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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Lots to consider … mi amigo Montuno ..en abril estaré cumpliendo 61 años así que dentro de tres años definitivamente estaré listo para jubilarme cual es el plan y tendré el dinero para hacerlo ..ya casi lo estoy ...Definitivamente me encantaría ir a visitarte antes... Aunque no estoy seguro de cuándo... Tengo dos casas aquí en Nueva York. Una de ellas la estoy arreglando actualmente, tengo la intención de venderla para obtener una buena ganancia. .


...como el Son...
La idea de venir jubilado si que no tiene riesgo económico : lo mismo hacen muchos británicos, alemanes, franceses, holandeses... Al cambio del nivel de vida ganan poder adquisitivo viviendo aquí.
​Cerca de mi viven y tienen sus tierras, animales y explotación, una familia ganadera amiga de la mía, y que muchas veces nos regalan sus productos (fuera de nuestro alcance económico) de cerdo ibérico en fechas señaladas. He mostrado varias fotos de sus cerdos ibéricos, ovejas, cabras, caballos... La esposa del hijo mayor de esta familia ganadera es una estadounidense del Noreste de USA como tú, que sé quedó aquí tras unas vacaciones. A ver si coincido próximamente con ellos y le pregunto qué aconsejaría a un conciudadano suyo para instalarse aquí.

The idea of coming as a retired person has no economic risk: many British, Germans, French, Dutch... do the same. In exchange for their standard of living, they gain purchasing power by living here.
Near me live and have their land, animals and farm, a family livestock friend of mine, and often give us their products (out of our economic reach) of Iberian pork on special dates. I have shown several photos of their Iberian pigs, sheep, goats, horses... The wife of the eldest son of this farming family is an American from the Northeast of the USA like you, who stayed here after a vacation. Let's see if I meet them soon and ask her what she would advise a fellow citizen to settle here.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Montuno Mi mayor preocupación es conseguir un pasaporte y poder viajar con mis antecedentes penales como dije no soy ningún delincuente estos fueron delitos de marihuana en 2008 y 2013 respectivamente..dos delitos por posesión criminal, y ya ni siquiera serían un delito desde que mi estado se ha legalizado

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Currently freezing my ass off

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Going to hit the road after I walk my dog only in the backyard she doesn’t even like going out this cold but she has to do her thing then I got a lunch date with the fellow who is going to be taking the last of the Mac which I’ve been saving for him


Well-known member
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ICMag Donor
You are all brave to venture out. Windchill here is -31C (-24F). Since we have reverted into mole people again, I went out for a grocery pickup but a dog walk will have to wait a while.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
You are all brave to venture out. Windchill here is -31C (-24F). Since we have reverted into mole people again, I went out for a grocery pickup but a dog walk will have to wait a while.

At least it’s sunshine and clear blue sky’s


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
True. I always plot my walks using Windy, so I can make it as tolerable as possible. And I always go toasted. :rasta:


Well-known member
If there’s a connoisseur niche market I have not discovered it , yet people want their flowers trimmed up tight which is impossible to do with OHaze…would venture to guess that anybody who’s going to grow OHAZE which is at least (14 to 16 week variety )Is growing it for their head or personal stash of friends

Haze (Piff in particular) been always big in NYC right next to sour. There’s event today in the city called Piffcon, it’s a haze cup with different categories ( flower times ). I was hoping to go and score some beans and cuts but of course I missed the tickets 🤷🏻‍♂️


Star u remember p2.....Madd it's way from st Albans to Saranac lake pretty damn quick back jn the day.? Where'd that greasey bitch go?


K+ vibes

They had a show last night about Piff....
Its a shame that money ruins these things, and there is a lot of people pushing their own narrative on what Piff is.... A lot of people dont understand what piff is, and it leaves room for a lot of people to make money off innocent clueless people.... Even the bigtime cuban pusher of the Haze didnt call it piff, was just street slang.

PIFF is literally just a terpene... a nickname for Haze/Incense..Its not 1 type of profile or specific incense........Its simply anything that leaves the room smelling like a cat filled basement of a ancient church with sandalwood benches freshly sanded or something..... It was never a clone only. It was never held by 1 person or 1 group.. Its not a Cuban, or Dominican thing... Yeah there was a crew that sold bulk haze in NYC but it has has absolutely 0 importance to someone looking for piff... That would be like me getting a pack of Neville's Haze from Mr.Nice today and sold a lot of it in my area... Then tried to tell people you can only get it from me.... Just BS.... You can smoke jack herer, blue dream, or any dispensary haze with a touch of pinene and get the piff smell lingering in the room after you smoke.... Doesnt make it the best example or the best piff... but it has the same terpene... Just find one with high pinene and bam... piffy as hell

I'd say Kali Mist, Nl5HazeMist, MangoHaze, Neville's Haze, Neville's Skunk, and NL5Haze are all great options and versions of incense dominant girls... Dont spend $200 on something labeled as piff... Just go to a Mr.Nice auction and spend $20 for a 18pack from the best source of Haze we know of.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
About 12 years ago I was dealing with some individuals locally Who are actually from Brooklyn New York they’re always shouting out and about piff piff piff Uptown Haze … They still bought my weed though ha ha

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor

They had a show last night about Piff....
Its a shame that money ruins these things, and there is a lot of people pushing their own narrative on what Piff is.... A lot of people dont understand what piff is, and it leaves room for a lot of people to make money off innocent clueless people.... Even the bigtime cuban pusher of the Haze didnt call it piff, was just street slang.

PIFF is literally just a terpene... a nickname for Haze/Incense..Its not 1 type of profile or specific incense........Its simply anything that leaves the room smelling like a cat filled basement of a ancient church with sandalwood benches freshly sanded or something..... It was never a clone only. It was never held by 1 person or 1 group.. Its not a Cuban, or Dominican thing... Yeah there was a crew that sold bulk haze in NYC but it has has absolutely 0 importance to someone looking for piff... That would be like me getting a pack of Neville's Haze from Mr.Nice today and sold a lot of it in my area... Then tried to tell people you can only get it from me.... Just BS.... You can smoke jack herer, blue dream, or any dispensary haze with a touch of pinene and get the piff smell lingering in the room after you smoke.... Doesnt make it the best example or the best piff... but it has the same terpene... Just find one with high pinene and bam... piffy as hell

I take pride in my selections, and I will definitely be working on getting the strongest incense stuff isolated and worked into a stable seed that produces the desired profile...... I'd say Kali Mist, Nl5HazeMist, MangoHaze, Neville's Haze, Neville's Skunk, and NL5Haze are all great options and versions of incense dominant girls... Dont spend $200 on something labeled as piff... Just go to a Mr.Nice auction and spend $20 for a 18pack from the best source of Haze we know of.

The prevailing theory was that the piff was a mango haze