Let's remember that cannabis interferes with short-term memory.
We all know that from experience.
This may be the explanation why. So that is useful, but to jump to the conclusion that it causes disease is unsupportable, esp. by their methodology.
Yes, cannabis lowers blood pressure (one reason I use it). And yes, this could be similar to what happens when one smokes cigs, or does other drugs like blood pressure meds.
Expect many more bogus studies that are anti-cannabis as legalization takes hold.
I would like to see cannabis compared to alcohol and tobacco in every study done.
Then everyone would know what is the least harmful thing they could ingest.
This is also why cannabis is so beneficial for those with PTSD. It helps people forget past traumas, and not to focus or get obsessed by them.
Notice how it affects the right hemisphere of the brain more than the left. This is because memories must cross the left/right brain barrier to be stored permanently.
So yes, there may be memory loss associated with regular cannabis use, since short-term memories don't make it to the long term storage area (sorry, I forgot to save that file!)
But whether this kind of memory loss is a good thing or a bad thing depends upon your own situation and personal philosophy!
For anyone who enjoys "living in the moment", this is the perfect thing!
I've seen a study where people who can ONLY live in the moment, and can't remember anything, were found to be unable to transfer memories from one brain hemisphere to the other, usually do to a head injury.
Of course that would make a person less able to function, like an Alzheimer's patient.
So don't write off everything in this study. The lower blood flow to parts of the brain can help us understand the functioning of exo-cannabinoids, and help us discover new uses for it, rather than giving fodder to those who would reinstate prohibition!
We all know that from experience.
This may be the explanation why. So that is useful, but to jump to the conclusion that it causes disease is unsupportable, esp. by their methodology.
Yes, cannabis lowers blood pressure (one reason I use it). And yes, this could be similar to what happens when one smokes cigs, or does other drugs like blood pressure meds.
Expect many more bogus studies that are anti-cannabis as legalization takes hold.
I would like to see cannabis compared to alcohol and tobacco in every study done.
Then everyone would know what is the least harmful thing they could ingest.
This is also why cannabis is so beneficial for those with PTSD. It helps people forget past traumas, and not to focus or get obsessed by them.
Notice how it affects the right hemisphere of the brain more than the left. This is because memories must cross the left/right brain barrier to be stored permanently.
So yes, there may be memory loss associated with regular cannabis use, since short-term memories don't make it to the long term storage area (sorry, I forgot to save that file!)
But whether this kind of memory loss is a good thing or a bad thing depends upon your own situation and personal philosophy!
For anyone who enjoys "living in the moment", this is the perfect thing!
I've seen a study where people who can ONLY live in the moment, and can't remember anything, were found to be unable to transfer memories from one brain hemisphere to the other, usually do to a head injury.
Of course that would make a person less able to function, like an Alzheimer's patient.
So don't write off everything in this study. The lower blood flow to parts of the brain can help us understand the functioning of exo-cannabinoids, and help us discover new uses for it, rather than giving fodder to those who would reinstate prohibition!