


PS: I've uploaded a smoke test of my selected cut
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Brand new oldschool
Very nice man... the 2005 plants are looking great, like little mint plants rather than Cannabis! lol. I'm so curious about those too.

La Buena Hierba

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I've taken all the plants out of the growing tent. I have some new pictures of the Taskenti lines.

Taskenti 2005 S1. I have a dozen of these.

Taskenti 2012 F2. I have just 5.

All of them look like they have to: thick branchy stinky indicas. Good shit will start when I switch them, but since pure indicas need some time to grow, they'll need probably more a month.



Well-known member
The lines I have already grown are a little different. Now in vegetative I don't find any differences, but I haven't been looking for them.

The differences I found when I grew them, years ago, were related with taste and smell. Always subtle, but a bit different. As far as I remember, they were very similar in structure and made big plants. I suspect the older versions were a little taller.
