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Diary Swazi Rooibaard (landrace sativa) in coco under MH FC-E6500 led


pure dynamite
Yeah, mate! I totally get that, and I never wanted perfection when it comes to this, yet I do like to find out what I do/did wrong, so I can be better next time. I am also lucky that they are pretty resistant to the stress! So they seem to go well through the abuse!


pure dynamite
I, and i know others too, demand more pics :D

Peace :tiphat:
Ok, BooS, I will try to employ a sober photographer! Do you know one that can do good job around jars of Sour Cheese by any chance? Doesn't even need to be good pics, just to take some!!
Later.edit: No noobs!
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pure dynamite
Just to show they are recovering, another 20-25 cm grow/stretch session!


close-up, left side:

Close-up, right side:


Well-known member
I would mix up a nice strong feed, and dose them and see their response..swazi also is not fussy when it comes to food, but they also used to really appreciate being well fed, and ate it up...otherwise raise those lights up to the max and enjoy, hopefully the stretch doesnt carry on for too long LOL..


Well-known member
I got a feeling maybe they just went dry after having happy rootzone for a while, next time you feed, take a sample of runoff and test that verse what you feed at, PH and EC and that will tell you...maybe roots just got burned as EC spiked up if pots dried out and you were just seeing that response, a careful water in that case not overwatering and then once taking off, like as in now, feed her up..would be my advice..but try and look and feel ..im just guessing from across the ocean..


pure dynamite
I had the same feeling today, morning, what if they are really hungry? I measured all input and output today, I had:
In: ph 5.9 ec 1.465 mS
Out: ph 6.3 ec 1.435 mS
Runoff was never over 2, even when I fucked them up with the light and added waterings..
But yeah I looked and burned tips can mean more than one thing. Theycan mean deffs as well, in some cases. But I am a bit worried feeding more would make them worse.


Well-known member
you dont have a light meter, but I think those LEDS are foookin bright, mayb lift em as much as you can...the sub tropical sativas dont need such intense light as the modern hybrids maybe? Id give a days stronger feed and see response..


pure dynamite
They are very bright, but are kept at around 35-40% currently so 20 cm away seems good. I did burned them that one day when stoner me put it back on 100% after working on them, and left like that till nextday. They are recovering now, back half looks good on new leaves, front part not so much, which tells me the front part doesnt get enaugh fresh air or co2 so i have a bit of work on some more coolers inside the tent.
Problems, along with that light fuckup, were that I added waterings so ec started to raise and also not giving enaugh runoff since is summer they needed more (me = coco noob, so now I learned). I will soon raise both the EC and light power abit, but letting them recover more, first. The males started to show their flowers through the canopy. I am also giving them foliar feeds to help with recovery.


pure dynamite
Thank you, brother!
After the pollenisation happens, I will tidy them up abit and tie them down as best as I can while taking out males.
Speaking about males, I hunted down for males that were so small and dumb they remained under the canopy. Found just one such loser and killed it, since I got 3 nice ones that pulled through the canopy, even if all the males are coming from plants that were smaller/germed later. At this point I am not even sure if I been lucky or this is the beauty or evolution, all bigger and faster plants that covered the others turned out to be fems, then all the males were out of the smaller plants and sat under the fems shooting just 1-2 winner tops each to the top of the canopy. While some females have tens of tops up there! I don't know how it happened but for sure I am lovin' it! :joint:
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Well-known member

Not sure what the "ptg" sample is or from, but if from a pre modern (2010's) era swazi hybrid from the fields, then this will correlate with what I've been told by those a degree removed, is that late to mid 80's to 90's dutch skunk was introduced to the area and maybe thats why the swazi as we knew it was always a monster compared to its cousins from close but far geographical regions like mozambique, natal (durban) or transkei...? Pure speculation here..

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