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South East Asian Outdoor grow (Baguio Gold/AK-48/White Rhino)


New member
This is my first time to seriously grow so bare with me and please help me along the way and i will do the same for any questions you guys may have. So, I went to the area of planting that I scoped out and placed 3 of each strain in seperate small pots after germintation. I love the weather right now because it is perfect for the outdoor growing. I am not too sure on the effects of the outdoor grow will do to the exotic strains but with what i have read it seems to be working quite fwell for the other SEA growers. So best of luck with that.

Also, im wondering if the germinated plants should first go into an indoor grow area then when healthy enough move it. What is the best way to go about this? And also, it is hard to make your way through area due to tall grass are there any probable infestations that can occur from such situations and if so what remedies can be applied? Also, suggestions and comments would be a great deal of help.

I will post pictures as soon as i get my camera running...I'll be focusing more on the local strain for the people who are not familiar with our bud...

A quick Smoke Report

Strain: Baguio Gold
Type : Dominantly sativa
Description: Crisp, spicy (more pepper like than anything else) and is quite floral tastes. It is Very Resinous. Perfect for making a lot of hash with. Also, it is perfect for smoking all day and night even though it is potent. I love tropical weed ahhh.... But i would not mind having some AK-48 and White rhinos hahaha...

PS anyone familiar with the bud please try and add on to this...im too baked to remember...

Thanks! MABUHAY...or not..hehe


New member
I just came back from the planting area and set up 3 seeds per strain additional to the 2 of each in the start of the grow. the seeds are looking safe. I cut down some tall grass just to make an indirect pathway to the 3 plant sites. That was back breaking but hopefully it will be for the best. I'll keep you guys posted on the grow. Also, i used the moist paper towels for the germination process. Is there a better way to do this? Also, what is the best for the composting.

Pictures will be up soon,'til then...
baguio gold

baguio gold

gerrax, that stuff sure was good. made me really talkative and clear-headed. although the hash we made from it was a bit too strong for my liking. knocked me out cold. here some pics.

i'm sure it'll grow better under your care.


Joint Date: Today.
good luck with your next/first grow gerrax!:lurk:
im just gonna ask you a couple of questions..like:

-how big are the pots for the seedlings?
-are you sure you chosed a safe position with no risk of laying down on a side or being blowed away by animals,wind or water?

If youre not too familiar with the area youre'growing in, you should keep them in pots for a while, the way you could move them if needed. If you dug a lil hole to place the pot in a safe position, make sure they dont develope their roots through the bottom of the pot - you can put some plastic under the pot and keep it till you transplant the plants in the ground, but the best way wuold be
finding an "impenetrable" location for them.. so you can plant them in the ground as soon as possible.

Night temps may be a bit low so dot worry if they take some extra time to pop out from the soil.
The BaguioGold sounds an interestin landrace.. it'd be nice to give it a try..

peace & stay safe


New member
Thank you for the support and help wamen!
Well, its basically safe...no animals that i know of...and it is a gated lot so it is rather safe from animals but the wind factor can get questionable so i went back to fix the pots for the seedlings and put rocks on the side so it wont be blown away. I put the seeds in individual pots. These are the small cups...around 4-6 oz.

I was actually thinking of putting them into my indoor grow room for a bit to get them healthier which i think is needed for guerilla planting to minimize the time exposed to the elements and people.

Planting in the ground is actually not very viable because the soil is not sanitized. Speaking of which how can i keep the soil in my pots pest free? can i put a plastic covering over the pot after the plant grows a reasonable amout so it can be exposed. Is this recommended?

Its been a few days already and the baguio gold is looking good. Its coming along quite nicely. But the Ak48 and the White rhinos are a little slow in comparisson but i think eventually they will be growing at the same rate if properly nurtured.

Will put pics soon.

Hey smoke tayo...The hash was nuts though i really enjoyed making it hahah... I'll make sure that you get the freshest suckers from the harvest. Lets keep our fingers crossed.

I will put an indoor grow diary as well to track their progress indoors. It is very interesting to see how the baguio gold will develop under those conditions due to the fact that it is primarily grown in the mountain regions...

Until then...HOOT! HOOT! Its time to take the train to tsongkee(weed) town!

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