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Stealth Locked Doors

I've thought of that.

I've thought of that.

Old Fool said:
Take the guest place, tell the wife it's going to be your office with a lockable door and one key- that you keep. She now deny knowing what's going on out there. She can tell whoever she doesn't have access. She will eventually want to see at which point you will have the chance to show her that if you both don't say anything the chances are pretty good for you to enjoy our hobby. The guerilla grows have too much out of your control. Safety is what I bet she is looking for. You got more control growing in your guest place. My 2 cents and you're still 98 cents short for a cup of coffee.

My wife is just worrying too much, she has had some anxiety and panic issues of late too unfortunately (totally non substance abuse related), but is doing better. I agree the risk to me is less to grow in the attic of my guest house. She hardly ever even goes out there. In the EXTREMELY unlikely case we run into trouble, I'd testify she knew nothing, I was hiding it from her, she could testify against me if she wants. In fact, she could claim we were having marriage troubles, separated, and living in separate houses (I could make up the guest house to look like that). And I'd lock the guest house and the attic with separate keys that only I had.

Really, in the end its mostly about money, and risk to my income stream. The risk is lower to grow a few plants in my guest house attic than grow outside or even buy off the street. I plan to get the seeds (to a mailbox etc. type place in my name only), get the gear with cash/prepaid visa cards, show her the setup, and then lay the options on the line. Given she has said I could guerrilla grow as long as its not traceable to her she is sill to think that is safer for her/my precious income stream than a small, odor scrubbed, persona, attic grow. Since its just for me, I only need to do one quick grow a year when the attic is cool -- although I'd like to maintain a few mothers for clones in case seeds ever become a problem in this fine country (home of the brave and the free -- I will be brave, but hardly feel free).

She is also worried that all our retirement money is in an IRA in my name with her as a beneficiary, and she is worried I'd end up in jail and she couldn't get at my cash. The worry is absurd, given my personal use goals, and my ability to pay the best lawyer available, and I don't look like a hippie (I love hippies, but cops don't, and not looking like a thug/biker/hippie goes a long way to leniency with cops in these parts of Texas). But I think I may volunteer to transfer half the retirement wad into her name, and that will most likely pacify her. Heck, she wants to be more conservative with retirement investments any way so we can have a contest!

She used to smoke weed with me and do unspeakable things to my body (and that was all of 6 years ago). Its disappointing with age has come more uptightness, but she still is a wonderful lady who I adore and respect. And she does very pleasant things to my body, just not as unspeakable as they used to be :)

We used to smoke together and make love for hours -- we called it "wave riding" as we would ride wave after wave of near orgasms. But she had a bad paranoid experience smoking and she also passed out once after smoking, drinking, and sitting in the hot tub in 30 degree weather (blamed the weed, not everything else). But she is still quite the MILF despite becoming more "restrained". I try to explain all weed is not the same, and with growing comes quality control and I can minimize the paranoia side, but she just doesn't budge.

Oops, I digress. From stealth doors, to outdoor grows, to stoned love making ....
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When someone posted the link to the Tot Lock things to keep babies out of the cupboards, it gave me and idea.

For a perfect stealth lock, it would be magnetic, completely invisible from the exterior.

Imagine, if you wanted to go heavy duty, a 2x4 board thats able to swing from a vertical position next to the door to a horizontal position across the door, kind of like one of those arms at the railroad crossing that stops your car.

You could make it electronic, but I would prefer the magnetic system as it will not ever fail and lock me out. There's a few different ways you could rig it.

Have the 2x4 connected to a swivel mount in the wall, so it can swing up and down as well as out. And the most important part: put a metal bracket (something magnetic!) on the end of the 2x4 opposite the swivel mount.

When you go to leave, it will be resting upright parallel with the door jamb. Lock it with the normal key lock, then take a huge bar/horse shoe magnet out, pick up the metal bracket through the door, and drag it so it falls a little platform on the other side of the door jamb to rest horizontally across the door.

To unlock, simply take the powerful magnet and lift the board up and off the resting platform so it drops away and allows you entry.

The only problem I could foresee would be the door and wall being too thick to get any magnetic pull through.

What do you guys think?
Hey CantBe2High....

Hey CantBe2High....

....I feel for you. I do erotic massage for men, women and couples (mostly just men, though, damn it!) and this is the most common complaint I hear. It really must suck, but I've never been married, so only the parties involved really know what's going on....plus, I think I'm really quite an oddball due to being bi, open to other ways of living/loving and love to grow.

I genuinely cannot fathom why women aren't into exploring themselves more fully, except to suggest that maybe they've bought into society's double-standards for men and women, or they just really and truly aren't into it....much to the chagrin of their husbands. But then there's the whole other issue of Madonna-Whore and guys can be the guilty ones there, IMHO.

But I bet there's other issues going on that you may or may not be aware of....could she be going through menopause? And what about the anxiety? I've had my share of that and it took going on the right medication (other than weed) for it to subside. Plus, it really messes with your thought processes....ALL of them. Maybe if the underlying, root causes are addressed properly, she can loosen up and become the fun-loving person you once had around.

I totally wish you the best....too bad she can't see it from my point of view (no partner, let alone one that can provide well and just wants to have a little fun and escape from reality once in a while).
Appreciate the perspective

Appreciate the perspective

view2athrill said:
....I feel for you. I do erotic massage for men, women and couples (mostly just men, though, damn it!) and this is the most common complaint I hear. It really must suck, but I've never been married, so only the parties involved really know what's going on....plus, I think I'm really quite an oddball due to being bi, open to other ways of living/loving and love to grow.

I genuinely cannot fathom why women aren't into exploring themselves more fully, except to suggest that maybe they've bought into society's double-standards for men and women, or they just really and truly aren't into it....much to the chagrin of their husbands. But then there's the whole other issue of Madonna-Whore and guys can be the guilty ones there, IMHO.

But I bet there's other issues going on that you may or may not be aware of....could she be going through menopause? And what about the anxiety? I've had my share of that and it took going on the right medication (other than weed) for it to subside. Plus, it really messes with your thought processes....ALL of them. Maybe if the underlying, root causes are addressed properly, she can loosen up and become the fun-loving person you once had around.

I totally wish you the best....too bad she can't see it from my point of view (no partner, let alone one that can provide well and just wants to have a little fun and escape from reality once in a while).

Yes, starting menopause could be an issue. As she gets older, she has been worrying more. Her mother is a horrible worst case scenario worry wart, and my wife is becoming more that with age. My wife was dealing with some panic/anxiety issues a few months ago. But it is a bit frustrating to see my wild girlfriend becoming an uptight wife. She has come out of the anxiety problem OK, and we do have pretty good communication. But her first response to my discussion on growing my own was "You are NOT growing weed!" Make a guy feel a bit controlled. I gradually keep needling her, we have moved to I can grow if its not traceable to her, and if I make it clear its important, and show her how safe and secure a setup I can put together in the attic of our guest house she will yield. But we do need to talk more about the general uptightness with age factor -- of course any hint I make of her turning into her mother does not go over well!

Heck, we used to even talk about threesomes and group play, but now it threatens her and she is afraid I might leave her for some other hottie. But she is the only hottie I want or need, just would like a bit more of the old wildness again. Heck, I'm 51, she is 46, now we should be cutting loose, not pulling back!
Speaking of

Speaking of

hamstring said:

With your climate there is no need to try a super early strain take a look at the Stickys at the top of outdoor forum here at IC mag. You should be able to find what you are looking for. You can also gain important outdoor growing knowledge that can help you pull off that outdoor harvest.

Or if you must----- I do not want to step on any toes because I like it here at IC mag but you have too few posts to PM.

Become a member at unleashthegreen and talk to Mr. clone. Ask about GG2,GG3,GG5 or many others. They have some early strains for you.

What is the logic behind needing 75 posts before I can send or get PMs? I can sort of understand ME not being able to sent a PM until I am established, but why can't any established member PM me? And 75 posts seem rather extreme.

And, on the other hand, at the site you mentioned I could PM immediately, and I've already gotten some good suggestions from Mr. Clone.

OK, thread drift, sorry -- but hey, its 1 more post!!!!!


Damn is there a size limit now or something? Can't get it any bigger than that.
Can you guys read that? If not you can copy it into photoshop or paint and enlarge.
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Yep, an option

Yep, an option

GHSC4Life said:
try lowryder strains if u want fast buds just thought that might help u

Have an order in for these (in feminized) from seedbay, but the MO is stuck/lost in the mail I fear, 2 weeks and counting. Hitting the 14 day limit, but they seem to have plenty (although a couple other beans I got are now out of stock, hope it gets there in time). These seem pretty fast and stealthy outside. I could get away with a quick grow inside I know, but my odds of getting busted by my wife are relatively high, and my consequences of such a bust are likely to exceed a legal bust (half of all I own). But am still hoping to show her midget plants that finish in 2 months are minor (although I hear they can stink, but I can do a fan and scrubber).

The more I work on my wife about all this, the more intractable she gets. When I explained the laws here are the same for growing and possession, she has now concluded I shouldn't possess or smoke any more either then!!! I hate to make a big issue of this, certainly my wife is more important than weed, but I hate to be in this situation. Two weeks ago it was, "grow but not traceable to her", now its don't even toke any more!

Using the guest house as a home office with a locked door is certainly a reasonable way out for her. In the extremely low probability of a bust, we'd both just say she knew nothing about it, if I cooperate, they leave her alone. I really just need to do one quick grow and I'll be set for a year or so. I could actually move to the guest house during a quick grow and if anything went wrong we'd just say we were doing a trial separation, having troubles, the wife knew nothing. Pretty harsh though. Heck, if I got busted that would likely be the outcome anyway!

I've toked on and off for 35 years. The laws have only been a consideration to keep me careful. I do not recognize the governments right to stop me from growing a plant in my house for my own use in my own house. I realize the government disagrees .... And my wife knew this about me when we married, its never been an issue until lately. I am a very nice, smart, funny person, pretty good looking, make a ton of cash, and she still wants to forbid me from doing something I enjoy. And I could push this, let her know I just plan to do it, she can't forbid me, but the strain and pain of all that just isn't worth it. But I resent the control. However it is illegal, and there is low risk of severe consequence to me, and even to her, and I see that point. I just think given our situation the risk of a bust is about the same as me dying in a car wreck though, and she doesn't stop me from driving to work to earn the money.


Active member
This is a subject i deal with every day so i am gona chime in. When i was dating my now wife, we used to rage, she never smoked but she did ya-oh E and any other fun stay up all night shit, we did tour and lots of other crazy crazy things. i grew the whole time and hussled hardcore; she loved the money the 1000 PH hotel suits in cities all across the nation etc etc etc. Then she got pregant about 4 years ago and it all changed (which is good) but was hard on me. Granted i had an obvious problem with things other then MJ, the MJ is the only issue that is left however at this point as i have given everything else including booze the heave ho. The first place we lived she agread to a shed grow, but quickly became mad when i would spent anymore then 5 minutes out there, so that was all stopped upon completion and i stared buying, which made her even more pissed because around me shit that is worth even inhaling is $50 for 2 grams. So i set up grows at other peoples places. she would follow me there and cause scenes; they were mostly college type houses ( you know ghetto but occupied by rich whities) so no biggie.....then my second place i set up a mother closet and would give out clones for a return when they were done; total nightmare, my plants magicaly died one day and the soil smelled of clorox, HMM! Then i got my own place on the side and went big again, i was followed there and a seperation resulted from that! bottom line, if you love your wife and she is not cool with it, it will not work no matter what. do not even bother, and no way you can hide it as far as i am concerned. Luckily i figured out before selling any of what i grew that i would be on hiatus for a while so i have been sustaining with that.....and i have my mother still, but i am debating putting her outside this summer, given how big she already is, she would probably produce a ton. By the way she hates this web-site and if i am seen viewing it gets all crazy
I feel for you: Beware of philosophical rant

I feel for you: Beware of philosophical rant

Vermonster said:
This is a subject i deal with every day so i am gona chime in. When i was dating my now wife, we used to rage, she never smoked but she did ya-oh E and any other fun stay up all night shit, we did tour and lots of other crazy crazy things. ...

Conflicts in relationships are inevitable and frustrating. In my first ("failed") marriage, the ex and I had mucho problems and mucho counselling. I really recommend one book, "The Dance of Anger" by Herriot Lerner. It really helped me, sadly enough, my ex just could not live and learn by the points it made. The book is allot about codependency, but apart from that somewhat overused topic, I took away 3 key concepts from the book.

1. At the root of all conflict is a desire for and/or inbalance of power, and the use of power to exercise control over another person. People don't fight about money, they fight about the control over money.

2. You CANNOT change another person. Period. Don't even try. You CAN change yourself, but even that can be hard. If somebody, friend, spouse, child is demonstrating dangerous and destructive behaviors ... certainly let them know your concern, suggest alternatives, indicate what you will and will not do if they continue the behaviors or stop the behaviors, but let THEM change themself. If they wont change, you need to decide what that means to your relationship with them.

3. There are two types of issues in a relationship. Bottom line issues, and frustrations/pet peeves/preferences (everything else). A bottom line issue is something if the other person persists in a behavior (drug abuse, gambling addiction, infidelity, or a host of other even possibly "lesser items) the relationship will be terminated. It could not just be things somebody does do, but also things somebody else doesn't do. The way families respond to drug addiction and alcohol abuse is one big area where the codependency model really magnifies all of these 3 dynamics, but it applies to pretty much everything in relationships.

Other issues are really frustrations, differences in upbringing, and preferences. These issues certainly can be communicated, negotiated, but if they cannot be resolved in a satisfactory way to both parties, they need to be DROPPED, and if someone is unable to really drop them, they basically sound more like bottom line issues.

Its nice in theory, but in practice, people muddle bottom line issues with other issues, and have a heck of a hard time saying, "I wouldn't leave my wife for this behavior, but it annoys the heck out of me, but I will just drop it anyway." I have a few of these with my wife. Tends to chew with her mouth open, make alot of noise while snacking at the TV. I was raised where this was NOT allowed. The fact it annoys me is not her issue it is mine, the fact she does it isn't bad, its really mostly an upbringing thing. People just have a tough time letting go of things that are not bottom line, but its an important skill to success I think.

In my case, I doubt its a bottom line issue with my second (very much new and improved) wife. But the next time she says, "You can't grow weed, I forbid it!", I really need to ask, so that means if I do, you will divorce me? I can just move to the guest house and do my own thing? And the flip side, is growing or smoking weed really a bottom line issue to me? Not in and of itself, but being controlled and mothered by another woman might become that over time. And my wife needs to know that. From a cultural standpoint, it sure seems more acceptable for a wife to say, "I am leaving my husband because he grows and smokes weed", than for a husband to say "I am leaving my wife because she wont let me grow and smoke weed." But look, control is behind it all.

Anyway, "The Dance of Anger" is pretty good, and has lots of stories that maybe your own wife could relate to. Seems like there are some anger issues there ....

And in any conflict, ask each other is this a bottom line, relationship ending issue for either of you. If it isn't, there should be some way to negotiate your way out. With my first wife, she hated the fact I liked to go to nude beaches. Refused to go with me (clothed or unclothed). But it wasn't bottom line, so I bought her off with a new grand piano! Problem was, she still resented it and wouldn't drop it -- she didn't keep her end of the bargain, so one of many reasons I finally told her it was over -- not to mention she was a frigid, controlling bitch, which was my bottom line issue! My second wife is anything but frigid, hardly ever bitchy, but can be a "tad bit" controlling -- otherwise I'd have never started this thread!
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Well-known member

Loved the last post. I never read the book had to learn the hard way. You hit it dead on though “is it a deal breaker” if not you need to move on.

I spent many of years trying to explain something (what ever the subject) I believed in and really thought I was right about. It would come to yelling and then silence.

No matter how hard I tried my wife would never admit she was wrong in these situations. I always felt slighted, as I was always the one who would have to end up backing down.
I felt miserable, you know everyone wants the satisfaction of ‘”Sorry you were right” once in awhile. Lord knows I have said it many times.

I finally learned (got older) it doesn’t matter who’s right and it always takes one person who is willing to bend. Its life!!

Is it a deal breaker? If not suck it up and move on.

I cannot tell you how many people (in general) never find that peace of mind. You have to find it otherwise there is no peace at all.

Great post.
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One more thought

One more thought

Problem is, acting on a bottom line issue is tough. Has a big cost emotionally and financially in most cases. But its a distinction still worth thinking through.


Active member
not to mention she was a frigid, controlling bitch, which was my bottom line issue!

That probably gona be my bottom line when I do split, i am giving her the benefit of the doubt at this point because for the past 3 years i have been a low life addict, but if i still get treated the way i do now when i have a few months of clean time under my belt, well then i am outy! Funny thing is my dad's first wife was a siclian and all my life he tells me marry an irish girl like your mother, and what do i do, find the most hot headed siclian i can! Funny when i am the designated driver (every weekend) i get shit for wanting to smoke, but she can down wine and beer like its going out of style.
I hear you totally

I hear you totally

Vermonster said:
not to mention she was a frigid, controlling bitch, which was my bottom line issue!

That probably gona be my bottom line when I do split, i am giving her the benefit of the doubt at this point because for the past 3 years i have been a low life addict, but if i still get treated the way i do now when i have a few months of clean time under my belt, well then i am outy! Funny thing is my dad's first wife was a siclian and all my life he tells me marry an irish girl like your mother, and what do i do, find the most hot headed siclian i can! Funny when i am the designated driver (every weekend) i get shit for wanting to smoke, but she can down wine and beer like its going out of style.

I've been through this once with my first wife. Getting out with somewhat doable financial situation was the biggest problem. But with my second marriage, I love my sweety, she really is my soul mate, but with age, she is getting more of a worrying fuddy duddy and its getting a bit annoying. I can cleanly walk at any time though, and she needs to internalize this. A very easy 50/50 split situation that would leave us both in good shape.

My wife is so lucky to have me. I pull in significant amounts of cash, we have a solid retirement account, we are pretty much debt free, I treat her like a queen, and then she forbids me to grow! For fear of loosing access to MY income stream! Well, also for fear of her getting arrested too (which I sympathize with, but in practice, its a pretty easy issue to eliminate given she does not approve, does not smoke, could deny knowledge, could say I ignored her pleas to not do it, etc.) But I am lucky to have my wife too, despite her frustrations.

Oh well, relationships do keep life interesting. Without my honey, I could do what I want, but I'd be so lost, lonely, and would tend to go off the deep end of various debaucheries. She does help stabilize me, but she has to be careful not to take it too far. I want a life partner, not a mother! I already have one of those. And mother never approved of my pot smoking either ...


New member

I enjoyed reading your posts. I have a similar situation in which my fiancée does not particularly approve of my enjoyment of the fine herb. She tolerates it as long as I don't leave paraphernalia lying around, don't stink up the apartment, and don't do it in front of her (too often). Needless to say I wish she was more accepting of my "habit". I've been doing it since before we met and she knew about it then, but she was hoping it was just a stage I would grow out of or something.

I try to compare it to her enjoying a glass of wine or two before she goes to bed, and that gets a little bit of traction but inevitably the whole legality issue is raised. And unfortunately for me (well for lots of us I suppose) herb is illegal and I don't have much of a counter argument to that.

I was wondering how your wife feels about you smoking? Does she mind if you just fire one up while the two of you are relaxing in the evening? Or does she not want to be around you when you're getting high?

My goal is to eventually get my fiancée to accept the fact that I enjoy getting high and will for the foreseeable future. Then convince her that it is far safer to grow it at home rather than buy it on the street.

What can I say, she's a great woman and we're really good for each other. Unfortunately this is one of the things we don't see eye to eye on.


Active member
good luck vap. i hought it would be easy too, funy thing is in HS i couldnt grow cause i was w/ my folks. college roomate were a problem, pulled off a few good ones but harvest division was always an issue, and them having parties while iam like hey boys i got enough felonies in this place to sit in jail for a good year, lets have a coke party with 40 lbs stashed in the basment and 15 plants raging in the spare room; BRILLIANT! someone how i managed to escape felony free! then i moved home had my son and got married ( in that order) and raged one grow that almost never made it due to constant bickering! oh well i alreay wrote the rest, just sucks. I plan on being fairly sucessfull in life as far as making money goes and i am on track to do so, but my whole life i always thought once i get my own place that i own i am gona set up the most stealth killer room, with all the bells and whistles, caus ei seemy rich ass family members desisgn these sick wine cellars, why can't i have a weed cellar? anyway probably never on happen =<


New member
Don't give up on your weed cellar dream!
It may not happen this year, or in the next 5 years or even 10 years, but we still have lots of time ahead and its good to have some long term goals (at least thats what I keep telling myself).