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Strong cannabis causes one in four cases of psychosis: Users three times more likely


Active member
Here we go again. They can't make up their minds, and "Skunk" is the new demon. Tomorrow there will be a new headline.

"As many as a quarter of new cases of psychotic mental illness can be blamed on super-strength strains of cannabis, scientists will warn this week.

The potent form of the drug – known as ‘skunk’ – is so powerful that users are three times more likely to have a psychotic episode than those who have never tried it.

The study, leaked to The Mail on Sunday, will reignite debate around Britain’s drug laws – and will add weight to calls for a tougher stance towards those caught dealing or in possession of cannabis.

According to Crime Survey figures for England and Wales, more than a million youngsters aged 16 to 24 smoke cannabis.

Regular users are most at risk of a psychotic episode, prompting experts to warn that youngsters need to be aware of the dangers of skunk, which has been cultivated to be four times as strong as cannabis smoked by previous generations.

The researchers, led by a team at the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London, conclude there is an ‘urgent need… to inform young people about the risks of high-potency cannabis’, despite a worldwide trend towards relaxing drug laws.

They will reveal there is a key difference between potent skunk strains and ordinary ‘hash’. Those who used these ‘weaker’ forms did not seem to suffer the same increase in risks.

Psychosis is defined as a form of mental illness where people experience delusions, hallucinations, or both at the same time.

Associated with conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, some victims are so badly affected that they end up committing suicide or seriously harming others because they believe they are being ordered to do so by voices in their heads.

The findings will add substance to a 2012 report by the Schizophrenia Commission, which recommended the need for ‘warnings about the risks of cannabis’ to mental health.

That report was chaired by schizophrenia expert Professor Sir Robin Murray, who also played a key role in the new study.

It looked at cannabis use in two groups, each containing about 400 people, from 2005 to 2011. Those in the first group had all suffered ‘first-episode psychosis’ – a diagnosed first occurrence of the disorder.

The second group were volunteers who agreed to answer questions about themselves – including on cannabis use and mental health history.

Some had suffered psychosis, others not. They were not told the nature of the project. The academics found those in the first group were more likely to smoke cannabis daily – and to smoke skunk – than those in the second.

The researchers say: ‘Skunk use alone was responsible for 24 per cent of adults presenting with first-episode psychosis to the psychiatric services in South London.’

The latest research, to be published in The Lancet, concludes: ‘People who used cannabis or skunk every day were roughly three times more likely to have a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder than were those who never used cannabis.’

Michael Ellis, a Tory member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said: ‘This powerful new study illustrates that those in government and the police must be careful to send out the right message.

‘Cannabis isn’t a harmless drug: it can ruin lives.’


Video, too....


Well-known member
sounds like the usual trumped-up horseshit from the (losing) prohibitionists side. what next ? "OMG, they have new strains that are ALL female, and some of them "flower" AUTOMATICALLY! sound the alarm, Satan is at the gate!" :laughing:


No Jive Productions
"exacerbates" and "causes" are two different things. i think people who are already predisposed to these conditions are the ones displaying symptoms, whether they have used cannabis before their episodes or not.

i don't believe cannabis "induces" psychosis.

i have used the strongest forms of cannabis i could find since 1965 in massive amounts on an almost daily basis and have never had any episodes such as described.

some people shouldn't use cannabis just like some people shouldn't use alcohol.

i would suggest that if you are having trouble handling the "experience" you don't do it anymore.


3rd-Eye Jedi
please show me one case where cannabis caused any lasting psychosis

my guess is that no one can since its not possible

can certain sativa strains freak people the fuck out?

I have seen people flat out hallucinate and lose their shit on sativas and refuse to smoke again, but it was never a lasting effect.

We all know many people who stopped smoking because it made them anxious but how many stayed anxious after they stopped smoking?

Cannabis like psychedelics magnifies the lens of our perception (and our subconscious), and underlying mental illness can be uncovered by their use, and subsequently mental illness can be healed by the same vehicles.

What makes it capable of being poison to some yet medicine to others?


Yes I 100% agree with the uk government

Skunk cannabis at 20% thc is very dangerous !!!

I wonder if the uk government would agree with me that sativex at 51% thc is two and a half times more dangerous than street cannabis?

It's makes you wonder

How can anyone say 20% ( of any substance ) is dangerous

Whiles saying the same substance and 51 % (two and a half times more concentrated ) is safe and good for you


If you compare the population rate of psychosis in England in the 50's, the pre-Cannabis era for most of the population, the rates are much the same as today with a huge number of the population as daily Cannabis users. Wonder why the rates today are not much higher if Cannabis was really the cause of psychosis? 25% is a big number.
I have no doubt that Cannabis can be the straw that brakes the camels back, but all these folks were predisposed to psychosis. Cannabis was not the cause, the folks were ready to be psychotic or were already.
It is like saying that beer is ok, wine maybe, but distilled sprits no way, even if mixed with OJ. Alcohol is alcohol be it a shot of rum, a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer. For example none is the direct cause of alcoholism, while drinking way to much, much to often of any of them is.
I wonder if they think that 25mg 50% THC resin (12.5mg pure THC)is more dangerous then a gram of 10% THC average weed? You get lots more more THC from the average weed....
Real twats that wrote the study, many scientists will try and prove anything for funding....
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The potent form of the drug – known as ‘skunk’ – is so powerful that users are three times more likely to have a psychotic episode than those who have never tried it.

The researchers say: ‘Skunk use alone was responsible for 24 per cent of adults presenting with first-episode psychosis to the psychiatric services in South London.’

Sam do you no why the uk goverment hates your weed so much?
Like really "skunk" is like the devil over here

Every other news article (anti cannabis of course) uses skunk cannabis to prove how dangerous cannabis is?

Why have they singled out your strain

How do you feel about your creation being isolated as a harmful type of cannabis

I would assume you intended to make skunk for GOOD reasons but how do you feel about what the goverment thinks of your baby

(Let me make that a bit more clear I assume all the hard work you put into your line to stabilize it and to make it the best you possibly can thru hard work and effort and for then one goverment to single out your creation as bad when you have put some much work and effort into something must be disheartening, I assume like all cannabis growers you put your heart and soul into making it the best you can then for the media only to turn it into public enemy number one)
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Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I think that cannabis use can trigger an underlying disposition which may have remained hidden without that trigger. What would this be, one in every three thousand people? But do incipient schizophrenics tend to self medicate? Are these people more likely to take up smoking than others?

Note that this study came out of Kings College, London. Kings College specializes in this shit. Cannabis psychiatric studies are their bread and butter. It's a gravy train for them. Whenever there is a new report out of the UK, the first thing I look for is to see if it came from the Kings College Skunk-Psychiatrics Mill.


Invertebrata Inebriata
"According to Crime Survey figures for England and Wales, more than a million youngsters aged 16 to 24 smoke cannabis."
And that's just the one's who are dumb enough to admit it.


Active member
Psychiatry is like a new religion. As with old religions they don't want you to buy into any other belief systems. I just hope that science progresses, and doesn't try to hold on to old beliefs because they are "comforting" to the ignorant.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Psychiatry is like a new religion. As with old religions they don't want you to buy into any other belief systems. I just hope that science progresses, and doesn't try to hold on to old beliefs because they are "comforting" to the ignorant.

actually it is as scientific and scientifically advanced as plant breeding

the problem is people who exploit these schools of knowledge to obfuscate truth for the purpose of profit


Sam do you no why the uk goverment hates your weed so much?
Like really "skunk" is like the devil over here

Every other news article (anti cannabis of course) uses skunk cannabis to prove how dangerous cannabis is?

Why have they singled out your strain

How do you feel about your creation being isolated as a harmful type of cannabis

I would assume you intended to make skunk for GOOD reasons but how do you feel about what the goverment thinks of your baby

(Let me make that a bit more clear I assume all the hard work you put into your line to stabilize it and to make it the best you possibly can thru hard work and effort and for then one goverment to single out your creation as bad when you have put some much work and effort into something must be disheartening, I assume like all cannabis growers you put your heart and soul into making it the best you can then for the media only to turn it into public enemy number one)

are you a journalist?


Active member
actually it is as scientific and scientifically advanced as plant breeding

the problem is people who exploit these schools of knowledge to obfuscate truth for the purpose of profit

Is correct. The whole research, medical and pharma sections of Academia lost intelligent respect years ago churning out research to suit the tune of the Piper. How can anyone take the Pharma industry serious when Doctors are 'bribed' to prescribe prescriptions of drugs they know well are either useless or dangerous. This Kings College dept is indicative of the corrupt nature of Medicine and Big Pharma in particular. Shame on them.

Cool Moe

Active member
Notice that no actual journalist takes credit for writing this article--it just magically appeared out of nowhere, kind of like an imaginary skunk-induced psychotic episode.