cant wait to give your cure method a try! took a test branch of bud the other day to practice my dry skillz, LoL still need some work !! my problem is patience n constant checkin up on it, OCD ! Haha oh wellz ur stuff is coming along very nice good work bro!
flush is an exciting time. keep it up. and the curing method is top notch man i swear by it. have converted a few over to it all ready. no going back. happy for you man the first time is the hardest
Failure!! fukin 2 plants died out of nowhere. just dried the fuk up n died >.< shitty b/c they were the 2 biggest ones >.< !!! the other two shorter ones made it n gave me some grass clippin smelling airy buds >.< lame lame lame..... Fukin screwed now. gonna have to wait good minute till i can get the $$$$ to start up another try at it. FUKIN HOT HOT HOT ASS HEAT!! Desert Living Sucks a Big ONE sometimes
sirsmokealot- man i wish i can grow some dank like urs bro.thanks for helpin me out good lookin on the dry/cure. not so much grassy smellin after they hung a few days.
mashup- Bro I'm saving EVERY PENNY I CAN to match ur setup but at my scale ! lol you go to big for me bro lol but your results have shown that good money invested in a pre-built system is the way to go, for ones like me that want the GREAT RESULTS first time around lol
i'll be watchin your future grows closely sirsmokealot n mashup!! GROW SAFE BE SAFE!!
hey dude at least you got some buddage and learned a bit about summer growing here. it takes a lil ingenuity to produce well on a budget in the desert. if ya ever need any tips/info/opinions feel free to ask... about setups feeding shops products(have used many of all lol) ect.
i would like to see ya have a very successful harvest you enjoy! dont be discouraged there is a learning curve for almost everyone. even when you think you got it right shit happens to the best of us and its all about learning from each mistake or problem...
As others have said don't give up. It is really easy to make lots of nice plants in the desert. And around here it seems you might even make some good friends. I like 5gal buckets too