Reminds me of spurr, he had strong science based methods.
Reminds me of spurr, he had strong science based methods.
Good Read and much appreciate the time and effort you took to help the community . I am changing my long time germination method based on your methodology. Weighing it takes out all the guess work. Its a slap forehead moment! Thanks brother.
I don't work or have any affiliation with any seed company's or test grow for any company's. I don't know any seed breeders or have any association of any kind, with any breeders. I get my seeds the same way most everybody else does (buy them). This thread is based on growing experience from the early 70s till now. Its almost over for me.
i sincerely hope its not nearly over for you
folks can learn a lot from threads like this(including me!)
excellent thread
as you so rightly said seeds aint cheap now
i've always used the tissue method for seeds and to be fair have lost a few
i'm going to use this method on my next grow
got one Q. when topping up water before sprout do you add directly over seed or to the side?
gotta give kudos to Creeperpark
3 days all seeds sprouted with no issues
no faffing about trying to be careful not to damage the tap roots moving them into pots from tissue
a lot easier and a lot more natural
Thanks Creeper for the knowledge. I just tried this method today. I feel like my soil compacted a bit more than desired with the initial wetting to weight them. Seems like the soil I used was hydroscopic so I really needed to drench it (slowly) to get it to initially hold the water. I also did this and wonder if you do as well? I made sure to put all the pointy ends of the seeds facing down, apparently that is where the tap root emerges so I imagine it gives the sprout a head start with orientation (although I know nature figures out which way is up regardless) Hope to see germination in 3-4 days and lights on after 48 hours per your tutorial. ✌
Thanks Creeper for the knowledge. I just tried this method today. I feel like my soil compacted a bit more than desired with the initial wetting to weight them. Seems like the soil I used was hydroscopic so I really needed to drench it (slowly) to get it to initially hold the water. I also did this and wonder if you do as well? I made sure to put all the pointy ends of the seeds facing down, apparently that is where the tap root emerges so I imagine it gives the sprout a head start with orientation (although I know nature figures out which way is up regardless) Hope to see germination in 3-4 days and lights on after 48 hours per your tutorial. ✌
So that part above from my earlier post (green) is incorrect. I guess I did the exact opposite of what is best practice. It is true that the tap root emerges from the pointy end of the seed, what I didn't realize is that it wants to send the tap root upward and curl down and in the process lifts the seed head out of the soil. So you are supposed to have the pointy end facing up.
See the illustration. From here: https://thecannabisstraindirectory....ow/plant-cannabis-seed-pointy-end-up-or-down/
Wow, sehrSchöner Bericht ...
aber ein wichtiger Punkt fehlt ...
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