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Stumped ... can u identify my nightmare?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yerboyblu-yup bro im gonna start over from clone as a last resort ,moms will def be started over but i am hoping that my vegging 1 gaallon pots can be saved.while i was dunking them last night i turned a few over and took them out of the pots i couldnt see anything thru the scope.roots were nice and white and i didnt see any bugs at all...flower was another story all together...i did treat my whole veg are just in case too tho.
thanks for chiming in yo,cant get enough info.

d.f-yea brotha,this looks much different...i wish i was dealing with that i think hehehe.
peace F.A.M.

ozzie-yup bro i was reading that,also someone mentioned to top dress with diamaceous (sp?) earth,its like walking on glass to them,it pierces holes in their exoskeleton and pretty much kills them.it can also be added to ur soil mix as a preventative.
thanks again yo.peace-T-

round 1 was last night....washed all my pots in flower w safer soap,then drenched tk that are 40+ days out w imid....then sprayed them w a 50/50 iso h20 sollution.u shouldve seen them fuckers tryin to hop out of my drip trays where the water/imid was....was nice watching them suffer.
in veg i imid dunked all my 1 gallon pots to soak the root zone,even though i didnt see any bugs when i took the plants out of pots for inspection.then i sprayed them w a imid mix for foliar,then i did the same thing to the mamas so i can atleast get some clean cuts off of them to start new ones.i also sprayed the walls w the imid mix,and let it run all over the floor,good thing about basements is fuck the floor :D ...
tonight ill spend most of the night cleaning all the tools,hose,wand,stakes,pots and whatever else i decide i absolutely dont want to toss in the garbage.anything else thats just kind of there not being used in forever isnt a must have and is gonna get tossed.so much misc stuff builds up over the years...i dont want to toss and waste stuff but i also dont want to give it to anyone tht may need anything and give them pests as well that would be bad form...ill keep u guys posted.


Mix up pesticide uses as well. I have used Riptide, which is pyrethrum concentrate at 5ml per gallon as a dunk, no harm to the plants. Also used Kontos, which is another systemic pesticide, at 3ml per gallons as a dunk, no damage either, both of those products at the same time.
Just cause you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there, which you already know. I would personally toss the 1 gal veggers after cloning them, it sucks, but taking an extra month could mean a world of difference. If not, follow up the dunk with another dunk in a week with some different pesticides. Stay on top of them, better safe than sorry.


check out og biowar. no need for chemicals and might as well boost the plant at the same time

I believe the biowar has a lot of the same bacterias as gnatrol, botaniguard, and met 52, as well as nematodes. My experience with RA control using biological controls was disappointing. It would probably help keep the population down, but as far as getting rid of the suckers completely, very unlikely.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
after all ur posts and some extensive reading last night im convinced it IS root aphids.after reading the root aphid thread(,great thread btw tons of info)...i know thats what i have,when i was reading them dudes problems it was like they were talking about my grow,i couldnt have typed it any better.same symptoms same everything,down to the time it starts happpening,right after they get flipped to flower.
so today i will be ordering some nematodes.
i will use an imid product along with an azamax drench in veg,and in flower ill use the nematodes and a azamax drench...as from all i read and from experienced people in chat i think this is the best fastest plan of attack.
im gonna be scraping all my moms and start new ones in the ez cloner so no soil for them to go to,i just hope i dont have to scrap all the 1 gallon pots because that could set me back a few months and i cant be having that.too many people depend on me.

anyone know a good root stimulator i can use in flower?because from all i read i know my roots are getting eaten by these little bastards,so if i cant get the root system back healthy as well as my foliage my big beautiful girls will not be able to eat/drink like they need to,to get the best they can get.

yoiu can spot root aphids from a mile away they will be on everything pull out a ball if they are bad enough to show problems you should be seeing fliers and the tank beetles stuck to your roots on the sides....

i personally think its over fed... but i could be wrong....but if you want a safe product for root aphids grab the fungicide botanicare-es. or get the og bio war stuff as it has the fung that eats the root aphids and is also great for your roots...

STOP USING IMID... only on veg shit... 50-70 days is the safe gaurd i use on imid applications.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thankf for chimin in PTB....

i dont see any flyers,dont see any tanks,what i see are these little clear roundish things and these little off whitish longer bodied things.the whitish ones kind of hop.
i checked thru soil tonight and saw a few,not many though,but i know that dont mean much..was expecting to see more,thought id see a lot of dead ones but i guess my scope isnt good enough,its only x 8...i wont use the imid anymore,wasnt planning to,but sonce im only at day 24 i did,last night when i used it was day 23...og biowar is on my list for tomorrow,as well as the DE.

i hope ur right PTB and they are over fed,,and the pests are stil at a controllable level,that would be awesome.just the run before last and all before were going off without a hitch,so idk how fast they produce but hopefully the ganja gods will smile in my direction and i come out ok on this harvest,that way if i have to scrap all 1 gln veg it dont hurt so bad.gonna back off the nutes to a half dose for a few feedings and hit them with some root enhancer/stimulator//steroid :D
ill keep yall posted...thanks again for all the help and advice.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sorry for the double post but,would i ever see any on my leafs or is the damage on the leafs due to whats going on in the pots?

and also if this is somewhat to do w a over feeding what to remedy it?just h20 lightly for a few times or a complete flush?i really would rather not flush 12/12 since theyve been flushed once already,and they got drenched last night w h20 n imid..any ideas would be cool w me,....thanks


Well-known member
i was told i couldn't get rid of RA with neem oil...but it worked for me and as previously stated using neem cake has kept them away from my plants...i even use the very same soil they infested to this day....with 0 problems...

your use of imid will knock them for 6, it did for me when i first used it...but they came back....

i wouldn't flush again if it was me...now that imid is in the system keep it around as long as possible...and start to use preventatives...natural if possible...

DE may work but i have no experience with it...but i do with PURE neem oil


3rd-Eye Jedi
over time i have added the following amendments to my soil: DE, Crab shell, Neem meal

I choose them because above and beyond their nutrient benefit they have the added benefit of pest control, consider them multi purpose in this aspect.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
thankf for chimin in PTB....

i dont see any flyers,dont see any tanks,what i see are these little clear roundish things and these little off whitish longer bodied things.the whitish ones kind of hop.

These are springtails and totally harmless

i checked thru soil tonight and saw a few,not many though,but i know that dont mean much..was expecting to see more,thought id see a lot of dead ones but i guess my scope isnt good enough,its only x 8...i wont use the imid anymore,wasnt planning to,but sonce im only at day 24 i did,last night when i used it was day 23...og biowar is on my list for tomorrow,as well as the DE.

good idea if its RA that will get rid of them.

i hope ur right PTB and they are over fed,,and the pests are stil at a controllable level,that would be awesome.just the run before last and all before were going off without a hitch,so idk how fast they produce but hopefully the ganja gods will smile in my direction and i come out ok on this harvest,that way if i have to scrap all 1 gln veg it dont hurt so bad.gonna back off the nutes to a half dose for a few feedings and hit them with some root enhancer/stimulator//steroid :D
ill keep yall posted...thanks again for all the help and advice.

Any time bud im always here to help. Pm if you have any questions.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
sorry for the double post but,would i ever see any on my leafs or is the damage on the leafs due to whats going on in the pots?

and also if this is somewhat to do w a over feeding what to remedy it?just h20 lightly for a few times or a complete flush?i really would rather not flush 12/12 since theyve been flushed once already,and they got drenched last night w h20 n imid..any ideas would be cool w me,....thanks

If your soil is premixed and amended feed strait water if its not....

feed with 200ppm of base nute and try and feed till there is a decent run off and dont let the plant sit in the run off....