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ssh x nl5xhaze


The seeds i got last year from gypsy,the cross i did myself.

It is ssh from mr nice, crossed with nl5 x haze from gypsy nirvana.

I have'nt grown them out yet but, they are probaly gonna take

along time. The mother ssh took about 135 days indoor but real

haze taste and high . The father was real stout and indica looking

so i hope they finesh up well. soil was tilled then added

lime ,bonemeal,bloodmeal,rocks all the norm.I planted 8 all

germed quick and i got five females one hermi and two males

but i killed the three and all is well now. Will they really finesh

up all of flowering in the last month and a half to two months,

cause that's what it looks like .lets get to the pics and let me

know what you outdoor growers think. The first pic is two then

the next pic is the other group of two and the fifth one did not

come otu so i did not show it later, it is just real indica dom like

only three feet tall .


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Nice and healthy looking. Let's hope it smokes good too! Looks like you have chosen quite an indiscrete location for your ladies (is that lightly colored trail-looking thing a road in the first picture?).


Hemppo na that is just a funny reflection of the feild behind them .

yes it is way out there but still cared for well .It;s kinda like a bet.

See i've never smoked any of his bud nor has he smoked my bud

so we said we'll use the same type of land and well see who's is

better. right now his stuff is suckin ony has three leave fan

leaves.I think it's some kind of effect from old seeds he say there

20 years old never crossed with anything . so i am kinda excited

to see what it is like,but manly just needed a safe place to grow

you know.i'll try to get some more pics soon .The earth juice is

really starting to show.



Active member
Hey man, the buds are looking good on those. It looks as if you may have won the bet!!! Nice and green and healthy girls....way to go.


Very nice cross you got there HR. You plants look very happy and those buds are turning out very nicely also. Good luck with the rest of the grow and make sure to update as you finish up. Love to hear the final results and of coarse a smoke report.
Super job and take care


thanks everyone ,J B yeah i think i will win next year he will have to grow the way i want.so that is good cause the guy who planted them isnt very good at hearing other peoples ideas ,you know old dog new tricks .BILLY i will be sure to do a good report on all those outdoor buds for ya thanks for dropin by .


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