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'Spicy Cheese & Saxon Axe'


ICMag Donor
if you cross 2 "true IBL`s" you have a f1....both have to be "true IBL" to be "true f1"......to make a "true IBL" you have to incross many times with large numbers of plants....

mendal said f1 is a blend of both parents 50/50 depending on dom traits.....

he also said parent phenos are in the f2`s...no more 50/50.....in f2 parent phenos also show up in extreem sativa an extreem indica form

most clones are hybrids not ibl`s....so "true f1`s" are few and far between.... but most people still use the f1 term for explaining there project`s

a bx will make a higher % of psycho dom seeds and bring the blend to 60/40.....

i personaly dont like the idea of bx...f2`s are where the magic is at if you ask me...f4/f5 is awsome if you have the time....maybe a bx1 or bx2 first then f2/f3....

just my 2p
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Active member
f5's? i would be there for years trying to get to that stage.

man thats hard work even thinking about.

give me a shout if your up for doing it for me :muahaha:


ICMag Donor
Back croosing 'Psycho's Sister' to 'Pschosis' would be smart breeding ,, :yes: we gonna wait until next Spring to run Psycho's Sister out,, do to dem honestly :wink:

Here's the final shot of Saxon Axe to NYCD ,,

,, for all the procreationists in the house ,, keep striding :canabis:

Peace out all
DocLeaf :joint:

"Where I come from, I rep. every day,," ... I's a Local Grower to the bone :canabis:


Active member
nearly done

nearly done

here's how the bubble axe is coming along....

as you see the plant kinda has 2 tops, because i accidently twisted it a bit adding some superthrive to my usual mix. i also bent the tops over to make sure they had maximum light.

would have done these sooner but been sick as a dog.

how did your window bubble axe smoke man? :joint:
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ICMag Donor
lovelightpower said:
here's how the bubble axe is coming along....

as you see the plant kinda has 2 tops, because i accidently twisted it a bit adding some superthrive to my usual mix. i also bent the tops over to make sure they had maximum light.

would have done these sooner but been sick as a dog.

how did your window bubble axe smoke man? :joint:

Cool LLP,,, many thanks for sharing photos :dance: :yes: :dance:

We scrapped the bubble axe early to make space,, was only a test run,, but it did make a few nice spliffs :joint:

Just crossed both Axe lines (Saxon Axe and Bubble Axe) to a nice NYCD male my buddy had on the grow,, :canabis: give yo a shout-out when seed be ready n done.

Peace buddy.. happy smoking :canabis:


Active member
as the bubble-axe progressed in flower, the strain has started putting out a fresh plain yogurt smell later into flower. i recognise this same smell off cheesexNL or psycho when their flowering.

obviously i know the BA is totally unrelated, but thought i'd say what i had observed. i haven't smelt this on any other plants so far (that i can remember).

thinking of chopping this plant on monday, or the monday after.

i am really looking forward to smoking it! :joint:

got about 6-7 clones in their first pots ready to go in the flower room in about a week. i've been holding off putting much in there for a while so i can chuck loads of strains in there so they'll be ready for winter solstice celebrations. :)


Active member
no worries man, toking what i do best!

i'm still pretty undecided on whether to chop tomorrow or the week after.

see how eager i feel looking at it tomorrow, got a fair bit to chop anyway tomorrow so it will get fair judgement.


Cannabis Helper
The SaxonAxe, BubbleAxe and NYCD all do quite well as short pole plants.

ps... i like the pics of the buds, lovelightpower!



ICMag Donor
Yo folks :wave:

Bubble Axe x NYCD = Mithril

Saxon Axe x NYCD = Merlin

The names are merely a way of remembering which genetics are growing when :wink:

Mithril = [NL x Sensi Star] x [Bubble Dust] x New York City Diesel

Merlin = [NL x Sensi Star] x New York City Diesel

The NL came from HQS,, the Sensi Star from Black Label, the Bubble Dust is Growdoc's,, and the NYCD came from Soma Seeds.

A Merlin is a type of hawk, and the name of a Medieval wizard.. :canabis:

Mithril is a type of mythical metal, forged best by dwarfs.. :canabis:

Both these terms were common in Saxon times...

peace peace peace
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ICMag Donor
yooooooooo.................the merlin

its gona be crazy..........what a choice doc.......NYCD is one of the best strains for taste ever....i hope you like it.....growem hard....i loved my nycd clone from 01-05


ICMag Donor
Yo Rick,, it's already crazy,,, like the 'Lament For Gandalf',,, :D

When evening in the Shire was grey
his footsteps on the Hill were heard;
before the dawn he went away
on journey long without a word.

From Wilderland to Western shore,
from northern waste to southern hill,
through dragon-lair and hidden door
and darkling woods he walked at will.

With Dwarf and Hobbit, Elves and Men,
with mortal and immortal folk,
with bird on bough and beast in den,
in their own secret tongues he spoke.

A deadly sword, a healing hand,
a back bent beneath its load;
a trumpet-voice, a burning brand,
a weary pilgrim on the road.

A lord is wisdom throned he sat,
swift in anger, quick to laugh;
an old man in a battered hat
who leaned upon a thorny staff.

He stood upon the bridge alone
and Fire and Shadow both defied;
his staff was broken on the stone,
in Khazad-dum his wisdom died.

[The Fellowship of The Ring]

beyond this... yeah they should make some radical plants man :dance:

Shalom :canabis:
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Damn the Saxon Axe looks great!! Would love a few of those in my room!!

Great thread, all 35 pages!


Active member
bubble-axe smoke report

bubble-axe smoke report

bubble-axe f1 (fritillary seeds)
(bubble dust x saxon axe)

bag appeal; very frosty. buds are quite fluffly, cant help thinking if i left it one week more, it may have swelled a little more, all stigmas were brown and resin looked ripe though. but anyway it looks very nicely resined up, especially under the old 420scope.

smell: fruity, kinda leaning towards orange (a little like an orange bud plant i grew) or berry, maybe a little pine in there as well. i've been smelling it for a week and still cant quite pinpoint it.

taste; hashy, other flavours from the smell are there but with a predominant fine quality seived hash taste

high; soaring stoned. to sum it up in two words. i smoked a spliff when i woke up, and got a soaring high, really luicid perception, sort of like a very mild dose of mushrooms. very much like a big dose of mono-atomic gold or some other superfoods. i found it quite motivational and i wrote this smoke report whilst still high on the spliff. but the main parts of the high are; a soaring come up, it leaves you reeling for a while after a bong ;) even more longer lasting smoking a spliff , and a shift in perception, very lucid, everthing gains more colour, thoughts are more lucid and flowing easily (not like a lot of very confusing weeds i've smoked). motivational and anti-depressant in a way too. apart from the soaring part at the begining, the high is very gentle whilst being intense, meaning it doesn't keel you over. i did find my self enjoying staring at nothing in particuar just enjoying the buzz in a state of no-mind, if you know what i mean, but it is easy to snap out of it. very nice effects though over all, more daytime or socialising smoke i reckon, not one to put you to bed. very nice high though, one that is quite rare.