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So...what's up today?

St. Phatty

Active member
Finally some warm weather, going to get outside and get things done...

This part of the year, it's sort of like when women live in the same house & their periods get synchronized.

Once it gets hot, most of us have one primary mission - growing our Cannabis/ fruit trees/ shade trees/ roses/ deer food.

I have hops plants. 2 of them are big enough to really need trellising.

And I have fruit trees that need staking because the stems are thin but they're ten feet tall.

My priority is rather survival-related. My home is like a solar oven. In front of one window I have a large rose-bush and a plum tree. Also 3 trees in 30 gallon pots - 2 maples and a catalpa.


This part of the year, it's sort of like when women live in the same house & their periods get synchronized.

Once it gets hot, most of us have one primary mission - growing our Cannabis/ fruit trees/ shade trees/ roses/ deer food.

I have hops plants. 2 of them are big enough to really need trellising.

And I have fruit trees that need staking because the stems are thin but they're ten feet tall.

My priority is rather survival-related. My home is like a solar oven. In front of one window I have a large rose-bush and a plum tree. Also 3 trees in 30 gallon pots - 2 maples and a catalpa.
A few pics could be fun :)

P :smoke:


Boreal Curing
I had 4 Honduran, 2 Strawberry Cough, 2 Trainwreck and 4 Swazi that I've been vegging since April 1st (no foolin). They're in 3 gallon pots. I had to carry them 2 at a time into a new gorilla spot, plus Promix, shovel & auger. It was tough for this old man, but I did it. :D

I don't normally do that much work for 10 plants, but, this spot is just too beautiful not to do something worthwhile with.


An artesian well feeds this pond. PH is 6.9-7


Seed Whore
^^^^ Nice little watering hole too. :)

I think I'm going to get some mosquito dunks to throw in the ones near my spot.

St. Phatty

Active member
A few pics could be fun


OK !!!


Roses about 4 days ago.

And then, Roses yesterday or today. I guess you can see 'em opening up.



The roses & grass pic - when I looked at it, it's like it had a little extra psychedelic color.

I think I'm going to use my Cannabis as a shade plant this year.


For the people that were talking about starting plants outdoors in the spring. You can use the 12/12 light of some locations in March & April to do a decent flowering cycle.

This Sativa clone looking seedling is probably Blueberry Headband x Blue Widow genealogy, 2 or 3 generations back. Crossed with a male plant that survived extreme heat & wilting the best. etc.

Her seedling sister went into full bore flowering - with the same light cycle. The Sativa looking seedling threw out a few pistils but mostly stayed in veg. She didn't begin to grow much until she got the more intense sunlight in May.

If I can use her to shade my home well that's kind of cool - literally. The software won't let me put smilies - says I have too many pictures.

I'll dig up a picture of the Cedar and Catalpa.

I also noticed that some of my blackberry plants are bare-roots, in buckets that had water in them, etc.

I have been cultivating a honeysuckle cluster on the deck. In my one previous attempt, I put a lattice behind it, and it went nowhere. It was in the ground. The new one is in a 7 gallon pot.

In the same ground, I have a honeysuckle monster about 10 feet tall and 7 feet wide. Maybe 30 feet away. It smells really good and attracts birds.

The monster honeysuckle grew around and inside a metal power pole. Might be a fire danger.

So I'm trying to get another monster honeysuckle to provide shade, and it's turning into a bit of a project.


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St. Phatty

Active member
mixed up new batch today

Sounds like fun, in a dusty way. :woohoo:

We had a mirage of a rainy cloudy day for about 1/2 hour.

Then it all went away. Did the heat chase the clouds away ?

100 degrees + starting next week.

I'm concerned about visiting the water tanks & nothing there.

Got to make Mo Bettah lids (for the tanks) or something.

St. Phatty

Active member
Supply Chain delivered the Strawberry Yogurt.

I been wanting to take pictures of my seedlings & clones.


2 seedlings from a neighbor.


A Re-Gen of a Blueberry Headband cross, and another "Thought it was Dead" plant that got cast aside. Then it started back up.


And some "Seedlings on the Side", The Neighbor's Misc Collection Category. The pot it came from was one of the best random collections of meds I've ever seen. :)


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Well-known member
I’m hearing those commando cops are going to come again, now they are trying to link some shootings, murder, to the growers. To many greedy a-holes moved out here only for the growing season, and thought they could whatever they want. I’ve heard stories of people buying bare land, putting a water tank on it and growing without any bathroom, and the neighbors seeing them crapping in the bushes. I haven’t been paranoid about growing in years, but these cops are raiding medical grows, shoot first and ask questions later, is there mo. It sucks...


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hang in there Ester. Hopefully LEO is after much bigger fish than you. We see the same here in Southern Colo. Peeps buy 40 acres of dust and put up a tent and start growing. They have nothing....kind of a shame. Most don't make it with this kind of a set up. The ones who make it down there are much better prepared and are mostly left alone.

I just got back from the mountains and am way behind on chores around here. Gotta go and start catching up.