Howzit brother..?? I must say yer name should start with i can not ido.. Cos brother u can grow... great looking biatches.... I'll def bbl to peep some finished nugsz peace..
Sack thanks for the kind words man but they can grow themselves i just add water lol,,,peace
hey Snap glad you did stop by its been awhile since i posted,,,but going to update regularly from now on,,,peace
here are my Herijuana x Jack 33 plants they are very similiar in looks with one of the three being a lil lankier bu they all are definate resin producers going to have to invest in new scissors after each plant i trim,,, i lst'd and topped and tied up and got about 25 tops of the 3 plants,,,so they like the abuse, they will be harvested in the next week jst stay tuned,,peace