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STOP BIG WEED before its too late!

I try not to say / believe things that arent true, you can ask him for yourself on other forums if you want, im out of the psyresearch loop nowadays--- here's a source for prickly pear containing trace mescaline https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opuntia_basilaris because all cactusses do...im repeating myself...trace amounts are not psychoactive. Its the cactus pest management program. Why do you think they produce more under stress? Like I said, I'm + if you look you will find data supporting this...this was the general consensus amongst the community last I checked... happy mescing...!
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Baked Alaskan

I've heard it talked about like the tomato model. Big producers with consistent average tasting uniform looking product, to artisan or heirloom producers with higher quality product, to home gardeners.

So it may happen this way, which would be fine. But it seems starting in a new marketplace is a bit expensive for smaller producers.


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No doubt that those here hold the quality. However I think that some way to begin copyrighting certain genetic material is obviously one legal means of controlling current heirloom varieties. Of course that would do nothing to stop the introduction of landrace genetics as well as their development.

The trouble now is that all of these pasted out too the max cuts are also not really able to be copyrighted as the original creator is in no way traceable atleast holds true in most cases.

Big Weed is going to start looking for the best commercial growers and geneticists they can buy off. Look for them to begin with exploiting current strains and try to copyright all of their work from day 1 to push the local farmer out the door. They will probably follow with new creations with landrace varieties as these varieties are better suited to massive outdoor growth compared to the indoor varieties.

If I was ACE or CBG seeds I would certainly find out if there is anyway for their productions to be copyrighted as soon as possible. This isnt something one would do under a single party, but more under a legal entity with a contact listed rather than the owner. Not certain if that holds true with dealing with patents and copyright but I believe it runs with the same laws regarding other issues.

This would effectively protect the work done by these current leading producers. Who knows what the future holds but it is most important to plan ahead and insure yourself against being knocked out of your own market should new corporate funded seed producers enter the market down the road. Which they seem to already be involved!



Cannabis will ALWAYS have an "underground", as long as the establishment puts any kind of rules or regulations on this plant; it's too intergrated into our culture to be "bought out", and it will always have people who protect it from the powers that be. This is also a good example of hoarding being a good thing, sometimes.

All should Boycott,

All the corporate Frankin-Pot!
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if it smells like fish
its going the way of tobacco....too late ...didn't Marlboro already start selling M packs for 89$...I once was gonna grow 5 acres of tobacco even had a tobacco planter..talked to local aggie guy and was shocked...not without paying the man$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4...fuck em I will always grow...yeehaw

paper thorn

Active member
As near as I can tell, most big MMJ growers, here in AZ, don't really want 'growers'. Not actual pot growers anyway.

Aside from 'friends and family,' potheads need not apply. Most ads I see for other places don't want growers either. Just some idiot with a horticulture degree. No cannabis experience necessary.

Seems like the peeps hiring want the same guys growing it and running the biz that are against it.

I know some small time tobacco growers back in Kentucky. They struggle. They don't make much money. People who actually do the work make crap. From what I've heard about the pay for most MJ jobs, same story.


New member
They can't keep up

They can't keep up

Through unity we will survive. Even if they do monopolize, they will not be able to keep up with the connoisseur, similar to wine.However the establishment and up-keep of vineyards to produce the finest wines takes decades and in France's case close to a century. We are blessed to have the freedom to grow our own and remain in the peace that we control our own future.


Well-known member
BIg weed will have its place, an quality small craft weed will have its place too. Thats the way most industry is.

One thing that really bothers me in new england, CT for example, all these past LEO's once slapped cuffs on your wrist, now there semi retired an running grow labs!! The state has no problem licensing them!! verse someone who wasnt leo. They see this on the initial applications when applying for licensing.

These corrupt people once chased you down for having it, now they are growing it.


Well-known member
Premium user
Yeah thats what I mean horticulture degree shmmmmeeeeee.

Some here have done so much research that they would technically qualify as a doctoral candidate at most universities horticulture or botany departments.

Lets keep the pot heads away they might smoke too much weed and fugg all them plants up like a lousy bunch of stoners!

Bring it on Big Weed we don't want none of that mess! Uncured fresh cut unmatured horse poop you all are selling to all the tourists and newbz smokers out there!!
I don't know people have been safely smoking weed outta sandwhich bags and rolling their own for 80 years now. People will realize that weed in stores is just fancy packaging that costs more because of taxes. For tobacco, the reason I think it doesn't have a underground market is because homegrown tobacco tastes like shit and is typically something you habitually use every 20 to 30 minutes because its addictive. So its very important its pleasurable to smoke. For alcohol, there is no underground market because making alcohol is dangerous and risky to drink, you could poison yourself or you could poison somebody by selling it then be responsible for a lot of trouble and have that on your conciousness.
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Well-known member
Premium user
I just don't like the idea of a bunch of dip shit know nothings with a bunch of money coming into a state like they tried in Ohio that was gonna make it a total monopoly and continue prohibition against we the people.

What I am saying is that there monetary leverage is very dangerous and it seems like there intent is to legalize production for themselves, big weed, and to continue prohibition for the home growers and hobbyists alike.

This is already evident in Washington state where legalization happened and prohibition against the growth of the plant continues. My friend came for a visit he is from seattle and told me they cannot grow. I was dumbfounded in utter disbelief. They limit home growers in most states too even for instances where it is for personal use. I do not condone the sale of mary jane to anyone really. I keep to myself mostly but know I am probably in the minority with that I suppose maybe not. Anything for home use ought to be allowed as our right to freedom and privacy is what our nation is supposed to be about.


if it smells like fish
I went to school for horticulture ....yeehaw,,, also automotive..got certs in both..small growers will always have a market if their gear is good and they aint paying taxes..as weeds is gonna get taxed to death like tobacco..expect taxes to rise over the years like tobacco did...the greed of them will keep us small guys afloat....
The craft brewing segment of the brewing industry pulled a record 19.3% in overall profit in 2014. That's about as much as we could hope will accrue to boutique canna producers once the national market gets established. All markets tend towards oligopolic control over time. At this point, the continued existence of small producers depends entirely on the regulatory requirements put in place at the state level (later, nationally).


New member
imnot mixed anything for years now not going to start now easy to keep strains apart ,dont need an armed guard around or overseer leave our strains alone

Hank Hemp

Active member
Anybody ever tried to get charred barrels for their home distilled whiskey? I can get all the cut in half barrels for planters for next to nothing but not whole uncut ones. Jim Beam and 4 roses are just down the road a peace. There's a cooperage just 2 miles away too. America go figure.


if it smells like fish
it was over before it even began...yeehaw...well I didn't register so they wont come to my house first...


if it smells like fish
Anybody ever tried to get charred barrels for their home distilled whiskey? I can get all the cut in half barrels for planters for next to nothing but not whole uncut ones. Jim Beam and 4 roses are just down the road a peace. There's a cooperage just 2 miles away too. America go figure.
I had chairs made out of them years back...once upon a time I had a source who made them into stuff...don't know what his source was but he had lots of em....yeehaw..I still have my worm for a mini still but the rest went on vacation I guess...my 5 gal setup I sold to a friend when I moved back here to city....prob get a 3 gal setup eventually....its for ethanol fuel I promise !!!!!! and no I wont be filling out the forms and informing uncle sam either...prob wouldn't be hard to make your own .. I have worked with wood and steel.. plenty of experience with both...prob have to steam or soak the wood and some kind of form....I would like some half sized ones ...hmmmmm..I am sure you can buy them as they aint illegal...I have never looked...I don't make that much ethanol


Well-known member
Premium user
Anybody ever tried to get charred barrels for their home distilled whiskey? I can get all the cut in half barrels for planters for next to nothing but not whole uncut ones. Jim Beam and 4 roses are just down the road a peace. There's a cooperage just 2 miles away too. America go figure.

I googled "whiskey barrels for sale" and there was no shortage available in sizes from 5 to 53 gallons. Shipping would be a bitch.

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