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ICMag Donor
This is a conjecture, hypothetically speaking because we’re talking about the future ..would it it be nice if I could do all the hash making myself and not have to sacrifice 50% of the entire harvest? I’m not dummy. just need to be shown the way to the Golden Road of Unlimited devotion..…realize there’s a lot of labor involved. that’s what I do with my minuscule self

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
This is a conjecture, hypothetically speaking because we’re talking about the future ..would it it be nice if I could do all the hash making myself and not have to sacrifice 50% of the entire harvest? I’m not dummy. just need to be shown the way to the Golden Road of Unlimited devotion..…realize there’s a lot of labor involved. that’s what I do with my minuscule self
I would think the most difficult aspect of all that flower is finding enough freezer space to put it so that you could work through it at your leisure.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Chimera 4


Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
The best time for me is almost twilight, but usually by then, I’m just pondering around…
This time of year, I get most things done in the early evening (called late afternoon here) and like you, i like to work into the Twilight; I'm completely off my face most days by then. 😂
On Moonlit nights, i'll often take some our cats for a midnight walk along the camino.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is a conjecture, hypothetically speaking because we’re talking about the future ..would it it be nice if I could do all the hash making myself and not have to sacrifice 50% of the entire harvest? I’m not dummy. just need to be shown the way to the Golden Road of Unlimited devotion..…realize there’s a lot of labor involved. that’s what I do with my minuscule self
You are doing the hard part for sure. Picking the amount that you will be able to sell is the next hard part. Lining up stores and packaging would be the next hard part but once it’s processed you have time to work that out.
For processing it’s pretty simple and i think you could figure a chest freezer for 2-4 plants as big as they will be. You could stagger the chop to keep the freezers rotating. You can hang them for a few days before you get to bucking them to put in the freezer. It would be a busy month but productive for sure and well worth keeping both halves. Probably worth a freeze dryer just to keep things fresh. Make it all into hash first and then press it through the winter.


Well-known member
This is a conjecture, hypothetically speaking because we’re talking about the future ..would it it be nice if I could do all the hash making myself and not have to sacrifice 50% of the entire harvest? I’m not dummy. just need to be shown the way to the Golden Road of Unlimited devotion..…realize there’s a lot of labor involved. that’s what I do with my minuscule self
You can do it yourself its just a lot of monotonous, tedious labor... I got bout twentyish plants in ground to do myself for personal not looking forward to it in the slightest. If you have all your resources accessible and mise en place on point its not that bad if you got running water and can take advantage of gravity. I just wait till its below freezing out at night and wash during the coldest part of the day. You could probably pay people to help you but finding those people can suck.