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Suby Fights Cancer

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**AWD** Aficianado
I WILL beat this shit, failure is not an option.
My treatment are agressive but effective in my case and for my specific type of cancer and based on my general health at the point where I am in my treatment.
I have full confidence in my caretakers, the staff and dcotors of this hemo-oncology ward are amazing and they keep me ry well informed and at easy.
I have no pain at all since the pre-chemo shrunk my mass and I have been given prenizone which maks you eat like a horse, I get a second run of 5 chemo treatment on Friday and again every Friday until April 3rd, that called Induction Phase 1.

I spoke to a few nurses I trust and am friends with here about MJ and all agree itès better than taking diodine (sp) but so far no pain.I don't want to iinterfere with any treatments, I have been guided as to which of the doctors I will be dealing with are open to it's use during my stay, nausea doesnèt seem an issue at this point but if it does I will use a tincture madefrom Everclear and a good strain I am now growing. Some of my current doctors are researh oriented and open to it's use, a few drops sublingual from a small vial beside my bed won't cause a problem, some patients go outside to toke here.

I gues situationally I am a little sketched out, I use almost every day for 10 years, I take a 8 week break and BAM lymphoma...
So far no one says it was the weed, some say I am lucky to have stopped to clear my lungs and so that the symptoms where able to manifest before too much damage was done and I was too far into it, had I not stopped would I have stayed healthy...I don't feel that to be true in my case.
Iève been directed towards 2 doctors on the floor and 1 nurse will be probing within the staff too see who might give me themost OBJECTIVE answers as to how the herb can help my while I am here.

It's 7AM here and I am on day 7 of a minium 60 day treatment cycle, I have a long road but having this thread has helped.

Thanks again for all the links and books, I will look into those, I have watched the Rick Simpson videos or most of them, he advocates oil but I will stick to tinctures if and when I use MJ.

Suby, much love, hope and strength to you and yours. PMA goes along way and I know you possess mountains of it.
When it gets tough just remember we are all praying for you.
My personal prayers for you and your family.
You're a good man, Suby.

All my positive vibes and prayers with you. It's awesome that you're documenting your road to success. I can't wait to see you come out being healthier, wealthier, and wiser.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger

Just talked to my sis thought i'd pass this to you .Her doctor told her if she can find some pot(If he only knew) to use that it would help keep her appetite up and would help with rebuilding her immune sys. Hope this helps.

I'm writing this cuz in my STATE this is unheard of For a dr. to say find some smoke,SO the word is spreading about the benefits of cannabis.(thank god)

Peace my friend.
I N Hail n Wife ( I X Hail )


Active member
Hang tough Suby.

I gues situationally I am a little sketched out, I use almost every day for 10 years, I take a 8 week break and BAM lymphoma...
So far no one says it was the weed, some saanay I am lucky to have stopped to clear my lungs and so that the symptoms where able to manifest before too much damage was done and I was too far into it, had I not stopped would I have stayed healthy...I don't feel that to be true in my case.

So some of us could be masking damage by not stopping??? Is this what you feel was happening? Nobody has suggested that smoking has been involved or exacerbated this kind of cancer? Sorry for all the questions Suby, but it's really great you are able to talk with us about it freely.

Hang in there bud,
if there is anything any of us can do please let us know.
Hang in there, You are a Good Soul, you have done Quite a bit for me lately and I am sure you have been there for many other Member's here on this sie, you're Karma exceeds Good in my eyes man, and for that only I KNOW YOU WILL BEAT IT..... MY PRAYERS ARE FOR YOU SUBY, TAKE CARE AND EASY DOES IT FOR NOW.... BLESSINGS MY MAN.....

Doobie Nyce

upsetting the setup
ICMag Donor
Suby, sorry to hear your bad news bro!!!

If you ever are in need of some meds, shoot me a pm

good luck...peace!


**AWD** Aficianado
BBing I am not suggesting MJ caused my cancer, none of the docs even dared imply it.
It has been suggested my one or two peeps that the condition might have been keeping at bay because of my MJ use, just on the fringe of manifesting itself.
A 15cm mediastinal mass is more than even MJ can mask, LL is an aggressive cancer and genetics appear to play a part.
Out of 15 patients in this ward 5 come from a 20 minute radius from my home, there is an investigation being opened with the minister of environment as the hospital covers a 1-2 hour radius and statistically it's almost impossible to be a coincidence.
This whole thing stinks of weirdness.
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**AWD** Aficianado
GTG I am growing Grapefruit Skunk that JJ Scorpio gifted me, I am in love with the strain and will use it to make Green Dragon tincture.

I have friends acting as caretakers for my grow, gotta love the portable nature of a fridge :).
The batch will be ready April 11th ish and I won't be out much before beginning of May, if things get intense here I will have access to quality herb to make tincture from family members, outdoors for will do fine for a tincture.
I can keep it by my bed and dose myself on the low if I can't hold food down, after some research and re watching the Rick Simpson videos I think I have little to fear as I am used to the effects.
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Good for you Suby!

I'm sure the reply will help others.

I'll be reading this thread.



Hey Suby, man I am sorry to hear that... I hope you will be ok. Just keep the moral up and surround yourself with positivity and all should be good.



I'm here for you brother, please pm me if you need someone to talk to.


Eugene Oregon
Wishing the best for you Suby, your a great contributer to this site..
And most importantly a great person in general!

Sending you my positive vibes.. :friends:
When i first checked out this site, i lurked for a long time in the threads. The big part of the decision to participate was because people like you, always their willing to answer questions and give advice. That name and that little car, Always make me think of an Asian cartoon i could never remember or was just a figment of my imagination.

Treatingyourself.com, has great medical info concerning illnesses and Marijuana. I'm sure you have already been their but i will post the link anyway. I think They are also a sponsor of this site and the link can be found cycling above.


I can also highly recommend going to NPR and typing in Cancer. They continually have the foremost leading experts in interviews talking about all the latest treatments and breakthroughs. Here is just an example.


Here's a talk given at Ted this February, 2009 Ted is a organization, which gives the leading thinkers and experts a venue to speak.

This presentation below is one great one. The greatest discoveries are happening right now in medicine. This VIDEO is a must see if your into science ,medicine,politics. have 18 minutes and want to watch something informative and funny at the same time.


Here's a link that i would look at, too. it might not be what your looking for, but it never hurts to look.


I hope I was of help, And my positive thoughts and energy go out to you . Our little Hobby creates bridges that takes us to places and teaches us knowledge, which makes us better growers and people at the same time. I look forward to -you helping us all cross those bridges and share your knowledge for a long time to come.




**AWD** Aficianado
Another round of chemo today, headaches are a factor as is weight loss, I am eating like crazy and dropping 6 pounds over 5 days so I'm on a all you can eat diet lol.
I have given up with the whole MJ issue and the doctors, they skirt it or are against it so I've made up my own mind and am using pills I made.
Their concern is mushrooms, my immune system is being attacked and further lowered to combat the cancer, chemo kills the good and the bad together hoping the good takes over when the cancer is iradicated.
Further into my treatment I will be increasingly suceptible to infection and disease.
I feel that if I make a tincture which is alcohol based then I am safe as far infection, mold and mushroom spores go, between the alcohol and pre-cooking the weed as well as boiling it down I have a better chance of the guy preparing my food infecting me.
The pills could be contaminated but they won't last long and so far I am not immuno supresesed and my blood stats are holding.

Now is the time to see how MJ will interact with my meds and my gut says to medicate.

I hope I am making the right choice...

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Suby it's no crusade.

If it be of help then do it if not, you won't have me being down on ya.

The main thing is you get the best treatment you can.

Just to share a bit of news with ya, I just talked with my daughter who i haven't seen or talked to for 13 years.

I'm sending all THAT love your way as well.

Hey pinch a cute nurses ass for me.



**AWD** Aficianado
Nice JTG, I saw my baby girl today, I can't imagine 13 years not seing her.

Asses check, my oncologist is a hottie, plus I'm a charmer so nurses are always in my room nights when things slow down.
It's nice to have company.

I took some herb pills today and had chemo today, I feel fine, very light body buzz and no headache...we'll see.
I'm feeling I want to stick to the hospital rountine closely for now but having a buzz has been relaxing after 10 weeks.

I won't be updating every day, not because I can't I just refuse to BLOG my cancer online, it's depressing really ans so far so good, I don't want to bitch and moan but stay focused.

Keep those vibes coming, I use them all,

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