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Stoners and Animals

Some more shots

Some more shots

Princess number one.. I woke her from her slumber for this one


And here is princess number two... the chunky, dorky one


I've got this calendar that is called "Kitty Yoga" and for each month it's got a different cat doing a yoga move ha.. ridiculously hilarious..
Here's January "the full boat pose"..


-Old School
And some more pictures..

And some more pictures..

Here is the older one about two years ago..


And the younger one a little over a year ago...


And the both of them...


-Old School


Active member
Our cat pissed into 2 of my chernoybls pots last year and they both died as a result,I hadnt a clue what was going wrong the first time but the second time I rcognized the same symptoms and flushed the soil but the plant never came back around.luckily the dog only likes leaves and gets some when I defoliate,I also wonder is it for taste or to get high??


nice thread! Many great photos in here. I don't have access to almost all of my pictures but here are a few repeats



lives on planet 4:20
Lovely Pics everyone! Here's a few of my Stoner Pets.

First up is my Scottish Fold:

In the second picture he is talking to me - asking for food.

Second up is two of my many Chi-hua-hua's:

And last, but definitely not least, my Chinese Crested:

Look forward to seeing more pics from everyone, and want to say I couldn't imagine my life without my animals.
Snypette your photos are great. Kitty seems pretty interested in that bud... WATCH OUT haha, post them if you take more :biggrin:

southflorida I love your photos as well! The kitty is hilarious to me haha! Super round face! You've got a bunch of Chihuahuas eh? How many?

Mr.Awder Thanks for sharing the photos of your lovely pups. The markings on the second dog are super dope... :dance013:

Keep 'em comin

-Old School
Our cat pissed into 2 of my chernoybls pots last year and they both died as a result,I hadnt a clue what was going wrong the first time but the second time I rcognized the same symptoms and flushed the soil but the plant never came back around.luckily the dog only likes leaves and gets some when I defoliate,I also wonder is it for taste or to get high??

Such a pain in the ass.. I can't figure out what they like about it either. Cats LOVE catnip and that gives them a sort of a buzz, so maybe they do enjoy the feeling they get... Or I dunno haha :dunno:

-Old School
I love spoiling my princesses..

I love spoiling my princesses..

This is an older shot of the big sis


And here is a group shot


And here is big sister lounging in the sun earlier...



-Old School
My little brother..

My little brother..

So here are a couple shots of my little brother. He is SUCH a character. He is a pit mix and just likes to play! He's crazy as fuck!




And THIS is my step mom's cat


Love this haha

-Old School


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
One never knows what each day will bring with it...

One never knows what each day will bring with it...

Say hello to the newest member of the dawg pack...

Can you believe someone tossed him in a trash can behind a business .People suck....

The girlfriend was afraid I would say no....

Look at this face..
Could you say no to a face like that ?

I could not be happier to have him in the family...
He is HOME now....
All that's left now is what to name him....

Trash is a no go with the gf...lol
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lives on planet 4:20
Say hello to the newest member of the dawg pack...

Can you believe someone tossed him in a trash can behind a business .People suck....

true...some folks really suck, but then there are people like you that come along and save a nice fella like that :biggrin:

...and it is acts like that, with love as the main motivation (intention) to save and love another sentient being.

The girlfriend was afraid I would say no....
Look at this face..Could you say no to a face like that ?

...mine already pulled so many different ways of adapting pets into our home, that now we have six dogs and one cat...lol


I could not be happier to have him in the family...
He is HOME now....
All that's left now is what to name him....

call him J.J.

Trash is a no go with the gf...lol


...respect to you and your gf AD :tiphat:


Active member
Can you believe someone tossed him in a trash can behind a business .People suck....

Yes I can , there are 3 kinds of people in this world . Those that have a heart & love animals , those that just don`t care & those that should never have been born .
Yes I can , there are 3 kinds of people in this world . Those that have a heart & love animals , those that just don`t care & those that should never have been born .

I'm generally let down when I expect other people to care for animals like I do. So it's really encouraging to know that you guys/girls are out there doing good deeds.

Smokin' a bowl, this goes out to the animal lovers! :dance013:

-Old School


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Tell ya what...
I feel like a new dad. .lol
Lack of sleep and all... Had him nibble me up 3 times thru the night for Pee, eat, poop, play, sleep ... The GF only made it thru the 1st and slept the rest. Cha!!!...lol

Showed the GF this thread and she passes along much thanks and love for the positive vibes given... I'll 2nd that for sure...

Little dude says, sup yo, Ruff!!!...

I'll leave the rest of the photo's in his album for those that care so as to not flood this thread with new daddy photo's ..lol

He really should be in movie's tho. . So handsome :biggrin:

Have a great day, One and all and let's see who tugs your heart strings. .

Alien Dawg - tell little dude I said wooooooooof! So good to hear your experience with your new little buddy. Struggle with the lack of sleep, but so worth it! You have yet another companion!

When I first got my youngest cat she had to sleep in my room away from the older cat because I was sketched out that the little one would get hurt. So I would wake up to this tiny little kitten swiping at my feet or playing with my eyelashes (great..) Glad I got comfortable with them being together quickly and got to sleep in peace, haha!

No worries on flooding the thread. That's why it's here! Animal pictures!

-Old School