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Strong cannabis causes one in four cases of psychosis: Users three times more likely


Well-known member
brought to us (as usual) by those integrity-challenged imbeciles at the Daily Fail... is it possible for someone to come up with tripe so bad that they won't print it? or are they the National Enquirer of Great Britain? ( "Elvis spotted in love nest with Liberace" ) :biggrin:


Invertebrata Inebriata
or are they the National Enquirer of Great Britain? ( "Elvis spotted in love nest with Liberace" ) :biggrin:

I believe you're referring to the Weekly World News, who has brought us such stories in the past as "Hitler Was A Woman", and "Dick Cheney Is A Robot".


New member

I cannot help notice the Irony of government figures here in the UK holding up Skunk as being the pinnacle of the harm they say Cannabis does, Considering they license GW-Pharma to grow strains you helped develop to improve peoples health. Chris Grayling was at it today when asked about this new round of "Skunk causes Psychosis" bullshit from over funded lab-coats. Weird times we live in brother!:joint:

If you compare the population rate of psychosis in England in the 50's, the pre-Cannabis era for most of the population, the rates are much the same as today with a huge number of the population as daily Cannabis users. Wonder why the rates today are not much higher if Cannabis was really the cause of psychosis? 25% is a big number.
I have no doubt that Cannabis can be the straw that brakes the camels back, but all these folks were predisposed to psychosis. Cannabis was not the cause, the folks were ready to be psychotic or were already.
It is like saying that beer is ok, wine maybe, but distilled sprits no way, even if mixed with OJ. Alcohol is alcohol be it a shot of rum, a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer. For example none is the direct cause of alcoholism, while drinking way to much, much to often of any of them is.
I wonder if they think that 25mg 50% THC resin (12.5mg pure THC)is more dangerous then a gram of 10% THC average weed? You get lots more more THC from the average weed....
Real twats that wrote the study, many scientists will try and prove anything for funding....


Well-known member
Right, so, they've done a survey of people with psychoses , and 25% said they had smoked weed.
Big fuckin deal .... I bet 90% had drunk coffee.... Yet no one blames the coffee. Must be the weed.


Well-known member
Is this daily mail shit again??
The one paper that you could not even wipe your arse with as more shit would be deposited than removed.
I posted this before, but have a look and see how many things the daily mail says cause cancer.
This is genuinely what they print.
Gutter press of the highest order.
A relative of mine works in the music business, and was managing some well known pop stars who were attending a party. The mail had done their write up about events at said party and sent it in for approval two clear days before it even happened.
Hooray for British press!


Active member
wankers personalitys

wankers personalitys

Associated with conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, some victims are so badly affected that they end up committing suicide or seriously harming others because they believe they are being ordered to do so by voices in their heads.

Title of article should read wanker personalitys outed by cannabis!
I agree with Mr Brunch. Terrible way to link medical issues with surveys. If there's so many kids on it they should do a real study double blind when they start young for at least 15 years. I bet they did all drink coffee, I've seen Starbucks cause psychosis...damn pumpkin spice lattes...


Well-known member
It's not helped by all the little wankers who get caught by police for stuff, and rather than be a grown up and admit responsibility for their actions say "it's not my fault, the weed made me do it" as they know when it comes to court the law will readily accept that and give the twats rehab as part of their lighter sentence.


Well-known member
thanks, jellyfish, for providing me with visual confirmation of one of my delusions... (with apologies to Duck Dynasty's uncle Si...:biggrin:)


If you compare the population rate of psychosis in England in the 50's, the pre-Cannabis era for most of the population, the rates are much the same as today with a huge number of the population as daily Cannabis users. Wonder why the rates today are not much higher if Cannabis was really the cause of psychosis? 25% is a big number.
I have no doubt that Cannabis can be the straw that brakes the camels back, but all these folks were predisposed to psychosis. Cannabis was not the cause, the folks were ready to be psychotic or were already.
It is like saying that beer is ok, wine maybe, but distilled sprits no way, even if mixed with OJ. Alcohol is alcohol be it a shot of rum, a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer. For example none is the direct cause of alcoholism, while drinking way to much, much to often of any of them is.
I wonder if they think that 25mg 50% THC resin (12.5mg pure THC)is more dangerous then a gram of 10% THC average weed? You get lots more more THC from the average weed....
Real twats that wrote the study, many scientists will try and prove anything for funding....

And while they attempt to demonize, CBD medicine is being shown very effective treating schizophrenia.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If you compare the population rate of psychosis in England in the 50's, the pre-Cannabis era for most of the population, the rates are much the same as today with a huge number of the population as daily Cannabis users. Wonder why the rates today are not much higher if Cannabis was really the cause of psychosis? 25% is a big number.
I have no doubt that Cannabis can be the straw that brakes the camels back, but all these folks were predisposed to psychosis. Cannabis was not the cause, the folks were ready to be psychotic or were already.
It is like saying that beer is ok, wine maybe, but distilled sprits no way, even if mixed with OJ. Alcohol is alcohol be it a shot of rum, a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer. For example none is the direct cause of alcoholism, while drinking way to much, much to often of any of them is.
I wonder if they think that 25mg 50% THC resin (12.5mg pure THC)is more dangerous then a gram of 10% THC average weed? You get lots more more THC from the average weed....
Real twats that wrote the study, many scientists will try and prove anything for funding....

IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT SAM!!!!!!:laughing:

This study was ripped to shreds in the comments at the Guardian yesterday. People were asked about their consumption, in area of London, given options of how often, but given the choice between super-mega-ninja-level-deadly-skunk, or camel-shit bar.
The hash I buy online has a fuckton more THC than any weed anyone is putting out there in this country.
Another problem is the fact that people are applying national claims to what is a very small sample, from a deprived inner city area which has much higher than typical levels of both mental health problems and drug problems.
Yet another problem with the study is that it includes synthetics such as "Spice" and the similar products that came out once spice was banned. as i understand it, many of these synthetics do not exist naturally in any plant on earth.

And now they've got a TV special where 3 old farts with no tolerance try "Skunk", with veteran broadcaster Jon Snow saying that it was more terrifying than being in a war zone.....It being getting stuffed into an MRI after getting a large dose of THC for the first time in your life...aw gee, I wonder why he went a bit wibbly, for fucks sake.


Even if it were true...SFW? The biggest risk factor for psychotic illness is a family history of psychotic illness. The actual risk for a healthy person with no family history is about one in a million.
Oh noes, now it's 3 in a million you say, aaaaahhh think of the childreeeeeeen.
3 times almost fuck all, is still almost fuck all.

To put it in perspective, smoking tobacco kills HALF the people who do it. One in a million VS one in two! I know death VS Psychosis is not a great comparison, I was just illustrating the tiny risk that Cannabis use would be even if this study were legit.


IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT SAM!!!!!!:laughing:

This study was ripped to shreds in the comments at the Guardian yesterday. People were asked about their consumption, in area of London, given options of how often, but given the choice between super-mega-ninja-level-deadly-skunk, or camel-shit bar.
The hash I buy online has a fuckton more THC than any weed anyone is putting out there in this country.
Another problem is the fact that people are applying national claims to what is a very small sample, from a deprived inner city area which has much higher than typical levels of both mental health problems and drug problems.
Yet another problem with the study is that it includes synthetics such as "Spice" and the similar products that came out once spice was banned. as i understand it, many of these synthetics do not exist naturally in any plant on earth.

And now they've got a TV special where 3 old farts with no tolerance try "Skunk", with veteran broadcaster Jon Snow saying that it was more terrifying than being in a war zone.....It being getting stuffed into an MRI after getting a large dose of THC for the first time in your life...aw gee, I wonder why he went a bit wibbly, for fucks sake.

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Even if it were true...SFW? The biggest risk factor for psychotic illness is a family history of psychotic illness. The actual risk for a healthy person with no family history is about one in a million.
Oh noes, now it's 3 in a million you say, aaaaahhh think of the childreeeeeeen.
3 times almost fuck all, is still almost fuck all.

To put it in perspective, smoking tobacco kills HALF the people who do it. One in a million VS one in two! I know death VS Psychosis is not a great comparison, I was just illustrating the tiny risk that Cannabis use would be even if this study were legit.

I'm glad you mentioned tobacco. The Government really are looking through the telescope backwards on this particular "cannabis and physcosis/schizo" link.

Let's look at tobacco use amongst people with schizophernia and other psychotic mental health disorders (I'm sure you'll be able to find the facts as theres even a wiki article regarding it) and we'll find that the rate of use amongst this group is something staggering like 80% - and its because they find it calms their symptons and once upon a time cigarette manufacturers even played on this to suggest that people with these illness NEED to smoke tobacco to calm them down.


The same applies to cannabis in some way, people with mental health orders are more likely to smoke cannabis as they are tobacco as its another plant that alters the minds perception in some way. I Imagine having schizophrenic or having a psychotic illness these mild mind altering substances could have a soothing effect, even if it means other symptoms may become exacerbated.



I think their is a study somewhere that says if you have a mental illness you have twice the chance of smoking cannabis

For example the general population has a 2% chance of smoking cannabis

While the general population of mentally ill people have a 4 % chance of smoking cannabis

The study Didn't conclude if smoking cannabis causes mental illness or if the mentally ill were Medicating with cannabis
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