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Talking about Growing, Smoking, and Collecting.


Thanks poprocks!
I'm sure my form is wrong on the pushups. My shoulders and arms probably aren't perfect, but they aren't the ones that girls do from their knees. Lol.
Mom is feeling better, she still sounds bad, but now her husband tested positive.
So far I'm feeling fine.

Hope all is well on your end.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
"So far I'm feeling fine."
thats good to hear my man and i hope you dont get teh covid too
lets keep rooting that your mom gets better and gam stays safe
i applaud your efforts to get into better shape
anything is better than nothing
just keep your back straight and put your thumbs roughly about at arm pit level, hand shoulder width apart and start pushing
i touch my chest to the floor and try to really PUSH on the up move but it soulds like you are doing fine my man
keep kicking ass brother


Keep it up! I suck at push-ups. Always have and always will. During my army days the worst part of PT was them f’ing push-ups. And with all the extra ones I had to do during basic training I should have had no issues.


Newest addition to my collection.
Mid 90s I think. It was part of a kit to make cannabis and hop beer at home, and came with these labels.


Also got Danny Danko to sign my copy of his book.
As far as I can remember, I now have Ed's, Danko's, Jack herer (I think, not sure) Bill Drake's, Todd McCormick's, Sam's autograph.
I still need Rob Clarke, Abel, Chris Bennet, Russo, Grinspoon, Dr mikuria, Cervantes, D Gold, Kyle kushman, and all the others I can't remember right this second


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that is sweet! did you ever try brewing your own with the kit?
/i hear hops and cannabis are closely related
how old is that edition of the "guide"
i have one myself and it dosent loos like that


I bought the bottle on eBay. When I went to Ncf, Jeremy plumb was speaking and he said that Hops and cannabis descend from the same parent plant, and evolved to modern plant after splitting. I think he even mentioned a mutation at a certain gene.

I dont drink. Hardly ever. Last time I drank, I drank medicinally. Lol. I had a stint put in my kidney with a string hanging out my boy parts for a whole week. And I had to go get it pulled out by hand while awake. I was terrified. Drank half a small bottle of vodka. I walked in, but wife had to help me stagger back out to the truck. Lol. But it did it's job!!

Danko's book is from 2018 I think. I love cannabis books! I have over 100 now. Many aren't grow books tho, just cannabis in general.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
wait what? they pulled stent out of your man parts while you were awake
did they sweet talk you any or at least give you some drugs?
i have never had a kidney stone but a fiend of mine who is a big strong guy had one and said it was one of the worse things that ever happened to him
i like books too and collect anything i can get my hands on
what other books besides grow books do you have and think are worth the read?
have you read thai stick, that book about the cali surfer connect to the fabled weed from back in the day?


No I haven't picked that up yet. .
I love the canna history books. Hashish by rob Clarke, marijuana the first 10000 years, I'll grab a pic tomorrow for ya
Oh Chris Bennet's books I can really nerd out on. I want his newest book libre 420


I can't get pictures to post. They will show the percentage like they are uploading, but when it gets 100 the picture doesn't show and it doesn't give me the option to push insert.

Well one pic out of ten showed


wait what? they pulled stent out of your man parts while you were awake
did they sweet talk you any or at least give you some drugs?
i have never had a kidney stone but a fiend of mine who is a big strong guy had one and said it was one of the worse things that ever happened to him
i like books too and collect anything i can get my hands on
what other books besides grow books do you have and think are worth the read?
have you read thai stick, that book about the cali surfer connect to the fabled weed from back in the day?
No drugs. They put me to sleep when they removed the kidney stones and placed the stint up my dick. I woke up with a String hanging out like a tampon string. A whole week of burning everytime you pee, or just moved wrong.
They said they just pull it out, and if I didn't want to pay the doctors appt fee I could get my wife to pull it out, or they've seen patients that pulled it out themselves. It was probably the most nervous I've ever been. Hurt like hell for about 5 seconds and then it was over. Looking back on it, the worse part was having it for a week, not the removal.
And let me say this. "Shrinkage" doesn't only happen when your cold. Lol. It was the tiniest lil wee wee you've ever seen for that whole week. 😂 😂


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that sounds like quite an ordeal and i hope things are all better
i have a friend who gets stones all the time, fkr wont drink water and lives off fast food and energy drinks

oh wow man, that is a cool collection of books
/i recognize the howard marks books
ive enver seen a lot of those titiles and have only heard of a few
/whats this international cannagraphic thing all about?
that is a sweet collection of books and a lot seemed geared towards the spiritual side of smoke
i love to read and enjoy collecting books
remember that book a childs garden of grass?!
i had an original copy but it was stolen from me by someone i lent it to but have since found another copy
here is a pic of things i like to collect, fossils
these were given to me a by a good friend who has folks who live in georgia and came back with a nice box full of stuff
some he wanted for himself to keep or sell, but he totally hooked us up
they live by a canal that was dredged out a long time ago but you can still find fossils in the mud after a good rain
the rectangular one you see in the lower right is a horse tooth from way back and the conical one is actually a whales tooth
the big triangular shards are from megalodon, and the intact shrks tooth is actually a pre historic mako sharks tooth
they are rad and i enjoy collecting old things

/farkin new system, cant post pics from album? i will get my sh squared away

hope you are having a great day my borhter!
Last edited:


that sounds like quite an ordeal and i hope things are all better
i have a friend who gets stones all the time, fkr wont drink water and lives off fast food and energy drinks

oh wow man, that is a cool collection of books
/i recognize the howard marks books
ive enver seen a lot of those titiles and have only heard of a few
/whats this international cannagraphic thing all about?
that is a sweet collection of books and a lot seemed geared towards the spiritual side of smoke
i love to read and enjoy collecting books
remember that book a childs garden of grass?!
i had an original copy but it was stolen from me by someone i lent it to but have since found another copy
here is a pic of things i like to collect, fossils
these were given to me a by a good friend who has folks who live in georgia and came back with a nice box full of stuff
some he wanted for himself to keep or sell, but he totally hooked us up
they live by a canal that was dredged out a long time ago but you can still find fossils in the mud after a good rain
the rectangular one you see in the lower right is a horse tooth from way back and the conical one is actually a whales tooth
the big triangular shards are from megalodon, and the intact shrks tooth is actually a pre historic mako sharks tooth
they are rad and i enjoy collecting old things

/farkin new system, cant post pics from album? i will get my sh squared away

hope you are having a great day my borhter!
International cannagraphic magazines were put out by ICMag years ago. I would love to send it to gypsy and some other members to get it signed.

Me and my wife collect fossils too! And native American artifacts. And rocks!
Where we live there aren't many fossils at all,but we drive about an hour and half to Westmoreland State Park to hunt fossils. We've found shark teeth, she'll fossils, rib bones from whales, and vertebrae from extinct porpoise. Haven't found meg tooth yet, but have seen people beside me pick one up. We also found a couple teeth from alligator or crocodile.
I'll try to get some pics of stuff for you today.


Potted up some seeds from paper towel today.
2 NY Diesel fems from ilgm
5 Freakshow F2s from eBay.ca
2 East Coast Big Bud fems from Useless
And I can't remember how many of the 4way Doghani. I think it was 4.
I put 5 of the gifted bagseeds that were found in paper towels but none popped, it was my second try. They werent stored properly so I doubt any will pop.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
holly crap dude, is that cannabis? i have never seen a plant that looks like that
/ive seen duck feet leafs before but nothing quite like that, what a beauty
how does it smoke and smell? what do the flowers look like
those are some nice looking bones and using your hand as scale, they came from a big animal
in the first pic of the sharks teeth you can see a circular bone, that was some vertabrae
the white conical thing is a croc tooth
i used to have jars of small sharks teeth i collected in fla, they have beaches there where you can sieve them out of the sand, but they are usually smaller
still super sweet and i love finding cool things and thinking how some animal lived a long time ago
i also like to collect minerals!
i ahve some nice stuff given to me by frined plus some cool stuff i find
those are my favs, the ones you find when out hiking or camping
i will hook up my phone and upload some of the pics
we went for a hike/ climb yesterday in one of the coastal canyons and im kind of smoked today
my thighs are sore and even my fingers hurt a little in a really good way
hope you are having a great day my man

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