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Super Congo


Well-known member
Day 36 of 11/13 …. She’s got a little bit of clawing going on but nothing too bad so I’ll let her keep going and will reduce the nitrogen in the next reservoir






ACE Seeds Breeder
Excellent development after 36 of flowering @OZZ_ just slight excess of nitrogen, make a flush to lower down a bit nitrogen storage in the plant, rest of variables👌 ;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Well, unfortunately I have had a major mishap with the light timer. Must have accidentally pressed down some pins which caused additional 3.5 hours of light during night time. Did not notice it until severe revegging was apparant during week 7 after switch. Corrected it yesterday, but of course that put everything severely off track. I spare you the pictures, the tops don't even look like cannabis any more.

Sorry to hear about the timer @Common Sense hope they don't get totally spoiled!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Absolutely positive, uplifting and motivating smoke. I forgot how much I love this stuff and need to work another run of it into the schedule as I’m just about out of it.

So glad to hear that @Cactus Squatter 🥰 Happy to hear she has such beautiful sativa qualities, thanks!

Have a great start to the week, everyone! 🌞


Well-known member
She's a true African Beauty there @OZZ_

Thank you Maria!

Here she is at week 7. This is not turning out to be my best grow, her colas are getting very large and bulky. Very heavy. I was slow to get her staked and last weekend I opened the tent only to find her stem split right in half down the middle! It looks like the two largest branches were equally heavy on either side, and the pressure split the stem right down the middle.

I believe I caught it quickly though, and I used wire to put the stem back together and got her staked up. I haven’t noticed any drooping of any kind. In fact she took it like a champ and seems to just be shaking it right off. What a trooper! I was sure that was the end of her.

Also my nutrient mix took a little tweaking. I did get her the nitrogen reduced but it also apparently dropped calcium levels too low and she started showing some mild calcium deficiency. I was able to add back some calcium on my last res while still keeping nitrogen lowered, and PK higher at an overall EC of 1.8. She seems to be doing better on this and I’ll continue with this for another week and see how she responds. I expect nitrogen levels within the plant will continue to lower and the clawing should improve.

Since she is being grown in sutopots which is a bottom feeding system, I cannot flush her as all the salts accumulate in the top 1” or so of the medium. Flushing will only push all that buildup into the root zone which will not be good.

Instead I have to reduce nitrogen levels in the feed, and allow her to consume them slowly over time. In a week I suspect the clawing will improve




ACE Seeds Breeder
Glad she handled the breakage of the stem, filling out the colas like a champ :)
She is also enjoying the feeding a lot, with just slight excesses.


Well-known member
Glad she handled the breakage of the stem, filling out the colas like a champ :)
She is also enjoying the feeding a lot, with just slight excesses.

Yes she’s a hardy girl no doubt. I really thought I was going to have to start over after the stem break but she didn’t even blink 🤘🤘🤘

Common Sense

Well-known member
My Super Congo is going the long way after the accident with the timer. We are now at day 42 of the second 11/13 period (90 days since start of the first one). Everything in the picture is essentially new growth from the revegging period. Had to weave her into the scrog net, so it's mainly buds sticking up from the main branches which are sideways. SC42(90) (1 von 3).jpg SC42(90) (2 von 3).jpg SC42(90) (3 von 3).jpg
Can't really describe the aroma, may turn into something lemony, maybe spicy pepper. Not very pronounced, very much in contrast to the New Caledonia and the Zamaldelica behind her. This is in a small 60x60cm space.


Well-known member
My Super Congo is going the long way after the accident with the timer. We are now at day 42 of the second 11/13 period (90 days since start of the first one). Everything in the picture is essentially new growth from the revegging period. Had to weave her into the scrog net, so it's mainly buds sticking up from the main branches which are sideways. View attachment 19023508 View attachment 19023509 View attachment 19023510
Can't really describe the aroma, may turn into something lemony, maybe spicy pepper. Not very pronounced, very much in contrast to the New Caledonia and the Zamaldelica behind her. This is in a small 60x60cm space.

She looks beautiful dude! Best of luck with her!


Well-known member
My apologies for the lack of updates. I have been absolutely consumed with projects, work and family responsibilities….. so much so that today I tore down one tent and will just run my two big tents from here on out.

Anyway the super Congo clone turned out pretty decent even though I botched things left and right due to being so short on time.

Regardless this girl just kept on plugging along stacking larger and larger and foxtailing quite a bit.

Here are a few pics of a cola I took off of her. Yields were massive! Heavy dense fixtailing colas. This plant was no taller than 30” total and I got 6 main colas like this one plus a ton of bulky buds off the side shoots. Just a monster yield for such a small plant.

I ended up taking her at 12.5 weeks mainly due to my neglect, but I think she could have went 13-15 easily.

As a side note I popped my other pack of super Congo, I absolutely love this strain. So I have more six more seedlings to hunt through and compare! Also two GTPs have been popped 🤘🤘



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Common Sense

Well-known member
That looks absolutely stunning, @OZZ_
Mine got a little dried yesterday because of some unexplainable problem with the Blumats. I think I had some air in the system. Was easily fixed and besides some yellowing leafs no big problem


Well-known member
That looks absolutely stunning, @OZZ_
Mine got a little dried yesterday because of some unexplainable problem with the Blumats. I think I had some air in the system. Was easily fixed and besides some yellowing leafs no big problem

Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

Very excited to sample her since this time I let her go longer and mature a bit more. I think 13 weeks is probs my about right on this one

Common Sense

Well-known member
Cut down my Zamaldelica two days ago. The two remaining girls, New Caledonia and Super Congo have really switched on the afterburner during the hot day lately, trichomes ripening quickly and they are consuming very little water any more. Will harvest the New Caledonia tonight and the Super Congo probably on Sunday. I am a bit overwhelmed with chores at the moment, so that will be a quick cut and hanging of the whole plants. Not much time for pictures, but hope to get in a few.

Common Sense

Well-known member
The Super Congo is in the jar(s) and grove bags. Quite a yielder, from my perspective. Have not tried her, yet. The scent so far is still very green, not really something to write home about. The Zamaldelica and the New Caledonia are definitely outstinking her. SC is a bit more spicy, maybe I smell some lemon developing slowly. I will give her a few days before I sample her. Really curious, I have never had anything remotely related to her genetics.

Common Sense

Well-known member
SC in the jars for good 3 weeks now. Have been sampling it a few times and can absolutely see why you guys are so rave about it. It's only a first impression and I did not dive into higher doses, yet, but I already like her a lot. Great euphoric and stimulating high with a "double espresso" type effect developing after about 15 min. But not racy.

I have been alternating between her and the New Caledonia and the Zamaldelica. All three are extraordinary and it is (at the moment) impossible to pick a favorite. I am going to have a lot of fun working out the differences between these in the coming weeks and months. Then there is the Kali China, which is developing great as usual, but took a little longer in the jar to cure because of the excessive "green" I had forced on her. Things could be a lot worse...
From my first impressions, the Z has the most "colorful" and warm high. The NC the purest, all in the head, clean cerebral euphoric high ( I have never had a chance to try Oldtimer's Haze, but from the descriptions I assume it goes in the same direction). The SC has the most stimulating, sometimes arousing effect.


Well-known member
SC in the jars for good 3 weeks now. Have been sampling it a few times and can absolutely see why you guys are so rave about it. It's only a first impression and I did not dive into higher doses, yet, but I already like her a lot. Great euphoric and stimulating high with a "double espresso" type effect developing after about 15 min. But not racy.
View attachment 19050016
I have been alternating between her and the New Caledonia and the Zamaldelica. All three are extraordinary and it is (at the moment) impossible to pick a favorite. I am going to have a lot of fun working out the differences between these in the coming weeks and months. Then there is the Kali China, which is developing great as usual, but took a little longer in the jar to cure because of the excessive "green" I had forced on her. Things could be a lot worse...
From my first impressions, the Z has the most "colorful" and warm high. The NC the purest, all in the head, clean cerebral euphoric high ( I have never had a chance to try Oldtimer's Haze, but from the descriptions I assume it goes in the same direction). The SC has the most stimulating, sometimes arousing effect.

Nice write up dude…. How long did you let that one go for?

Common Sense

Well-known member
Nice write up dude…. How long did you let that one go for?
I can't really say, my friend. I harvested her 66 days after the final switch to 11/13. But I had the mishap with the timer. So it went like this:

21 days veg 18/6
24 days 11/13
24 days 11/13 with the dark phase interrupted by 3 1/2h of light in the middle of the night, plants revegging. That sucked big time for a number of reasons (grow extending into hot, humid summer, small tent getting to crowded, leafy buds, excessive mini branching etc.)
66 days 11/13 (took them forever to resume flowering)

So a total of 90 days with the correct 11/13 setting.
End product still very good it comes to effects. Bouquet is still developing, not very loud and more of the spicy, herbal type.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Pure Bliss!
Nothing better than a joint of Super Congo on a Saturday morning!
Such a great wake up smoke, super functional, super clear, super happy without making one overly chatty.

I’ve been smoking on the looser pheno and loving it. I can’t wait to see what the next batch comes out like.

I really hope we see a restock of these someday, it’s definitely a unique and great smoke!

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