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Study finds THC Eliminates Morphine & Heroin Dependence



This info is not entirely new.In the beginning of the 20th century morphine addicts were already treated with Cannabis, but its good that we have now a backup with scientific proof.:woohoo:

Namaste :canabis:


Green Mujaheed
wowowow, keep cool people, there's absolutely NOTHING in this article about THC making the kicking of opiates a breeze, or even lessen the withdrawal symptoms, but it's rather about rats not developping opiate-dependent behaviour after being dosed with THC during their "teenage-hood". This is something totally different.

And honnestly, we all know what happened with plants' purified psychoactive compounds. Once (if ever) injectable THC hit the shelves, you can be sure there gonna be lots of abuse.

I do agree with you HErbalistic. FOr me, it rather made the syptoms worse to smoke while on withdrawal. But definitely, withdrawing comes from mental first. No will, no win.

Irie !


Remember!! These are all winned by strong mind & determined attitude, some ppl have it, some dont, that´s why treatments vary so much.. IMHE, determined mind is all you need to kick even years use, it´s all in the head :2cents:

Word. I got friends who quit cold turkey and friends who can't stop after having heart attacks and collapsed blood vessels. I still deal with the depression, no doubt. Opiates are evil as fuck.

And no, pot helped 100% of the time for me. I guess that's why I still really like heavy indicas that don't produce anxiety, nice mellow stones. If I had smoked some uppy ass diesel or haze on drawals it woulda been a different story.


I can say from personal experience as a caretaker that one of my patients is taking 1/3 the pain meds he was taking a year ago before he joined the OMMP and started getting his meds from me
Awesome story, this is the type of research that we all need to be sharing with as many people as possible. This is a miracle plant and needs to be vindicated!


New member
I seriously just posted this 20+ places. I love science daily for this very reason, unbiased reporting. The police did there best to fuck me & tried to tag me a 7year MMS knowing damn well im a recovering Heroin addict who was using cannabis to help stop urges & prevent relapses. Now im on probation thanks to two super lawyer & a lot of support but i cant smoke cannabis!! :'(

It disgusts me to know people are out there fucking humanity on a grand scale in the interest of profit & using weak justifications to trick themselves into believing they're any better/less corrupt then the "criminals" they get so much thrill going after.


wowowow, keep cool people, there's absolutely NOTHING in this article about THC making the kicking of opiates a breeze, or even lessen the withdrawal symptoms, but it's rather about rats not developping opiate-dependent behaviour after being dosed with THC during their "teenage-hood". This is something totally different.

So, you're saying basically, if they became a pothead first, than they had trouble getting addicted to narcotics?

danny karey

In my experience, pot did nothing to my withdrawl..........Ive been on Oxy's since they came out, before that, lots of morphine. Been on Methadon, Pot did nothing for my symptoms of withdrawl,I had to be hospitalized. They gave me valuum and that really helped alot.

In my opinion, Hash or oil would be alittle better than just weed for opiate WD, or maybe even eating some kinda canna butter or somthing like that.

I know alot of you guys have said pot helped with your withdrawl or geting off opiates, but during my with drawl, nothing really helped except Valuum.

Weed doesn't keep me away from Opiates, the withdrawl I went threw to get off opiates........Keeps me off the opiates.

Just my .02



New member
hey this worked for me, i would still be on heroin if i wouldnt have used marijuana during the peroid of time in which i stopped usuing opiates. i was able to eat, sleep, and most of all it made me feel postive throughout the experience. i ended up getting on a med called subutex a little later on but pot helps
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Active member
I think pot dont ease your opioid withdrawal,but if you take a lesser dose than usal of methadone and smoke a lot of hash or another concentrates,you stay equally fine.
with pot I have scaled my daily methadone dose with no all this pain,and for sure it help you in your mind.
I have explain this to my doctor at MMT and he agreed with me and let me smoke..
but if I smoke when I'm on WD it's for sure worst.

danny karey

Yeah, I can say from experience that this is BS, pot doesn't do anything against opiate withdrawl..........maybe a little bit, but not much. The methadone doctors don't tolerate Pot at all here, they used too, but people started asking for valium cause the pot didn't come close to eliviating the symptoms of Withdrawl.

If your comming off opiates get Valuim, pot does nothing, and anybody saying it does do somthing isn't really on alot of opiates than and doesn't really no what there talking about.

Im very serious, pot can make your withdrawl symptoms worse.

It's like were grasping at any little thing that will prove pot is useful in the medical community, when in fact it has yet to be proven.

Pot is pretty f'n far from a miracle drug, look at the evidence, it doesn't cure anything, it mite aleviate some symptoms but thats it.

I got buddies with med licenses here in Canada, but here it's very hard to get a license, it's not like Cali where ya can say ya got a headache and get a doctor to perscribe pot. all my buddies use it as a way to make money, none of them think it really helps with anything, and Im talking cronic pain, MS, and aids.

I think it should be legal, don't get me wrong, but to say it's a miracle drug is pretty f'n rediculous.



Yeah, I can say from experience that this is BS, pot doesn't do anything against opiate withdrawl..........maybe a little bit, but not much. The methadone doctors don't tolerate Pot at all here, they used too, but people started asking for valium cause the pot didn't come close to eliviating the symptoms of Withdrawl.

If your comming off opiates get Valuim, pot does nothing, and anybody saying it does do somthing isn't really on alot of opiates than and doesn't really no what there talking about.

Im very serious, pot can make your withdrawl symptoms worse.

It's like were grasping at any little thing that will prove pot is useful in the medical community, when in fact it has yet to be proven.

Pot is pretty f'n far from a miracle drug, look at the evidence, it doesn't cure anything, it mite aleviate some symptoms but thats it.

I got buddies with med licenses here in Canada, but here it's very hard to get a license, it's not like Cali where ya can say ya got a headache and get a doctor to perscribe pot. all my buddies use it as a way to make money, none of them think it really helps with anything, and Im talking cronic pain, MS, and aids.

I think it should be legal, don't get me wrong, but to say it's a miracle drug is pretty f'n rediculous.


you arent a dr,and all experiences are subjective including yours,I used to be achipper guy with the black tar back in my college days.I couldn't do a thing
on dope was just nauseated constantly,progressing in my use my last threshold was drinking a beer (keeping it down)while on dope.after that I had
a scare and stopped using,all the while smoking mj off and on.my friend suffered painful withdrawls,and I remember him looking at me amazed;"your not dope sick at all?""no" as I looked at my buddy who was sweating,an occasionly convulsing in pain. well I gave my friend 10 bucks to get himself better,but I always wondered why I never withdrew got sick or felt like my bud after stopping.
the cannabanoid neuropathway is well documented,it would be nice to table the self effacing conjecture that has no evidentiary substance when making a general statement that mj has no medicinal value.


i don't see in the title or article anything talking about withdrawal.

Opiate withdrawal is prince only to benzo and alcohol withdrawal.

NOTHING is taking you out of those 72 hours of physical horror....except a shitload of xanax.

however, from MY personal experience.

Weed is the ONLY thing i attribute to me quitting heroin. AND being able to STAY off of it.....

addicted since 16 addicted to teh needle by 17. thank you god, for making weed, to quit heroin....i smoke some opium anyday tho =)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
danny, you da man, but i have to respectfully disagree on this point: it may not have helped you, but it sure did help me. and i know what im talking about when it comes to withdrawal...it didnt get me off heroin, cocaine did that back in the late 80's,(thats right, i said it haha) but after 15 years of daily oral doses of a literal smorgasboard of pain killers(gotta love the V.A. its the answer to all problems), mixed w cortizone(wont give me anymore) nerve blockers(will only give me one per year now) i feel my mind and spirit are what got me to kick, but herb made the transition as close to bearable as possible...i also was, and am, on depakote as a mood stabilizer...may not have helped w withdrawals, but it kept me from beating the shit out of people on a daily basis for about 30 or 40 days!:joint:

Yeah, I can say from experience that this is BS, pot doesn't do anything against opiate withdrawl..........maybe a little bit, but not much. The methadone doctors don't tolerate Pot at all here, they used too, but people started asking for valium cause the pot didn't come close to eliviating the symptoms of Withdrawl.

If your comming off opiates get Valuim, pot does nothing, and anybody saying it does do somthing isn't really on alot of opiates than and doesn't really no what there talking about.

Im very serious, pot can make your withdrawl symptoms worse.

It's like were grasping at any little thing that will prove pot is useful in the medical community, when in fact it has yet to be proven.

Pot is pretty f'n far from a miracle drug, look at the evidence, it doesn't cure anything, it mite aleviate some symptoms but thats it.

I got buddies with med licenses here in Canada, but here it's very hard to get a license, it's not like Cali where ya can say ya got a headache and get a doctor to perscribe pot. all my buddies use it as a way to make money, none of them think it really helps with anything, and Im talking cronic pain, MS, and aids.

I think it should be legal, don't get me wrong, but to say it's a miracle drug is pretty f'n rediculous.


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