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stoner pet names?


We have a Shiva and a Gypsy (both terriers)
My Wife named them, I did not have anything to do with it :smokey:

P :smoke:


Well-known member
I just got a black rabbit.he's ok but I don't really know how to take care of it.I'm used to llamas and horses.I could really use some advice cause they were probably gonna just kill it.I was drunk and wasn't thinking.named him Dennis Hopper! Stupid I know.kinda bit off more than I can chew atm.would love some advice


Well-known member
For some reason that made me laugh. Llamas and horses and afraid of a little bunny, lol. Just ribbing. I don’t think rabbits are that hard to care for although I’ve never had one. I’ve rabbit sat for a couple of indoor rabbits and that was just a matter of taking care of the chores…checking bedding, food, water, etc. Outdoors there are probably lots of options depending on the situation.


Well-known member
Haha,got the horses and llamas at the farm.live in a small farm town with a pit mix.they get along ok bur the rabbit just hides.guess were gonna use kitty litter.goofy as hell,I know


Well-known member
What male rabbits like best is female rabbits. But being a single rabbit he'll have to learn by himself how to deal with llamas, his is a case of adapt or die. Feed him, that's the best help and let the days go, he'll keep getting wiser. Otherwise, call Elmer Budd. Or maybe General Kurtz.


I'm looking for a good cannabis related name for a cat.
Over the years I've had a bunch of drug related names for pets.
LSD - Sydney, Midnight Mojo, (fishes)
Cannabis - Phillie (fish), Smokey(cat), Tiva (cat), Kush (leopard gecko)

And a dog named Dizzy and frog that was named Buddy Weiser.

Others I can't seem to remember right now.

Right now we have a cat named 'Tiva. (Sativa) I was thinking Indy... Short for Indica. Or maybe Rudy for Ruderalis?

Give me some Canna names.


I'm looking for a good cannabis related name for a cat.
Over the years I've had a bunch of drug related names for pets.
LSD - Sydney, Midnight Mojo, (fishes)
Cannabis - Phillie (fish), Smokey(cat), Tiva (cat), Kush (leopard gecko)

And a dog named Dizzy and frog that was named Buddy Weiser.

Others I can't seem to remember right now.

Right now we have a cat named 'Tiva. (Sativa) I was thinking Indy... Short for Indica. Or maybe Rudy for Ruderalis?

Give me some Canna names.

We ended up naming it Indi(ca). He's a fucking handful.

St. Phatty

Active member

Retired Alpha Bird.

In her Old Age. She's about 3 years old.

She was the Alpha Bird of the Garden, even though she only weighs about 3/4 pound.

vs. a Rhode Island Red and a Golden Sex Link that are the normal size.

Now when Retired Alpha goes outside, the other hens are brutal. They jump on top of her like the rooster and rip off some feathers.

She also has 2 roosters to deal with. One of the roosters is mellow, the big Rasta Bantam. He protects her if I bring her outside for outdoor time.

However, the other Rooster, the Retired alpha's Son, tries to mate with her admirably persistently. He's like a Terminator, he never stops. But that sucks for Retired Alpha Bird.

So she is now indoors.


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I had always thought a pair of dogs named Indica and Sativa would be cool (but not practical around here)

Same here. Some good friends have two cats from the same litter named Indica and Sativa. I'd have picked the same (or Yin and Yang, since they're a mostly black girl and mostly white boy). Colorado makes the cannabis names doable, lol

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Our cats are, Stirfry (Origanally Stephen), The Germ (Origanally Graham), Wee Wee (origaally Bebe, 'cos of his black balls, but when he wee'd in the house, he became Wee Wee) and Martin,( she's a girl, but i wanted to call a cat Martin).