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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Active member

I have nothing to hide but I'm a disabled vet the VA or putting me up in a hotel while I'm going into a new place to live beginning of next month I got to that place got a room fell asleep 1 in the morning for hours later f****** whatever went off went off got up had enough time to grab a couple bags my Bruins jerseys of course my handgun whatever else and get outside call a veteran buddy of mine dick Bosch off dick cane grabbed us brought us to his house next Mornin reapplied came back down I mean I make enough with my pension and s*** where I can afford to pay for it myself though until I run out of money I don't need the state to step in I figure that's the right thing to do I'm using my voice microphone cuz I f***** my fingers up stopping some individual from putting his hands on a kid so if my my writing are my spelling or the way the sentence structure supposed to be as off it's because the microphone on my phone hates me and wants me to die now that being said the time it took me to leave from Dick's and go there the next morning at 8 in the morning all of my pot my seed collection found out now I hadn't gone through that stuff cuz it was soaking wet you know what I mean it's all gone some little weasel went in in the short. Of time it was and probably just going through every 10 min rifling through shed so it is what it is you know but we all have our crosses to bear and trials and tribulations don't we


mama tried
ya im alittle off the east end of the lake it platueaus then elevates up into the dacks we get nasty lake effect snow up here. they calling for two feet


Active member
I won't lie I was steaming. Your a good dude star.....I see that. I'll prob hang around u,buzz and a couple others from now on. I like good people. They make me smile......I need smiles like oxygen

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I use voice recognition that’s why some of my sentences run on and on and on …I’ll be venting the windows because I’m not that confident in my smoke alarm or carbon monoxide protectors


...como el Son...
yo check this out one of the sweetest morning dews i ever heard
(harp cover) mikeala davis and southern star relix studio

Que chula!
(El hombre de camiseta negra que toca "steel guitar ?" parece un clon de mi primo hermano mayor, je...)

How cool!
(The man in the black t-shirt playing "steel guitar ?" looks like a clone of my older first cousin, heh...)


...como el Son...
I won't lie I was steaming. Your a good dude star.....I see that. I'll prob hang around u,buzz and a couple others from now on. I like good people. They make me smile......I need smiles like oxygen

Yo la verdad no entendí bien tu anterior mensaje... Pero cuando intenté abrir tu enlace a "miltonimdependent...", la página me da un mensaje diciendo aprox "Hemos reconocido que intenta acceder desde un país de la Unión Europea o Asociado a ella, cuya regulación y exigencias de protección de datos , no podemos garantizar", y no permite entrar (?)...

I didn't really understand your previous message.... But when I tried to open your link to "miltonimdependent...", the page gives me a message saying approx "We have recognized that you are trying to access from a country of the European Union or Associated to it, whose regulation and data protection requirements, we can not guarantee", and does not allow to enter (?)...


...como el Son...
Lo siento muchísimo por Sunshineinabag (veo lo acaban de banear). No sabría que decirle...

Lo que comentaba, también en tu enlace, Patrón : Un mensaje en inglés con se dijera " No podemos legalmente dejarte acceder al no poder cumplir con la Regulación ni Protección de Datos del país de la Unión Europea y Asociados desde el que detectamos intentas acceder" o algo parecido.

Joder, siento muchísimo lo de Sunshineinabag... Se lo duro de vivir en la calle aquí, y que allí es mucho más duro e inhumano...

A ver si se apiada de el la buena suerte.

I'm really sorry for Sunshineinabag (I see he just got banned). I wouldn't know what to say to him...

What I was saying, also on your link, Patron : A message in English saying "We cannot legally let you access because we cannot comply with the Regulation and Data Protection of the EU and Associated countries from which we detect you are trying to access" or something like that.

Fuck, I'm so sorry to hear about Sunshineinabag..... I know how hard it is to live in the street here, and that it is much harder and inhumane there....

Let's see if good luck takes pity on him.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Currently stone cold sober for the past couple weeks and I’m really enjoying it

I had about 2 months completely sober last year and I really enjoyed it too. I have now almost completely given up booze, and am using cannabis less (and enjoying it more). Going to make this sobriety break thing more regular. :artist:

Montuno, bans are mostly just a week to cool off. I'm sure sunshine will be back.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I use voice recognition that’s why some of my sentences run on and on and on …I’ll be venting the windows because I’m not that confident in my smoke alarm or carbon monoxide protectors

In a situation like the one you are in, sobriety is a plus. If you start getting a headache, get air.

You are gonna get wicked high when the dam busts though.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
This is what Mac number one looks like when she's vegging


Active member
I won't lie I was steaming. Your a good dude star.....I see that. I'll prob hang around u,buzz and a couple others from now on. I like good people. They make me smile......I need smiles like oxygen

Hey Sunshine, I got a care package for you. Just message me with a safe address.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
The service technician showed up promptly this morning with a brand new ventilator pump … got it installed and I tossed him another $40 tip , so it really does pay to tip the people that help you out in life …Speaking of which the lady who does my flower manicuring is going to drop off a bin of Mac😜#1 that she’s been working on for the last several days …she’s worth her weight in gold

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Looks nice … hope it’s not hindering you…It’s really freezing cold out right now I just got back my from my walk with cookie …she’s a shorthaired dog and I always marveled at her ability to feel seemingly invulnerable to the cold:freezing::deadxmas:


mama tried
nah got a backhoe or dozer if needbe but i prolly shovel keeps me fit and good excuse to get really stoned before i do it. i need a pet here gets lonely here at grow somtimes thought bout a cat got bad rat problem here im guessing from the pigs