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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Some pics from tonight...Nevils Haze x C5 Mango Haze


...como el Son...
Looks great and I'm jealous! The price around here for fresh scallops has been holding steady at $30/lb. Normally it would be $18. Enjoy!!

Joder!!! Habláis de merluza!?! De simples escalopes de merluza!? Madre mía, ese precio es exactamente el doble del precio aquí del atún...

Recordad que se debe congelar el pescado fresco durante 24 horas para matar al anisakis.

Fuck!!! You're talking about hake! Of simple hake escalopes? My God, that price is exactly double the price of tuna here....

Remember that fresh fish must be frozen for 24 hours to kill the anisakis.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Joder!!! Habláis de merluza!?! De simples escalopes de merluza!? Madre mía, ese precio es exactamente el doble del precio aquí del atún...

Recordad que se debe congelar el pescado fresco durante 24 horas para matar al anisakis.

Fuck!!! You're talking about hake! Of simple hake escalopes? My God, that price is exactly double the price of tuna here....

Remember that fresh fish must be frozen for 24 hours to kill the anisakis.

Good morning cousin, I think he is talking about Las Vieiras, not Merluza. I love Las Vierias and the picture is making me hungry. I


...como el Son...
Good morning cousin, I think he is talking about Las Vieiras, not Merluza. I love Las Vierias and the picture is making me hungry. I


Ahhh.... Entonces solo está al doble de precio que aquí, no?
Patrón star crash , luego te envío una receta, Vieiras a la serrana, que te vas a chupar los dedos, que eso que tú haces con las vieiras es como cocer caviar con mantequilla, je, je...
Ahhh.... So it is only twice the price than here, right?
Patrón star crash , then I will send you a recipe, Vieiras a la serrana, that you will lick your fingers, that what you do with scallops is like cooking caviar with butter, he, he, he....

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Joder!!! Habláis de merluza!?! De simples escalopes de merluza!? Madre mía, ese precio es exactamente el doble del precio aquí del atún...

Recordad que se debe congelar el pescado fresco durante 24 horas para matar al anisakis.

Fuck!!! You're talking about hake! Of simple hake escalopes? My God, that price is exactly double the price of tuna here....

Remember that fresh fish must be frozen for 24 hours to kill the anisakis.
. Can you cook?


star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
you dog! now i'm hungry. mmmm...oven broiled fresh scallops in garlic butter....😋

I probably should’ve broiled them instead of pan fry them and also I didn’t eat that until about 11:30 pm last night .so it didn’t sit well too good for me overnight ..Hah Hah … hard to digest & Gave me a few unsettling dreams

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Ahhh.... Entonces solo está al doble de precio que aquí, no?
Patrón star crash , luego te envío una receta, Vieiras a la serrana, que te vas a chupar los dedos, que eso que tú haces con las vieiras es como cocer caviar con mantequilla, je, je...

Ahhh.... So it is only twice the price than here, right?
Patrón star crash , then I will send you a recipe, Vieiras a la serrana, that you will lick your fingers, that what you do with scallops is like cooking caviar with butter, he, he, he....
Tengo la sensación de que sabes cocinar tan bien como cultivar marihuana:D​​​​​​​


Well-known member
Hey SC
Your thread brings interesting topics up sometimes.
I cant believe the price of fish you all guys are paying in the globalized world
Today food is a commodity and prices are more or less the same worlwide, it is amazing the gap price for fish in a globalized market, specially when it is a stolen commodity obtained for free

Have a happy and healthy sunday everyone
I simply cant believe the prices you guys are paying for fish
What I post in spanish for Montuno is not translated. I guess today you can all easily translate with any translation tool

Me hiciste chequear el precio de la merluza en España. No lo puedo creer, en serio les cobran 30 euros o mas el kilo de merluza???? A estos precios se los estan follando a todos con la polla muerta
Si el precio es cierto, seria muy tentador abrir una pescaderia en España, te mando desde aqui toda la merluza que quieras a 8 dolares que son como 6,5-7 euros fileteada y sin espinas. Lo mismo para la pescadilla, lenguado y el filete de atun totalmente limpio, sin espinas, escamas ni piel. Ayer me comi un filete de brotola que estaba buenisimo y salio 10u$s el kilo. Ese seria el precio tambien de los filetes de corvinas o lomo de mochuelo en el pescadero del barrio, no es barato para estas economias tercermundistas. Una vez compre en el super de oferta corvina negra a 4u$s el kilo que me parece realmente barato.

Los precios en España de pescados son un disparate, y si en Usa está al doble de España, ni hablemos. Los barcos españoles se roban toda la merluza del atlantico sur, tiene costo cero. Solo camara frigorifica y el combustible del barco. Claro, si pagan 40u$s el kilo de merluza, no sorprende que sigan depredando. Hay años que los calamares no se han podido recuperar del saqueo, no es facil recuperar los recursos icticolas despues de tanto saqueo



star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Good Morning 🌞☀️… it’s morning here. … Caballo funky. ...todavía quiero enviarte las semillas originales de Haze... La pregunta es si llegarán a través de tu sistema postal sin ser interceptadas... La manera de enviarlas tiene que ser la misma que envié a todos los demás... básicamente como una carta . de esa manera evito todas las molestias de declaraciones de aduana por mi parte en mi país de lo contrario es demasiado trabajo para llenar todos los formularios...

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Everything is expensive here it’s shocking and it keeps going up and up and up that’s why I want to get out one of the reasons plus I’m ashamed to be an American…


K+ vibes
What would you say the most skunky girl or line you have experienced is? In July they are having a competition where everyone can bring out their skunks to compare... Hoping we can establish what the roadkill skunk terp profile is, and who/what has it.....
I have popped a lot of strains and had little experience with many things, but I dont really understand how people dont find super skunky stuff in a lot of the mainstream stuff people grow. I'm almost strictly a sativa guy but still managed to pop a bunch of skunky super rotten beer smelling stuff.
They are thinking about holding the competition in Virginia near me, saying Virginia has a lot of skunk history... I dont know anything bout that but... Super load roadkill skunk is definitely common around here though I guess.... I was in west virginia couple years ago and there had to of been tons of it growing off the highway, in september you could smell it down the entire highway. All the hemp fields had no smell so it wasnt those either...
I only have a 3x3 tent and havent even got my carbon filter yet so I dont really want to pop any stuff hunting for skunk but im tempted just to help the community.... I know so many lines that have it, i dont even really understand what people are talking about but.... curious what youve experienced

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
It’s kind of funny but sometimes I smell a little bit of skunk in a lot of strains that have flown through my hands over the years…. The first time I grew GG number four ( which is more known for a coffee type of smell )when it was drying it did stink of skunk so much so that some of the neighbors outside would comment about the smell of skunk in the air (because it was wafting out through the ventilation in my attic)

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