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Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife

Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 32 86.5%

  • Total voters

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

agreed with evreyone!
this actually proves that marijuana does a good job making people not interested in having more money or ending up in a "higher social class". most people i know who love and use ganja the right way, are gentle people, interested in other beings, nature, animals, and anything that can make you a better person.
if you have enough to live decently and have your plants you don't give a fuck making more money than you need, no interest in capitalistic bullshit such as prestige or social classes. and they call this bullshit a "study".

Ha, I couldn't agree more as this is how I see it.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
it kinda depends on the age of the tested . i'm older (50's) & my use of MJ has stopped me from getting better jobs in my younger days because of the drug testing at alot of companys . my lack of education didn't help much either & i blame that on weed too .
todays society is ALOT more lax on the use of MJ compared to when i was growing up !!!!

if i had my younger years to do over again , it would be totally different thats for sure . i would have quit weed untill i got a better education & a better career !!!

just being completely honest here !!! how many of you are ???

being totally honest. In fact all of the regular type jobs I had in life I did well at. I did get my bakers ticket at age 22 , a year after I met my regular habit with quality hashish at the beginning of the 90's. The very first time I smoked weed, they called it elephant weed and holy crap did I get messed up. it was June, 1987, it was a couple hours before my grade 12 English final exam. I was ripped and it was a totally new experience. Weeks later when we went in to get our final grades for graduation, my teacher called me in to his classroom. Man I thought I was done and looking at summer school to get my dogwood certification (grade 12). Turns out, lil old me, high as a kite on my first session of good marijuana, got the second highest mark in the entire province on the English 12 exam. TRUTH
at age 46 , I have the following credentials after 26 years of getting high , journeyman baker (IP certified), Journeyman Steel fabricator (IP certified), B welding ticket, Journeyman mechanical engineer. I also fit 2 years of night school studying entry level greenhouse/horticulture.

another bit of truth.... the wealthiest guy I know, and I mean real hard earned, self made wealth, is a guy I went to school with since grade 4. He is a multi millionaire at age 46 and he was the biggest stoner in our high school bar none. He still tokes/grows to this day and runs a company with a few hundred employees, and offices across the country.


Registered Non-Conformist
Take note: Heavy marijuana use

Did the study define heavy marijuana use?

Did the study contrast heavy alcohol use, or take into account other addictive behaviors in their study?

If you're getting fucked up everyday, then expect problems to come about. Duh. Plus, get another hobby. There's much more to life then getting fucked up everyday.

The concept is subjective, and in many peoples' cases, also based on an effective overall lifestyle. In addition, NZ can be super heavy against Cannabis.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"It honestly reads like a north korean propaganda piece to me"

I agree.
I've smoked "heavily" for 50 years.
Never bothered to get a high school diploma.
Ran a legitimate business, and retired to a lovely home on the Kona coast, Hawaii
without a mortgage, and debt free.
That study is clearly biased, crap-science.

Ironically, weed is not prohibited in North Korea. :D
(But I wouldn't want to live there) :)



The Mad Monk
Mental health.

That's what this study seemingly overlooks. I would guess many of the people involved in this study that were or are heavy users were likely self-medicating in the process. It stands to reason these individuals are less likely to obtain consistent employment, which could very well explain the lack of "prestigious" job positions, poor financial management and even anti-social behavior.

This study - which clearly has flaws regarding size, scope and subject - proves, if anything, correlation but not causation. Yet it seems to think it has discovered a cause for a host of midlife maladies that affect people from all walks of life, cannabis users or not. But let's ignore that. It's that damned evil weed's fault for all the worlds ills.

Ho hum.


Well, there go my plans for New Zealand nobility. Thanks a lot guys.


Well-known member
"the study should be how prohibition and the pressure of a prohibitionistic society negatively impacts peaceful humans that use cannabis." quote

-THIS - statement cuts directly to the core of the problem with the "war on drugs". the "war" is nothing more than an out & out economic attack on citizens with no less of an aim than picking the winners & losers in life by discriminating against those who disagree with you politically by any means available... i can think of (almost) no action more morally reprehensible than intentionally interfering with another persons private life because they don't think like you do. who the hell elected them to be God? :tiphat:


And let's look at the demographics shall we ? No doubt this study is no different than the one that claimed lowered IQ but when examined properly and academically - no such conclusions could be drawn as those in lower socioeconomic brackets who had less access to education were the ones smoking more cannabis.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't do as well in my job as a software engineer when I'm a heavy daily user. I still get by, and I still get the same salary. I just perform better doing complex things when I'm not high all the time.

I don't need a study to tell me this; it's just how it has worked for me personally for 20 years. These days I'm happy staying sober during the week and indulging on the weekends. Getting high feels more meaningful when you haven't been high all week.


Active member
ICMag Donor
They've done lots of studies on alcohol consumption. Heavy daily drinking leads to problems worse than the ones mentioned here. Heavy drinkers die in mid life, in a lot of cases.


Well-known member
If I remember correctly the reason for iq loss with marijuana smokers was due to smoking, which was the same in cigarette smokers and nothing to do with cannabis itself.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am far from a daily smoker, more like a 2 hit toker 2-3 times a week, however...

IMO, the reason for the midlife issues is due to the awakening that quality cannabis can provide. I know it helped me realize what a fucking BS rat race we live in. And since only the 1% have the money and instead of doing good things with it, they foment wars, and poison us with pharmaceuticals, chemtrails, bad water, GMO foods, poisonous weed killers...

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Causation vs. Correlation. What the study should be about is what the effects of prohibition have on people not the effects of marijuana smoking.
I have no doubt that these people probably did have harder times making it through life. However had they grown up where this plant was legal and they could do it freely without having to worry about being busted all the time, maybe things would have been different.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I know it really hurt Steve Jobs, Bill gates, Robert Branson, Bob Marley etc.

Ignoring Marley, I don't understand why cannabis users hold Jobs, Gates, etc, up as examples.

Do you really see a connection between someone who's smoked cannabis in the past intermittently and an 1/8 a day smoker?

My thoughts are in line with Limey. Anyone looking to get trashed 24/7 isn't likely to be that successful, whether alcohol, cannabis or any other drug.

New Zealand is bunkum for unbiased drug orientated studies. Might as well be coming from Singapore.

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