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SSSTN + Australian Outback growlog


Well-known member
Hey yall 👋

I've been super interested in growing out some sativas, specifically hazes. Thanks to OJD for givong us a huge list to choose from! I've always grown commercially and never could consider growing something over 8-9 weeks. I do believe I use to smoke a good bit of old school SSH in San Francisco back around '07 '08 when I first got my medical card. Along with the super hazy cut of Blue Dream, those were some of my favorites.

Anyways, I'm going to grow these seeds until I can take a few clones off each one. Then I'll be flowering those clones and save moms. My ultimate plan has two goals and that is to find a real keeper of a haze, and also to find something that will finish nicely and on time here at 38N. If both those end up in the same pheno even better! I have plenty of more seeds to explore after this round, and rather not keep multiple phenos of one strain.

Here they are where I usually keep my cactus inside over winter. I'll be moving them into their final home asap, a 4x4 tent. It may get a little crowded in there but as I am strictly pheno hunting and yield doesn't matter, ill be flowering the clones almost straight from rooted.

3X Australian Outback

2 days of growth. First time using an LED im super impressed 👌

There's also a few Original Hazes in there by AG, but they won't be mentioned anymore in this thread.

The SSSTN looks to have 3 clear phenos as of now. Skinny in the back, wide leaf in the middle, and medium leaf up front. The wide leaf absolutely reminds me of Sour Diesel leaf structure.

Here's the 3 Aussie Outbacks. I expect these to go a few weeks longer than most of the SSSTNs. The one runt was slow to germinate but is catching up.

Stay tuned yall!
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Well-known member
Growing fast! I topped them at the 2nd node a week ago, and flipped them to 11/13 4 days ago. Both in hopes of keeping them small. They are also almost rootbound already, I'll leave them like that for 2-3 weeks to also encourage smaller plants and faster flowering.


One week later.


I decided on instead of cloning them and flowering the clones, to just flower them now and take a clone in a few weeks. If that fails I'll attempt a reveg.


They will go into their final home later this week. Got all the equipment coming in this week to build a couple boxes. They are a little crammed right now!!
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Well-known member
Got then in the new tiny home. Wardrobe box from Lowes, 2'x2'x3'. 100w led.

Will be pulling 2-3 of the O. Hazes out once they show sex, but it's still gonna be really tight in there!! I have one more box reserved for another project coming up, but I'll probably only need half the area for the that. So I can move a few plants over if need be.

It's funny to be growing on a micro scale again. My last indoor was 15 lights, and I usually grow 12 monster plants outdoors.

I could see a few more of these in my future for males, pollination runs, and testing!


Well-known member
10 days into 11/13 flower. I'm surprised by how compact they are staying so far but I'll probably be eating my words by next week 😅 However they were flowered 1 day after topping at 2nd node, just over 3wks from germ. I've never flowered a seed plant this small.

Took everyone out for watering and I removed the first set of fan leaves to help with airflow as it's getting tighter in there.

Australian Outbacks


Cab shot (with 5 other miscellaneous plants in there, 2-3 will be removed after showing sex) Added a heat mat to help with root zone temps during lights off.

I still haven't decided when/if I'm going to transplant. So far they've only been needing water every 3 days, increased to every other day the past week. Ive been feeding DynaGro Foliage Pro + ProTekt. I love the simple combo.
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Well-known member
16 days in flower today. Transplanted into 5.5" pots. Was glad to do this as I noticed a couple yellow lower fan leafs.

I think the main stretch is over, I'm pretty surprised at how small everything stayed. But, that's exactly what I was going for and as you can see in the group shot if they were any bigger it would be an overgrown mess in there!! So far everyone has juuuust enough breathing room.

The Australian Outbacks are all staying fairly squat for being a 12+ week strain

SSSTN. Cant wait to see how these different phenos develop.


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