Good questions my friend! I got the greenhouse at lowes for about 200$ (traded in a sliding door i found in my backyard!) It was very windy the first few days i put it up and was easily blown over until i added the tie downs. It's about 6 months old and holding up pretty well, haven't noticed any holes or anything. I'm in an incredibly hot climate actually, i thought the tempss were headin down but they spiked back up to 100 - 110 today ): The greenhouse has window ventss built in which have ben open since the begginning, and i don't zip the doors so air can flow through. I also had to raise with cinder blocks to account for plant height (The tallest is about 9 feet) this leaves about a foot of space between the sides and the ground also allowing more air circulation. I am planning on putting some more plants out for the winter when these are done. It does get cold here in the winter months at night (Can be just above freezing) so we'll see hoe the ladies handle it. Anymore questions feel free to ask! suggestions are always welcome too!