How I killed the Borg durning fower with no damage to buds
How I killed the Borg durning fower with no damage to buds
I really do hate the Borg. They gave me problems for a while. I tried using Bang! and Neem oil but it seems they quickly became immune to it. After a large heat wave a few years back, I noticed an explosion of mites in my flower room seemingly over night. I had just tried Avid with success in my veg room but wasnt so sure about smoking the buds after being sprayed with these chemicals even if I was going to rinse them with water.
So, I took my biggest mother plant in the veg room and sprayed her down with a mixture of Avid AND Stirrup-M. Then I moved her to the flowering room and hoped for the best. Sure enough it worked. The mites were attracted to the Stirrup-M and the Avid did the rest. I moved the mother out of there after a few days to put her back in to constant light, then repeated the process a few days later after the mite eggs that were in the environment had hatched. I noticed that the mother had many bite marks on her but she recovered just fine with her growth not being stunted after returned to the constant light.
Since then I maybe have to spray for mites once a year if that. Using the stirrup M also makes it so you dont have to spray every square inch of your plants, tops and bottoms of leaves. Just a nice little spray over the canopy and the mites come crawling out like you're the Pied Piper.
Dont want Avid or Stirrup on any of your pot plants? Completely understandable. Simply buy a leafy house plant from the store and dose that up with Avid and Stirrup M then just throw it away when you're done.
I hope this story is useful to someone out there, mites have certainly caused me so much stress that if this information can help lower someone elses stress then I would be happy.
Here is where I purchased the products mentioned above:
Best wishes,
Always Learning
How I killed the Borg durning fower with no damage to buds
I really do hate the Borg. They gave me problems for a while. I tried using Bang! and Neem oil but it seems they quickly became immune to it. After a large heat wave a few years back, I noticed an explosion of mites in my flower room seemingly over night. I had just tried Avid with success in my veg room but wasnt so sure about smoking the buds after being sprayed with these chemicals even if I was going to rinse them with water.
So, I took my biggest mother plant in the veg room and sprayed her down with a mixture of Avid AND Stirrup-M. Then I moved her to the flowering room and hoped for the best. Sure enough it worked. The mites were attracted to the Stirrup-M and the Avid did the rest. I moved the mother out of there after a few days to put her back in to constant light, then repeated the process a few days later after the mite eggs that were in the environment had hatched. I noticed that the mother had many bite marks on her but she recovered just fine with her growth not being stunted after returned to the constant light.
Since then I maybe have to spray for mites once a year if that. Using the stirrup M also makes it so you dont have to spray every square inch of your plants, tops and bottoms of leaves. Just a nice little spray over the canopy and the mites come crawling out like you're the Pied Piper.
Dont want Avid or Stirrup on any of your pot plants? Completely understandable. Simply buy a leafy house plant from the store and dose that up with Avid and Stirrup M then just throw it away when you're done.
I hope this story is useful to someone out there, mites have certainly caused me so much stress that if this information can help lower someone elses stress then I would be happy.
Here is where I purchased the products mentioned above:
Best wishes,
Always Learning