wowowow is that gorgeous nug in the shot with your hand the choc thai? beautiful!
keep a close eye on those chem ibl. i have heard some horror stories from wanton dusty bananas at all points in flower.
Here's a recent test I did on the viability of nematode's after being stored in the back of the fridge for 70 days. As you will see you can get viable nematodes when stored this way. The longest I have gone is 90 days with good results. So the moral of the story is if you use your properly stored nematodes within about 60 days you will be good to go. Buy in bulk and save some money!!!!
P.S. The music is by Mountain Sprout.
Good to know, thank you for sharing. How local do you get them initially? As in, if you get the shipped, how long do they take to get to you before you put use or refrigerate?
Does AA help in the garden?
So that is a chocolate Thai hybrid? Leaves are quite fat and the bud looks pretty dense. Not normal for a Thai. Either is the short flowering time. Looks nice tho, just has to be a hybrid.
Cool plants, care to discuss your lighting and equipment?