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Take a break, relax, and come have a smoke here in the Teachers Lounge


stoned teacher

Thanks for stopping by growbrass, uber, 16,sublime, and of course Coctail Frank

stoned, yes i definitely teach the older ones! It is important that the teachers have better weed than the kids.....

Frankie I'm prolly somewhere around 70 now but lights were off for 4 days straight (out of necessity) at one point.....The straw d. and the SSH get as much time as they want.....

The smell of the SSh is just the dankest dank weed smell that I've smelled since maybe an old late 80's early 90's skunk (haven't been growing for long and I haven't tried a lot like many on these forums.)..different from the old school skunk but that pronounced of a weed smell.....nobody around me gets weed like this Open the jar around people who smoke and everybody wants to check out whats in it....they're not disappointed either....defintely gets me real high .... Dopes me up doesn't dope me out and in the right company I've had real good laughy high times which is more rare nowadays....

Starting to think of the next round and Im thinking more Casey Jones (3 phenos at once), maybe a little green crack...not to get too distant into the future but I have some seeds on the way as well

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
your right teach, that ssh smells awesome.
very distinct
if all i had to smoke was rom ssh, i wouldnt be disappointed :confused:


Damn stoned I will be stoked if my blowfish looks half as good as urs.....super fire.....nice job

stoned teacher

Hey thanks for the bump...I'm still here chillin safe and tappin my toes. One thing I need to get quicker at is turnaround, but I have plans to change my growroom so I always got a little something something going....

I got a new grow flipped to 12/12 just a few days ago.... Two phenos of Casey Jones and some Green Crack. I'll put up a pic soon, and also I got an additional 600 to add for the winter so I'll start something else soon....maybe some more blowfish, or maybe it's time to break out the Nevelles haze Maple..... decisions decisions.....

stoned teacher

Let's Go Ravens!!!!!!

Hope everyones doing well....anyone catching the Dead?





GREEN CRACK @ 25 DAYS I always get this deficiency right into flower then overcome it and by the end all is well....



damn..looks like I got here just in time for the nice lil update!
how long will you take that casey to? some real tasty tasty there imo..


GREEN CRACK @ 25 DAYS I always get this deficiency right into flower then overcome it and by the end all is well....

ime a shot of epsom salts at a teaspoon per gallon will cure the deff, it could also be put down to a tad of light bleeching which can occur if plants are wanting and can confuse diagnosis....good all round fert cures most probs at this period ime at the roots or foilar

bests cmoon

stoned teacher

CMOON...you're pretty much spot on...I put in a little cal mag, a lil epsom, moved the lights up a little and upped the nutes as a whole and fixed it pretty quickly after the def. fully showed itself....

I'm getting it everytime I send plants into flower with coco and solve it..and everytime I say "not next time".....it still IS much better then when i started growing in soil and I'd burn em right off the bat.....

Hey Cellar thanks for coming by... I donno...Last time I know I left CJ 1 on pretty long and chopped ch4 about a week earlier.....somewhere around 72 and 65 days respectively....I'm just gonna let em go till I get a lil amber and mostly cloudy...whatever it is...

Thinking about starting to stagger a little and throwing a lil somethin somethin into flower now....Thinking maybe 2 Blowfishes and 2 Nevelle's Haze Maple's....
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stoned teacher

Green Crack getting close...Day 35...Prolly gonna chop in ten more days - 2 weeks tops....I'm just about in need of a harvest time....


stoned teacher

Right around day 41....stopped all N a few days ago on the Green Crack and gonna flush for a few...almost choppy time!


stoned teacher

And of course some Casey Jones to celebrate Spring Tour with!



damn teach..your plants are so heavy you need chains to hold em up!


Looking fresh up in here teacher.......casey and green cracky look dope...peace bro....

stoned teacher

It's chop n trim day for the green crack...+ some seriuos fuckuptedness......Coulda let it go longer but the teachers lounge was getting dry....most trichs are cloudy...not seeing any amber...

I hate trimming and don't waste much time doing it for pics or for others so you're looking mostly at fan leaves but there's some bud in there somewhere....

anyway Here's some chip pics!


