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Student loans/federal aid situation. MI


Even a misdomeanor can exclude somebody rom getting federal aid.... But most of the time they won't check municipal courts and smaller charges. But it could bite you in the but later if they look into it. If you get a charge expunged its exactly that expunged, for financial aide sakes just don't admit to even being convicted of a crime. Not even a misdomeanor. It's there job to look into it. If charges get expunged i doubt he will have trouble in getting aide. I have a friend with a drug conviction in a municipal court and used a conditional discharge and has yet to have his charges expunged... He also gets full aid through FASFA.


http://fasfa.com/ <----- This is the federal aid website, if he is a senior he should be filling out this form anyway...... Remember, he also must sighn up for Selective Services to be elligeable. That means he has to sighn up for the Draft or no Federal Aid.


well, thats another thing hes wondering if he should have all this settled before he signs up as to avoid lying on the fasfa form and risk it being taken away


Thats a choice he is gonna have to make. Does he risk it in the hopes they won't find out or he can get the charges expunged?? Or does he play it safe and put school off until everything is settled?? Depending on his specific circomstances he ultimately has to decide... But it woudln't hurt to get a free consultation from a lawyer.... Rember CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. I can't stress that enough cuz..


well if anyone has any advice on which would be the path to go about this...please do chime in

should he wait till tis all settled or just try now and hope for the best?