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Steamboat dog recovering after 'bad trip' from eating pot


Hawaiian Inebriatti
A perfect example of what I'm about to post.

Any good dog trainer will tell you that dogs are not people.
They don't fret about the future or worry about the past.

What most of us get from cannabis side effects is the ability, however brief, to live in the now.
Well that's where dog's live 24/7.
Lucky dogs!

When a dog gets dosed, and it is the first time.
The dog does not know how to feel about it.

Our dogs will look to us when confronted with the unknown.
If we freak out and look at them like they are about to die, that will scare the crap out of them.

Worst 4 words for building good dogs? "Oh you poor thing!"
Best way to ruin a dog, is to act like something's wrong and comfort them for it.

Hat's off to ya Mr. Creosote.
You are good doggie daddy.

What I'm sayin' is, if your dog eat's buttered buds, like my li'l bandit did.
It's best to be calm, and other than stepping over the dog-skinned rug for a day, treat it like nothing is wrong.

I don't know a whole lot, but I do know from dogs.:)



Active member
She prefers her hoots though....she puts her nose in my shirt and I blow the smoke down through the neckline....

No ill effects, and she has only eaten 3 people this year, so I consider it a win win.

my brothers cat does that same thing. she will actively seek out the smoker, sit on your lap staring at your face waiting for a hit to be wafted at her.. really, we just like open our mouths and let the smoke drift out. she extends her neck & starts wiffing it in, 2 seconds later shes licking at the air, then 2 seconds after that shes licking us non stop. lol


ICMag Donor
Sooooo....let's make the post about cannabis...

When the dog ate CHOCOLATE - ummmm....which IS toxic to dogs - so...hmmm...this was likely a two-fold reaction the poor pooch was having...

I had two smaller dogs - both around 15lbs. One of them a pure breed fancy pants - one a rescue dog. The fancy pants LOVED her some cannabis - so much so, I could NOT leave any lying around...she would eat it - every time. Not only would she eat it - but she would stash it around the house in various places - and even when I thought my personal supply was out - the dog, would be sitting on the floor, sleepy eyed, and rocking slowly side to side - just chilling and loving life...

The rescue on the other hand - would not come near it. She would smell it in a room and instantly leave and get away from it...and not come back out until the house had been aired out. She really didn't care for it at all...

HOWEVER - I never intentionally gave it to the fancy pants - she stole a full joint that had been rolled sitting on the table...I found her with paper stuck to her nose after I spent 15 minutes scratching my head trying to figure out what I did with it...hahahaha. One her birthday though, I'd give her about a gram - and she'd drool out the sides of her mouth while eating it while happily wagging.

I'd have been more concerned the dog ate a BROWNIE - ie CHOCOLATE - than I ever would be about the dog eating cannabis.

So, a test that is not really conclusive or accurate when used for dogs - is the basis for this thread - ROFLMAO. Yet, the fact the dog ate something KNOWN to be deadly to the animals, is ignored...

Thomas Paine - the PROPAGANDA machine takes aim, yet again.

But I will admit - unless the dog WANTS to eat cannabis - it shouldn't be tricked into it. And I certainly would never let anyone blow smoke in my dogs ears or nose or anything else - that'd be a fight. You shouldn't force any substance on any living creature - it's called morals.



Active member
my dog loved it but went too far

my dog loved it but went too far

He started eating bits of sativa leaf id steamed n dried in oven for grinding n extracting oil he,d steal bits that fell on the floor n wait for next batch
Then some how he found an 1/8th off morocan 00 that nailed him lol staggered in fell over nose to the water bowl licking at the water slept 12 hrs n crapped on the floor i was greeted by a sheepish grin next morning lol he knew what the score was.
next sunday new batch sativa leaf he,s back sitting waiting as per normal.I guess some dogs are more balanced than others just like owners.A


funny stories guys , i love dogs, my dog fucked with my stash once, she got wacked pretty good, then she told all the other dogs to stay away or ya get wacked, never ever had a problem leaving bud out after that. was alwasy on the coffee table when i woke up in the morning, right where i left it .and i had 5 huge fuckin dogs.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Had a cat once who loved gettinng a buzz.....But he couldn't tolerate the smoke in his nose...
So he'd let me blow the smoke in his ears on all those cat ear veins, he'd get high as a kite and just dig it..
He'd jump up on my lap everytime for an ear hit...
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Well-known member
last thanksgiving the dog I was dog sitting ate two cookies gauged to stone a 200 lb daily smoker. The dog was 40 lbs. She was blotto, staggering and shaking, so I brought her dog bed to her, helped her get in it and put a blanket on her. 12 hours later she was groggy but fine. Since there is no LD50 for weed I didn't think panicing and taking to the vet was a great idea.

Like taking a tripping friend to the ER is a bad idea, i think taking a tripping pup to one is equaly bad. just my opinion though.


Active member
An aside to all of this

We have the coolest Vet. Holistic treatments...not into over-vaccinating...has a great way with animals. Re "chocolate" she says it is false that chocolate is poison to ALL dogs. Like people react differently to different things (I can eat peanuts and mushrooms all day ut I know 2 people who get deathly ill from eating them) dogs are no different. While it's not a good idea to fill yer dog with chocolate...according too her, unless they are >allergic< to it to the point of reaction, it's no different than them eating anything else in moderation.


lol i gave my dogs chocolate , chicken bones , everything they say not to , dogs lived forever almost. i dont listen to a fuckin thing people say about dogs, they been around as long as humans and dog food hasnt been invented that long, may 60 70 years i guess. ive raised dogs my whole life , my dogs eat what i fuckin eat and then a little extra kibble.


Active member
Dog ate chocolate which can be toxic to them.
I imagine a week old flyblown dead raccoon I caught her munching on could be toxic too.

Good thing she's too dumb to know these things otherwise she could get herself in some trouble.

Maybe cow-dogs are the Chuck Norrises of the canine world.


Invertebrata Inebriata
It's udderly possible.


Natalie J. Puffington
Just for the record: it’s dark chocolate, in addition to raisins, grapes and onions…(which can cause renal damage and failure.)

My pups Bella and Jo, got into a bag of bud when they were 6 mos old.
That day they slept a lot later than usual; when I finally got up, I found the empty baggie on the floor, (this was in ’97, before I used jars religiously), and Jo walking like she had suction cups on her feet. They both would lean against me, or whatever else was near them; seemingly not having the strength or energy to hold up their own body weight…
It was kinda scary at the time, but a few hours later, after breakfast and a good nap, they both were back to being the best damn dogs there ever was!! They were amazing pups and I miss them horribly. *wipes away a tear*

As many others have said, what this dog in the O.P. went through, does not sound like cannabis.

EDIT: I should have added, that they never tried to get into my meds again, (of course I was also very careful about where and how I kept my meds after that.)
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Kiss My Ring
...raise your dogs tolerence!

my lab pisses herself after one roach. you can see the buzz in her eyes, she craves it.
i must be very judicial in letting her get off.

never pick the runt of the litter, they're always hungry.


Active member
my old jack russell got a few licks of some canna butter and spent the night tripping balls, poor little doggie had a 6 hour panic attack i think, he was a mess.


Active member
Apparently my little dog is strain specific; she managed to get all she wanted to eat of lemon haze x skunk today and passed out for about 5 hours, without getting sick...
I did too! Hooray for Lemon haze x skunk! jpt


$$ ALONE $$
my old jack russell got a few licks of some canna butter and spent the night tripping balls, poor little doggie had a 6 hour panic attack i think, he was a mess.

If your dog wigged out after a couple little licks....I wonder what this poor dog was going through after eating a whole brownie or whatever. It could have been a whole batch for all we know. LoL.

As marijuana consumers, we need to be carefull where we put those treats when there are pets around. I cant even leave an old wrapper on the table without pulling it out of my dogs mouth after she licks it and gets it stuck on her tongue. One year I dropped an 1/8th of killer potent mushrooms on the floor and didnt notice it. I left for an hour and came back and luckily she didnt touch it. If it was a Medical brownie, she would've been cooked.