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Starting again..


Active member
I'm fine.... The little prick only took 1/2 the drying girls...(and my bub :badday: )

I will still have S99, SourBOG x S99, C99(found like 30 packs from 04) and MSS x S99... just no crosses w/ B3, ChemD, FFA :cuss: ......

Nothing I can do about it now.... except move on..

Be well.. :joint:


Active member
Good afternoon to all my growing fam..

I just noticed a few brown pistils on my giesel...(she threw a couple of nanas/balls) i guess.... anyway she is in a 50 gal tub w/chem d .. so i may end up with some fem chem d x giesel seeds and fem giesel.. if the go long enough..

I still have a chem d and a male s99 in veg ....i just don't know if i'm brave enough to keep growing here.. :badday: ...\

be well :joint:


Americangrower said:
unFu cking real..... Who the fuck steals seeded plants???

I just got back from a trip and some1 (i know who) kicks in my door and takes my hanging girls :nono: the bud was useless (seeded to hell)...what the f :badday: ck.......... :fsu:

Got to go find a way to enjoy some bud which they didn't find ....

I think it's time to shut down and move......

A lot of us have been in shitty fucking situations like this at one time or another and I think we all know how awful it can be...
with that said, if you need anything at all don't hesitate ! And put your safety before anything else, if its not safe anymore its NOT safe anymore. Best of luck getting things back together bro, pm me if i can help u any way. peace, dr.snow


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Heya AG hope everything is getting better around your end ,room looks ok minus the shithead factor.............did u say femm.giesel beans?noice...sending positive vibes ur way brother..........................Mm


that giesel hermie always or due to stress? i picked up a cut from a friend and am about to do the first run (yours from cut or seed?) and would like to know if its sensitive to environmental factors... thanks and nice plants!


Active member
Well I've grown G twice and both times she threw nanas at around 40/45 days.. she is growing in the same tub/soil as the chem d , gets the same nutes/feeding/light/dark...etc.. and she is the only girl that has hermied in the garden... I think it's from the fact that G was bred from a MSS hermie..it's my last time running her....

be safe :joint:


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
ah that's shittty news

ah that's shittty news

was wanting to run this cut for a whyle now....she throws nannas at 45 days?wtf?crazy chit.......heya AG....here's is your S99,this cut is sick mang..frost covering everything....she smells sooooooo sweeet....

and I don't know if u can see her in this shenanagans' she's up front....

yo didn't mean to jack ur thread u can remove if needed.....


Active member
No problem MM post away....

Maybe it's just me.. I think it's the humidity...50 to 58 but who knows..I just don't like the hassle..

plus I'm taking a break :nono: .............. :joint:

be safe :rasta:


lookin good AG! the geez ran good for me mt first time..no probs and excellent smoke. but that was when it was a bit cooler out. But i did notice something. my last crop i had some in 5 gallon bags, and some in 3 gal bags...the ones in the bigger bags did not herm at all.?... i thought it was my PH or salt levels built up..so i flushed and brought the ph down a point. i transplanted a couple into 5 gals and a week later they were back on track..i did cut them anyhow in fear that some pollen did get out..but either the drop or 2 of cider vinegar worked or it was the fact that mine were so darn rootbound it wasnt funny. i do agree tho the MSS got that tendancy.


Active member
i got the g in flower right at just around 40 an havent seen a nanna yet but i do got her in 5gal dwc bukets....whats up brothas..peace az


Active member
Whatsup AZ ... Rev

Yea it could be the high temp as my room is at 90... can't afford AC....elec bill is already 5 bills... :bashhead:

be well :joint:


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
is she seeded w/your s99?...geesh....giesel is tha cat's pajama's.....lovely aroma...............btw whatever pheno this is is soooo fuggin' sweet....

didn't mean to pollute your log but hey u made it!......later bro...MOnEyMikE


Active member
MOneYMiKe said:
is she seeded w/your s99?...geesh....giesel is tha cat's pajama's.....lovely aroma...............btw whatever pheno this is is soooo fuggin' sweet....

didn't mean to pollute your log but hey u made it!......later bro...MOnEyMikE

No I didn't hit G up with S99 because she is to touchy on climate (she threw nanas from 2 weeks of 90 degree heat)

I do have some Giesel fem and most likely Chem D/ Giesel fem from the heat stress... and as you can see by her pictures above...once heat went away so did the nanas and she took off....She is about 2 weeks from chop..

The S99 you have is not a pheno it's my MOM...

this 1



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Americangrower again