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Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife

Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 32 86.5%

  • Total voters


A study that followed children from birth to mid-life found that heavy marijuana users who smoked for years often fared worse as adults than their parents: Many ended up in jobs that paid less, required fewer skills and were less prestigious.
That wasn't so much the case for other people.
"The rest of the people in the study who were not regular and persistent cannabis users ended up in a higher social class than their parents," said Magdalena Cerda, lead investigator and associate professor at the University of California, Davis.


The study, published Wednesday in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, also found that marijuana users who smoked at least four times a week experienced more financial difficulties, such as problems with debt and food insecurity, than their parents. Their lives were fraught with more social problems, too.
"They experienced more anti-social behavior at work such as lying to get a job or stealing money and more relationship problems such as intimate partner violence or controlling behavior towards their partner," Cerda said.
Other studies have associated heavy and persistent marijuana use with problems in adulthood but haven't always ruled out other factors. This research tried to do that by tracking and comparing variables such as intelligence, family structure, gender, ethnicity, parental substance abuse, criminal convictions and anti-social behavior and depression in childhood.
In accounting for so many variables, researchers made the study's conclusions stronger, Cerda said, acknowledging that there may be unknown factors that they didn't track.
Dr. Colin Roberts, a pediatric neurologist at Oregon Health & Science University and a member of Oregon's Cannabis Research Task Force created to study medical marijuana, said the findings are worth considering.
"It's a good study," Roberts said. "They established an association that's pretty compelling."
The study's sample size, almost 950 people, also gives it heft, he said.
The study is based on four decades of data collected in New Zealand, where marijuana is illegal. Investigators have been following people born between 1972 and 1973 in Dunedin, the second largest city on the South Island. The participants in the study come from a range of socio-economic classes, from professionals to unskilled laborers, who had physical, psychological, social and financial assessments at birth and ages 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38.
Read More http://www.oregonlive.com/marijuana/index.ssf/2016/03/study_regular_long-term_mariju.html
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Active member
Fuck that study and it's chickenshit conclusions. I'm a retired CPA/ Healthcare executive who did not experience any of the negatives listed in the study. Cannabis helped me avoid excessive alcohol use and it is real medicine.

The Revolution

Active member
Agreed with all posters above. Too many variables regardless how many ppl were involved in the "study". When they're comparing who holds the most prestigious job in this generation vs last, did they take into account the economy of the last cpl decades, or the fact universities are becoming more expensive to attend every year. Maybe these subjects, who's parents were straight edge, didn't inspire or encourage their stoner children to work in a prestigious position. Or didn't support them in general. Perhaps these new Zealand stoners persued a career in something they actually enjoyed like art or music, and who's who to decide what careers are prestigious. What A crock of steamy shit. Ha
"Whats wrong with little billy? He doesnt seem to want to be a doctor even though we've pushed him in that direction his whole life and they have high suicide rates but not our little billy uh uh no sir!"

"It must be that god damn mara ja wanna..."
agreed with evreyone!
this actually proves that marijuana does a good job making people not interested in having more money or ending up in a "higher social class". most people i know who love and use ganja the right way, are gentle people, interested in other beings, nature, animals, and anything that can make you a better person.
if you have enough to live decently and have your plants you don't give a fuck making more money than you need, no interest in capitalistic bullshit such as prestige or social classes. and they call this bullshit a "study".
It honestly reads like a north korean propaganda piece to me
Like its so behind in the times you cant even laugh at it its just sad

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
wow, figures that study is from California. no offense to any Californians here but they sure do seem to like to make laws to protect people from themselves LOL

as far as how this regular toker (4 to 14 grams a day since I was 21..... I'm a steel fabricator/mechanical engineer/chief designer for a super busy company that designs, fabricates and installs industrial food processing equipment. I work when I want to, make my own hours, smoke all the weed I want and am doing just fine in my mid life LOL


Registered Non-Conformist
In the state I grew up, and in the country in general in many places, the 50's were a boom period. Older folks seem to not want to acknowledge this, and blame our generation as lazy, or perhaps smoked too much pot. Funny thing is that most of my friends' parents as well as my own smoked too.

The economy was different. Natural resources were less plundered, and thus cheaper.

And I, at the behest of local authorities, of course, have 100% more freedom in my personal life than they did. What's that worth....? Quite a bit, in my estimation. Now if only we could STAY free....


Active member
Take note: Heavy marijuana use

Did the study define heavy marijuana use?

Did the study contrast heavy alcohol use, or take into account other addictive behaviors in their study?

If you're getting fucked up everyday, then expect problems to come about. Duh. Plus, get another hobby. There's much more to life then getting fucked up everyday.


Well-known member
This cracked me up. "...and financial assessments at birth and ages 3, 5, 9..."

I had a piggy bank at 5, lol.


3rd-Eye Jedi
The study's sample size, almost 950 people, also gives it heft, he said.
The study is based on four decades of data collected in New Zealand, where marijuana is illegal. Investigators have been following people born between 1972 and 1973 in Dunedin, the second largest city on the South Island.

Almost 950 people, born within 2 years, from one city in NZ adds heft and represents the planets population.

Glad the integrity of science is there to guide us.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
it kinda depends on the age of the tested . i'm older (50's) & my use of MJ has stopped me from getting better jobs in my younger days because of the drug testing at alot of companys . my lack of education didn't help much either & i blame that on weed too .
todays society is ALOT more lax on the use of MJ compared to when i was growing up !!!!

if i had my younger years to do over again , it would be totally different thats for sure . i would have quit weed untill i got a better education & a better career !!!

just being completely honest here !!! how many of you are ???
I remember when my health teacher told us that smoking weed would give us man boobs because smoking it produced elevated estrogen levels. I remember when they said it cause irreversible brain damage.

I also remember when they said smoking seeded bud caused sterility.

nonsmokers "in a higher social class than their parents" ... so stupid! maybe smokers don't live by their social classes.

the study should be how prohibition and the pressure of a prohibitionistic society negatively impacts peaceful humans that use cannabis.

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