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Sour Bubble & Bogglegum



I still have some LSD #4 seeds that BOG sent me years ago. I really miss that BOG feller, I cut my teeth on all his advise and seeds. It is a shame that he got so burned out with all the online drama.

I do remember asking BOG about the superbogbubble pheno of his BogBubble strain which is what he called it initially before changing it to SourBubble when the seeds were released. At that time he was only considering trying to isolate it in seed form but he sure made it sound good as he did with all his strains, and it was not hype.

I also remember that his son was the one that created GrapePunch. I'm sure this is already known I am just walking through time in my head.

Take Care


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I still have sourbubble BX4 seeds that bog gave me over a year ago. Ive grown her out a few times but shes just too slow to keep in my garden :). maybe ill try her outside again next season. But indoor or out she is def slow.
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Yes Babba, she is slow so far... But she's hearty, actually some of these phenos have more vigor than others... Glad you and the Mrs got some of these BX4 seeds, something told me you guys were one of the few that were blessed with 'em too....

Did you happen to take any pictures? Some of my phenos were more CRAZY mutants, while others appeared more stable and uniform... The seeds were DEFINITELY INSANE LOOKING, all pointy like little footballs, and when I say pointy, I MEAN pointier than any other seeds I'd ever seen, like a very slender pointy seed.... Many seeds looked like this... Hope the Mrs is well Babba! Tell her I say hello, PEACE!



Active member
I agree, I cut my teeth on all his strains and advise. He was one of the only breeders on the IC that would respond to EVERY PM I ever sent him. Once I got a pack on GP and all of them were males, could have been a bad draw, could have been my bad, but he sent me 30 sour bubble bx2 for my time. He was truely a great person, breeder, and hes is very missed around here for sure.


Yeah ive grown the SB4 a few times now, got many crosses of it too,,,

uk cheese
sohumb purp

lots more..

Bro was friends with BOG too, used to go up to Lepp's all the time, have 2 25 packs of the bx4 as well.. Different people who he gave the seeds too were told the same thing.. I think Bog has told a few different versions, he might have crossed it and then tried to outcross it again,, not sure, but i will tell you that the bubba and the bx4 phenos ive done are pretty similar in many ways..

Im not going to have a pissing war with you bro, but i think the confusion was caused by BOG himself.. and thats why you have diff versions of the bubba influence..


I don't doubt you brother, I split a 25 pack that too came from a friend of Lepp's... and I'm growing some right now... But I'm almost positive there was no Bubba in her.... but as you say anything is a possibility... And you must not know me that well, I don't have pissing wars over anything, not worth the time or energy...
Glad you were blessed enough to grow her out Ush, I know you like BOG gear so welcome...

BOG has repeated many times that SourBubble was a special phenotypic expression of his regular Bubblegum line that he isolated the genes of and BX'd (hence the SourBubbleBX1 (a backcross as there is no other parent))...

That's BOGs take on the SB...

Thanks for the input samson...



Active member
Hey guys!

Now Im very unfamiliar with the SourBub, as I have never grown her (though I have 2 packs of GrindHouse's SB and Mitsu's SB freebies), but I just wanted to post this here for you guys...

This is an interview that BOG did with SKUNK magazine, in which he said that SourBubble did indeed have some "kush" in it...Sour Bubble being derived from the Kush side of his "Bubblegum/Kush cross"
Here is the thread with the interview:

Im not trying to stir anything up, as I know yo guys are much more informed about BOGs projects than I, just figured some of you guys may like to read the interview...Interesting stuff for sure, but it seems that even BOG himself admitted to having Kush in the mix.

Be Well and Stay Safe
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Yeah ofcourse no worries, ya never know, i was up there for quite some time , im just saying sometimes people will tell diff stories and get mixed up themselves and then defend it .. it would be much cooler imho if all the SB's werent influenced by Bubba and they were their own .. ,, what I do know is the SB4 that i did was smoked by many a folk that have been Bubba heads for a long time and they were deadset on the Bubba influence.. I wanted to deny it, but I kept diggin and heard these things from people in person..

So who knows, I still think SB has alot of traits that are quite diff then Bubba, and similar at the same time..

They both are head knocking strains and are on the top of my list bar none..

thanks for the discussion DEH! haha

grapepunched said:
I don't doubt you brother, I split a 25 pack that too came from a friend of Lepp's... and I'm growing some right now... But I'm almost positive there was no Bubba in her.... but as you say anything is a possibility... And you must not know me that well, I don't have pissing wars over anything, not worth the time or energy...
Glad you were blessed enough to grow her out Ush, I know you like BOG gear so welcome...

BOG has repeated many times that SourBubble was a special phenotypic expression of his regular Bubblegum line that he isolated the genes of and BX'd (hence the SourBubbleBX1 (a backcross as there is no other parent))...

That's BOGs take on the SB...

Thanks for the input samson...



CF you are making me drool with those !!

Now thats serious Candy!! :joint:


I don't understand a backcross of SourBubble original... He stated the original SB pheno was found in his bubblegum breeding lines... then if SB the first one the mother was just that, then how would a BX1 involve a Bubba? I know there are similarities but I guess we'll just never know for sure. Thanks for the input Concept. Anyone understand how I don't understand the BX1 term used if there was a Bubba in it? The original sour bubble must have had the Bubba crossed to a bogglegum in order for it to be a backcross, or hell, I guess MAYBEEEEE he used some selfed Bubba pollen, pollinated the sour bubble original, grew out the originalsb x bubba, found a male, and hit the original sour bubble back up with the male... so the mom would be 100% SB and the dad would be 50/50, making it a backcross? Sounds feasible? I don't know, let me get some pics of my OGbubblegum (an S1 of BOGs keeper bublegum mother he used for breeding)... It has no bubba FOR SURE in it... but the leaves resemble bubba slightly anyways.... I'll post when I can get to the grow house and take some pics...


Care Free 1

Active member
I dont know GP, the Sour Bub's seem like they had to be crrossed with something cuz they look nothing like the BogBubble, or anything else he ran. Not even close in appearence or potency.

Oh, and sadly those Grape Punch cuts were lost in a tragic accident, but they live on in memory, thats for sure!!!
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Man, what a loss! (on tha GP)
Those don;t look like Bubba really too much either though... maybe some traits...

Nice PICS! K+


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
BOG rocks

BOG rocks

some bog pix i run a few of his stuff.
but hands down, lsd is my fave!!!

bogglegum at 42 daze


SB Bx3

not much more to say after that ^^^^^ let his work do the talking :D


Frank that Bogglegum looks very much like the Sweet Cindy I have ,
Real deal holyfield.. great job!

Bog Beans = Serious Poop

No matter what..

sorry for messin with the myth :spank: :laughing:

Space Ghost

I'm a big bog fan as well, here's some shots of my bogglegum... but I also tragically lost my cut....



Feel free to add any pics/ comments on BOGs gear at my well wishes thread in the well wish forum... I don't want to clutter up this smoke report anymore... Peace!


Dr. G

Active member
oldies but goodies

i got a huge sour bubble in flower currentally it was my old mom but i took a new cut






Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
a cpl pics from the past :)

a cpl pics from the past :)






bogglegum buds

outdoor bogglegum
SourBubble :rasta:

:rasta: Boggle/// :joint:
:rasta: Two strains that will Never leave my Garden.No matter what anyone thinks,these two were straight Home Runs.Great job Boggy. :rasta: Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :rasta:
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*Stoned User*
Bogglegum is yummy!!!

Bogglegum is yummy!!!

Bogglegum is an awesome plant and the smoke is top notch. :joint: My bogglegums stayed very compact throughout the grow despite high temps that caused them stress. They all had rigid, dark green leafs that, on several occasions, gave me papercuts. :nono:

The buds off these plants were great in all phases of appearance and smoking pleasure. The smoke was some knock-you-down-shit.... good meds. Great evening smoke. Top 5 for sure in overall satisfaction. :canabis:

Thanks BOG! :ying: