Off for 3 mile walk! I'm high and have my sneakers and hoodie on. Time to fly. Later Jenn and Star crash and Lester and FTL and everyone
Yes sir, probably a lot of folks on this board drink it since it comes from their motherland.I've never come across it British? What was the beer you showed with the nitrogen capsule?
You better watch out for those rabbits...Good for you that you are so diligent about walking, doober.Even in my current feeble state, I walk at least a kilometre every day and usually 2 - 3. The dog keeps me moving.
Speaking of the dog, he must have eaten something bad because he was puking the night before last - all around the house - and he wouldn't eat. Today he is back to normal.
This morning's stand off . . .
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I'd have to travel about 2 hours to get to a grow store. The closest one closed down last year. Their prices were high and that's what put them out of business, they couldn't compete with online retailers either.We never lost power, which was nice for once. Windy and cold 35 degrees. Skipped the morning walk. The doggo wasn't interested once he felt the temps and wind.
There is only one grow shop around here and the prices are exactly double of what online cost. Quart of Botanicare is 44.95. now I support brick and mortar stores but I'm not paying double. Guy.wanted 26.95 for a strip of rockwool 1.5" cubes. I got them on the interwebs for 3.95 w/ ship, plus the guy is a blazing idiot which doesn't help me wanting to go there.
The two good hydro stores that had been around since the 90's switched to online sales only. Suppliers need to make it so b&m stores can compete with online prices and still profit if there is a chance of survival.
Plus the cops still sit in the hydro store parking lots taking notes.
Enjoy your walk Doober!
Good bake on those muffins, I'm not a fan of cornbread but I can appreciate some well done baking.
Oh wow those muffins look top notch. Enjoy them friend
I didn't know you backed off the site other than to take care of the folks. Sorry to hear that. Here I am posting away lol@Countryboy … The worst part of it all is the blatant racism (and the fact that it’s condoned and seemingly encouraged) primary reason why I greatly backed off this entire site
DittoI didn't know you backed off the site other than to take care of the folks. Sorry to hear that. Here I am posting away lol
Of all things, don't let folks 'run you off'. REPORT the posts that violate the TOU. Shine a light and watch cockroaches scurry.