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Steamboat dog recovering after 'bad trip' from eating pot

Thomas Paine

Steamboat dog recovering after 'bad trip' from eating pot

Steamboat Springs — It has been more than a week since Hailey ingested suspected marijuana, and she still has not returned to being her old self.

Before Nov. 25, the black border collie mix would greet her owner at the door and sleep next to her in bed. Hailey loved to go on walks and was full of energy. On Wednesday, she lacked any interest in her Milk-Bone, she was skittish and she would not come on command and preferred to be in the garage.

“It’s like all the world is a threat to her now,” said David DelliQuadri, who was walking Hailey through Stehley Park in downtown Steamboat Springs when the dog ate something that a veterinarian later determined most likely was laced with marijuana.

The extended side effects Hailey is experiencing after getting really stoned are not typical, but dogs ingesting marijuana and succumbing to marijuana toxicosis is not unusual in Steamboat Springs and throughout Colorado.

We see at least three each month,” Pet Kare Clinic veterinarian Dr. Paige Lorimer said. “It’s more common now that it’s legal.”

There is research to back that up. A Colorado study published in 2012 in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care found a strong correlation between medical marijuana legalization and the number of cases of dogs being treated for marijuana ingestion.

“I’ve seen it kind of mushroom,” said Dr. Tim Hackett, one of the study’s authors.

The rise in the numbers has Hackett and other vets concerned. They said getting high is not an enjoyable experience for dogs, and it can be quite traumatic.

“It’s a really bad trip for dogs,” Lorimer said.

Dogs also can get really sick, and at least two dogs in Colorado died after eating food containing marijuana.

It did not take long for Hailey to start showing signs of marijuana toxicosis. Hailey belongs to Winnie DelliQuadri, and her dad, David DelliQuadri, takes her on walks daily. During the Monday walk, Hailey ate something — but it is not known what — near the bridge in the park.

“She started not moving the right way and looking at him like he had hurt her,” Winnie DelliQuadri said. “She ran into the bushes and wouldn’t come out.”

Hailey stopped eating, drinking and going to the bathroom and sat in the garage staring at the wall.

“Basically acting like something was very, very wrong,” DelliQuadri said.

Hailey was taken to Pet Kare Clinic the next day.

Lorimer said Hailey exhibited many of the signs they see in dogs who ate something and got high. A test revealed a “vague positive” for tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. That is marijuana’s mood-altering ingredient, but the test among veterinarians is not thought to be completely reliable in dogs. Other ailments were ruled out.

Aside from treating dogs who have ingested marijuana, Lorimer said her own dog Beets ingested pot three years ago while camping in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area.

“I thought he was dying,” Lorimer said. “They don’t like to feel weird. The feeling is scary to them. They have no idea where that came from.”

Lorimer said she would not have believed how her dog got sick unless she had witnessed it herself. Lorimer said Beets tested positive for THC and had gotten high by eating human feces. She said humans do not fully metabolize THC.

“It really didn’t take much for the dog to show those clinical signs,” Lorimer said.

Lorimer said for a dog to get sick, it needs to ingest pot. She said they have not treated dogs who were exposed to pot by secondhand smoke. It is not enough to deliver a toxic dose, she said.

The fact is that dogs like pot, Lorimer said — not at all for its side effects but because of the taste in the raw form and the delicious sugary edibles that are made with it.

“Dog’s like it,” Lorimer said.

The problem is pets do not have the discipline to eat just one brownie or one dose, said Hackett, who, aside from co-authoring the study, is interim hospital director of Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

The edibles, made with butters, oils and other ingredients infused with marijuana, can be poisonous to dogs and their gastrointestinal tract, even without the pot.

"A dog eats a batch of brownies, there can be other issues that can be very serious,” Hackett said.

In the study that looked at 125 cases between January 2005 and October 2010, two dogs died after ingesting marijuana butter. Both dogs had been found passed out. One had eaten six chocolate chip cookies and died 40 hours later. The other consumed an 8-inch-square pan of brownies and died 14 hours later.

Hackett and Lorimer both said dog owners should seek immediate medical attention if their pet is sick. Hackett said dogs that have consumed antifreeze have similar symptoms to dogs that consume marijuana. Unlike pot, antifreeze can be very fatal.

“If you’re in doubt and the dog is stumbling around drunk, it’s important you don’t assume it’s something benign like pot,” Hackett said.

Concerns for the future

With retail shops expected to begin selling pot for recreational use Jan. 1, Hackett and Lorimer think the cases of dogs accidentally consuming pot only will continue to increase.

“I absolutely expect it to increase,” Hackett said.

The study Hackett worked on found the incidents of marijuana toxicosis increased fourfold at two Colorado veterinary hospitals during the course of the five-year study. The researchers found a strong correlation between the increase in medical marijuana licensed users and the number of illnesses. The study states that in 2005, there were 730 registered medical marijuana cardholders in Colorado. By September 2010, there were 106,653 cardholders.

While exposing children to marijuana is an often-publicized concern, the vets who have treated dogs after ingesting marijuana encourage dog owners to be careful.

“Keep the stuff high up and out of the way,” Hackett said.

DelliQuadri thinks it is ridiculous that her dog got sick by eating something at a park.

“Keep it in your house,” she said. “Don’t be dropping it in a park.”

DelliQuadri’s dog continues to recover.

“I’m hoping that she fully recovers and gets back to being herself, but it’s been a while,” DelliQuadri said.

While dogs are supposed to fully recover after eating large amounts of pot, Lorimer is not surprised Hailey still is experiencing problems. Border collies are known for being smart, Lorimer said, and Hailey still might be perplexed by what happened and trying to figure it out.


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Ok, so everybody take good care and don't leave your weed lying around in reach of your dog or your kids.
I thought this was common sense, but it sure is good to raise some awareness amongst pet owners I guess ?
Also, don't give them chocolate ( the dogs), they get sick and might die from it.



Active member
yep there some dumb pet owners. I myself fucked up once and my last dog ate like half a tray brownies. no long term issues ever from the chocolate or thc. he was just groggy after visit to vet for like a day and a half. I never let it happen again and felt real bad.i kept him on leash in public and didn't let him eat found food tho. I seen a dude the other day let his dog eat something on ground an shook my head. BTW your posts all seem negative towards all we stand for . why you here?

Gert Lush

Active member
You mean we're smoking dogshit? ...Hey man... I wonder what Great Dane is like?


Storm Shadow

Well-known member
My 8lbs Maltipoo smokes hash oil everyday all day... she can out smoke almost anyone I know outside of me....

Weed Propaganda is whack shit


Active member
My buddy's dog got into some material before we ran BHO once. He's a big dog, gets himself into trouble a lot, but he came out alright. He was "skittish" for about 24 hrs, but that's it. I think this quote from the article rings true:

“They don’t like to feel weird. The feeling is scary to them. They have no idea where that came from.”

He wasn't vomiting, or crying, he was just chillin on the couch for 24 hrs. He needed more blankets and less blankets at the same time!


Well-known member
When I was in college a Black Lab belonging to a friend got into the stash and ate most of a Z. I think he fried his brain because he was pretty wasted after that. He never seemed 100%after that experience.


Active member
I think dogs that are around smoking weed slowly adjust to it . they figure out hey that smelly stuff makes me feel good . eating weed is another story and can be way more intense even I have ate enough to be really fucked up unlike smoking. I don't get my dogs high but most of em seem to like hanging close an prob getting contact high. my last dog hated smoke and weed after the brownies, he also hated booze after the whiskey incident and his hangover. that's another story.in some ways dogs are smarter than people . one hangover and he was done with drinking. I have prob had 500 hangovers. lol


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I call bullshit!

First on that "My doggie found it, in the park" crap.
That dog was tripping on something much heavier than weed.

"DelliQuadri thinks it is ridiculous that her dog got sick by eating something at a park."

Yep, ridiculous!
Take responsibility for your own screw-ups, keep your heavy psychedelics out of reach, and you won't have to cover your ass with a ridiculous story..

Next on the Ignorance of Lorimer.
That, or willful fabrication.
She needs to read more, if only to lie more effectively.
Hacket, at least, sticks to the facts while drumming for business.

"Unlike pot, antifreeze can be very fatal."
“If you’re in doubt and the dog is stumbling around drunk, it’s important you don’t assume it’s something benign like pot,” Hackett said. "

That's good advice, just don't take them to Lorimer. :D

And on the dead dogs full of chocolate?
Veterinarian please!

What the hell is wrong with you Paine?
Are you not capable of critical reading?
Or is this all a poorly done axe grinding?

If you have real caveats, by all means, bring 'em.
But this propaganda posting is not useful or welcome.

I encourage folks to read his posts critically, and always look up what he tries to slide in, as facts.

Hadda be said.

Aloha y'all:tiphat:


Active member
Now what about dogs who have been slowly acclimated to pot.... Cause my dog is a stoner, not by my choice either.

My dog has a hoot more often than not when I'm having one....she doesn't go skittish in any way.

She will drag out a ball and act like a little puppy again (she is 10)...and then she will lay down and sleep away 1/2 the day.

Medicated candies....these relax her, and she just lounges around. Useful for when she hurts her hip and we don't want her moving around too much.

She prefers her hoots though....she puts her nose in my shirt and I blow the smoke down through the neckline....

No ill effects, and she has only eaten 3 people this year, so I consider it a win win.


Active member
I call bullshit!

First on that "My doggie found it, in the park" crap.
That dog was tripping on something much heavier than weed.

"DelliQuadri thinks it is ridiculous that her dog got sick by eating something at a park."

Yep, ridiculous!
Take responsibility for your own screw-ups, keep your heavy psychedelics out of reach, and you won't have to cover your ass with a ridiculous story..

Next on the Ignorance of Lorimer.
That, or willful fabrication.
She needs to read more, if only to lie more effectively.
Hacket, at least, sticks to the facts while drumming for business.

"Unlike pot, antifreeze can be very fatal."
“If you’re in doubt and the dog is stumbling around drunk, it’s important you don’t assume it’s something benign like pot,” Hackett said. "

That's good advice, just don't take them to Lorimer. :D

And on the dead dogs full of chocolate?
Veterinarian please!

What the hell is wrong with you Paine?
Are you not capable of critical reading?
Or is this all a poorly done axe grinding?

If you have real caveats, by all means, bring 'em.
But this propaganda posting is not useful or welcome.

I encourage folks to read his posts critically, and always look up what he tries to slide in, as facts.

Hadda be said.

Aloha y'all:tiphat:

I have a dog too! TP, my dog does not act like that while stoned...and it wears off within 3-4 hours! She is only 8.2lbs. It doesn't take much. BUT IT WEARS OFF in hours. Not worse in the morning, either. Just her normal friskie self!

Like Weeze quotes; Anti-freeze or other psycho's are responsible. However, I've had 2 friends lose pets to anti-freeze...similar symptoms..but different and last longer. The dogs reportedly just walked thru the anti-freeze.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Steamboat Springs — It has been more than a week since Hailey ingested suspected marijuana, and she still has not returned to being her old self.[/FONT]
A stoned dog will be normal and full of energy in about 4 hours.
Now, I'll go get the Toilet Paper, my pet just tore up!:lightning: jpt


Active member
its like someone secretly dosing a friend. which I have seen over the years. some freak out a bit , others say thanks and enjoy the buzz. which one is your dog lol. I have always had real big dogs and I don't wanna be competing with em for my stash so they stay sober.


Active member
its like someone secretly dosing a friend. which I have seen over the years. some freak out a bit , others say thanks and enjoy the buzz. which one is your dog lol. I have always had real big dogs and I don't wanna be competing with em for my stash so they stay sober.

I don't think my dog likes it. :whiteflag: She moans pitifully. Then I :cry:miserably. jpt

edit; the picture in the avatar looks exactly like my dog..except her ears are more golden and she is a little whiter. When stoned, she is on her side drooling and moaning; all 8.2 lbs of her.


Active member
My dumb dog overcame her training and got up on the counter where my oil brownies were sitting on a plate. 2 put me on the couch all night and I weight about 250 lbs.

She weighs about 50 lbs and ate three.

I put her out to pee and she fell down 3 deck stairs and laid on the ground for a while, got up and immediately came in wobbling, hopped on the bed and laid on her back spread- eagled and gave me her official 'Jeez, I love you look' before launching into a serious nap.

Thankfully, she has so little brain to become damaged that the next day I didn't see any difference in her actions...still as dumb as ever.

Except she won't ever stand up to see whats on the counter anymore.

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