Hello FP and Cookie...your thread...it's alive!

Afternoon OldmanDo the males get a lovely red chest on them? We have them here and they love to live in Pyramid Cedar evergreen trees.
On my way down I ordered a Dave’s single from Wendy’s and I almost puked only redeeming item was the actual beef patty if you could call it thatWent with a baconator tonight tossed the bun out...
Bring a flashlight,sounds like you are getting our weather from yesterday. Still raining here today though. If it had been cold out this would have been a good snowstorm with the amount of rain we got.Morning!
Windy this morning. Mild 55 degrees with light on and off rain. It is usually so wet this time of year from snow melt and spring rains but this year we are pretty dry. Some light rain will be perfect. Lots of farmers working soil. Not common in March but welcomed.
Coffee and a nice walk. Time to get to work filling seed flats with soil and rigging some cold frames.
Have a great Sunday!