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State Lawmakers Standing Up to Feds (Finally!)

paper thorn

Active member
Its the local sherriffs that need to stand up and arrest the feds when they show up to do their thing. Unfortunately, more often than not, they are right there helping them do their work instead of growing a pair and arresting them.

The Sherriff is the top dog, the only one who can legally arrest federal agents.

The other day, the feds asked sherriff Joe Arpaio to GRANT THEM JURISDICTION over his office. If they already had it, they wouldn't need to ask for it.

Just what I was going to say. Someone needs to get their County Sheriff to intervene next time one of these raids happens.


Power Armor rules
Federal law overrides state law. Considering what Capt. Ahab said, it comes down to money. The states get a majority of their funding from the federal government so this whole thing is just another angry letter. Do you really think Obama cares? Please.



Next Stop: Outer Space!
I think the idea of state cops vs. federal cops is a negative image we don't need. Correct me if I am wrong, but can't governors quarantine areas and close off roads, declare disaster areas, and call in the national guard? Why not just obstruct the federal investigators by having an impromptu disaster drill, or by quarantining the dispensary or something? I think what we need is what the pot community does best: creativity. The best civil disobedience makes the OTHER side look bad, but at the same time makes one's own side look better. If it turns into a pissing match they'll just say the other side is guilty of the same thing and they'll both be right in some way. Everyone here needs to study Ghandi. Everyone everywhere really needs to study Ghandi......


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The Local Leo should at the min not participate in any Illegal activities by the DEA. If they call for assistance by law they can not comply....
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Where is Gov. Jerry Brown in all of this? Could be, he might be the instigator behind this sudden crackdown. Amazing....... that a bunch of intelligent apes in a room can make unconstitutional choices for millions of folks.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Its the local sherriffs that need to stand up and arrest the feds when they show up to do their thing. Unfortunately, more often than not, they are right there helping them do their work instead of growing a pair and arresting them.

The Sherriff is the top dog, the only one who can legally arrest federal agents.

Yes, that would really be standing up to the feds. They can give all the speeches they want, and send all the letters, have meetings with the Justice Dept. It means nothing to the feds. Every time you hear about a governor or local official having a meeting with the feds, they always end up with the same answer from them -- it's illegal and we'll do what we want. Period, end of discussion. And with their boss not telling them to back off, the DEA and Justice Dept will continue to do as they please. We should have learned by now that talk (or votes) means nothing to the feds.


New member
people are in love, or awe, with power.

no way a local cop arrests a fed for violating a citizen's rights under state law. Even if that's the appropriate response. Instead his or her training will mandate they immediately become lap dogs to the feds.

Because they are true believers.

Funny, that's the term they use for us when we really believe a defense that's generically civil.

But they're the brain-washed ones, because they believe in all the little things, like the laws that have been constructed, without paying attention to how they move against the people, and how they are the replacement for jim crow, and how all the government's incarceration and control of it's citizens has always been a racial control (control against a perceived threat, which often has no basis).

The expansions in powers just justifies it nicer. They're collecting more intel on it's own citizens now than ever before, and Patriot Act or no, they're building a house of cards that pretty soon will allow dictatorial control with the pull of a lever.

The Fed's are revenuers, protecting their sacred alcohol tax they get from the poorest and lowest employed in the nation, they call it a sin tax, but it's not a sin to self-medicate...it's natural, accross species of mammals.

Reindeer eat magic mushrooms. Scientists think it eases their boredom during winter.

ADHD Adults use marijuana, have for thousands of years. Take away their pot and they use pills or hard stuff more. Force them to use alcohol and they become violent and sick. People self-medicate because (barring addictive elements) they are not experiencing as much dopamine as their peers. They are experiencing less feelings of well being, they are enjoying life less, by definition. The one easy way to experience dopamine in our species is by having successfull emotional bonds, but because ADHD is a self-defense against emotions - built when we were exposed to emotional trauma at a very young age, we are all on different development tracks in dealing with that old stuff. In other words it's not our fault we're like this.

We need to get the word out, to let the general population know that the government has been attacking it's own Adult ADHD population, and that the loss of wages for each neighborhood, is partly the responsibility of the federal government, one for not allowing the dialogs and narratives that would support coming to grips with these problems sooner, for capitalizing on the war on drugs even after it was known to be only a political device, and two for allowing it's own citizens to suffer and die in maintenance of it's myth.

At this point it can't even be argued past the laugh test that it's not to protect the safety of it's people that drugs are kept illegal, as we see they are more protecting the pharmaceutical industry and the alcohol tax. More people's lives are ruined, but they insist on instilling an eye-for-an-eye model of personal responsibility, instead of recognizing that brain chemistry imbalance accounts for most crime...outside of poverty reasons. Not people on drugs. People who are poor, or people who have a brain imbalance...are not experiencing dopamine (you know it's a genetic requirement, or we get Reward Deficiency Syndrome, which is why we self-medicate).

It is only through their ability to dominate the narrative and the framing of drug usage that they have gotten away with it for this long.... Taxing and profiteering off the weakest among us, and to continue to persecute us with intimidation and prison sentences where they get to justify adding years to the sentence, just for having ADHD (and acting like it).

I know a kid who has ADHD, got put on parole for vandalism (breaking out the rear windshield of an old guy who was attacking my daughter)...anyway, he goes to do trash pick-up, acts like he has ADHD, gets an F grade for the day, and has to do six additional days of trash pickup as a result. Go to work for one day, get an F, have to do six additional days. Not because he did less work, he says most only collected four-to-five bags, and he did six large bags. But possibly as the only white kid, on a group headed by a black woman who constantly used racial expletives and jokes...it's because he has ADHD, and didn't absorb all the written and verbal instructions immediately, and has some coins in his pocket.

They protect business interests at large, by not allowing people to use marijuana but the truth is adults usually don't get ripped during work, and the business owners are mature enough to make up their own minds about these things, they don't need Uncle Sam making a characature of the whole thing.


Active member

i guess this is the BEST news i seen in months!!!!
Straight up COOL,hope more get aboard to sign!


Registered User
The Local Leo should at the min not participate in any Illegal activities by the DEA. If they call for assistance by law they can not comply....

we just got the opposite in mi... attny gen instructed troopers to uphold federal law over state laws... specifically regarding mmj. wondering if they get extra special badges now...?


we just got the opposite in mi... attny gen instructed troopers to uphold federal law over state laws... specifically regarding mmj. wondering if they get extra special badges now...?
I just heard that when a grower let leo in,(he was sure he was copmpent), they swept his floors and weighted it all leaf dirt hydroton. Michigan where we voted 63% for legalization.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
As it stands now it does not matter what state laws are. If it contradicts the feds those laws don't count. No one is safe. Whats the point of having people vote if its all bogus.. We wounder why people don't vote this is one of the reasons.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
sherriffs have successfully arrested federal agents before in new mexico. A local sherriff arrested a blm official and it went through several appeals and the arrest still stands.


Good to see New Mexico leading the charge!!! My wife and I are moving there soon. Think we are going to love it!!!!!
Expect to be waiting for many many months for your card, and then add a few more months to that if you are applying for a permit to grow.

Program is seriously underfunded, understaffed and ignored....

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Ive had this idea in my head for the past coupla months to submit a "Declaration" of sorts to the Feds written and signed by the Medical States. Exactly how the founding fathers of the USA did to England when we left.

How about starting it out something like this?

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

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