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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

Talking about Growing, Smoking, and Collecting.


ICMag Donor
Pet CBD seems to be a big thing …


stay weird
ya fp my friends dog gets bad seizures been trying to tell him to try cbd out. kinda hard watching it seize out makes ya worry


stay weird
I put 5 of these seeds from my ink pen in a shot glass of h202.
could be anything...
I can't find out much about this writing pen. The only thing I could find was a newspaper article about a girl getting in trouble, because she had the pen at school.
the principal flipped and was going to get every seed tested.. tested for what?😂
In the article it says that the pen has "sterilized" written on the pen, but mine does not.
I guess I'm about to find out!

cool hopefully its some turbo. i got kickd outta school for slanging nugz they exiled my ass. alittle back me and friend found our old principle on fb and pm'd him to go fuck himself. his reply i see you two havnt changed much haha


My last boss was a square. But he was best boss I ever had. Anyways.. he's never smoked in his life. He started giving his 12 year old dog CBD and he said that for the last year and half of it's life the dog started running and playing with the other dogs again. He said it was a miracle for the dogs arthritis.
now if my square ass boss is praising cannabis, then it works. Lol.
He actually came over and got some CBD gummies for his mom last week before it snowed.
Another opportunity that popped up was a couple of people said their dogs liked the treats so much that they wanted to buy unmedicated treats too, so they didn't give pooch too much CBD.
We making cut backs in most areas of life. Got rid of DirecTV, and got Hulu and Netflix instead. Not too many splurges, and all the money left over from bills goes into supplies. Mostly packaging and labels.


what’s the background of the VBxLH? I know some about Vietnamese Black but not the Lieu Hahn….which was an immortal princess worshipped by the Vietnamese.


what’s the background of the VBxLH? I know some about Vietnamese Black but not the Lieu Hahn….which was an immortal princess worshipped by the Vietnamese.

I actually just recently learned that...here I was thinking it was the dude that shot fireballs and did the noisy flying bicycle kick from Mortal Kombat. 😂

Lh is Vietblack x Nevils Haze. So I guess technically it's a vb bx1? Not sure if the one crossed to nh was the same VB cut or a different one as the parent to this..
I'm not sure the background. They were sent to me by a member and he hasn't logged on for a few months.
I don't know if he made them or not.. I'm hoping he will come back online soon, I'm not sure if I should put his name out or not, so I won't until I hear from him.


Active member
I put 5 of these seeds from my ink pen in a shot glass of h202.
could be anything...
I can't find out much about this writing pen. The only thing I could find was a newspaper article about a girl getting in trouble, because she had the pen at school.
the principal flipped and was going to get every seed tested.. tested for what?😂
In the article it says that the pen has "sterilized" written on the pen, but mine does not.
I guess I'm about to find out!

This is wild, good luck homie



Check out this "survival key" multi tool.
hex head wrench, bit driver, bottle opener, multi tip screw driver, cutter, serrated edge, file, inch ruler, blah blah blah.
I just got it for the emergency pipe. 😂


Active member
Check out this "survival key" multi tool.
hex head wrench, bit driver, bottle opener, multi tip screw driver, cutter, serrated edge, file, inch ruler, blah blah blah.
I just got it for the emergency pipe. 😂

Every time I come in here you put a smile on my dial


I finally actually got pollen sacs to grow.
my timing was way off. I started sts sprays 5 days before flip, but PurpAl will sometimes bloom irregardless of light cycle if she feels her container is to small.
This was with double dose sts spray.
​​​​​​​Regular dose did nothing


Here is the female I got from popping three seeds of Northern Lights 5 from Todd McCormick.

It's more sativa nld leaves than I was expecting. Lots of stretch too.
I've never smelled this aroma before. It's still way early so it's hard to smell it without the green chlorophyll smell.
But what I can smell, I don't like it. 😂. And I love the more nasty rank funky offensive smells, but this smells like sour milk or some stanky cheese. Hopefully that will change.


We've been getting great reviews on the cannabis balm.
my wife's dog treats are the biggest seller for us right now.
I was researching the licenses and fees we would need to pay do this legally.
Then we'd have to send off a bag to a lab for an analysis,then must include the analysis on the bag.
We are just selling them under the table for now but, I guess we need to get the proper license if this really takes off.


I was gifted a new piece for my canna collection yesterday.
GanjaLand board game.
I'll try to get better pics


Putting seeds in paper towels today.
first up is LVTK Haze from JohnnyChicago
and then I decided to go through some seeds I found in my own plants (bagseeds not intentional breeding or crossing)
2 seeds found in Dreamin Dubble from Useless
2 seeds found in my fav critical Mass cut from Canuck And 2 seeds from an old volunteer plant 8 had a few years ago that I really loved and lost.