No government has the right to tell me what plant I can and cannot grow. Nor do they have the right to tell me what I can and cannot ingest. I pay my own way in life and always have, I owe no one anything except my mother. I am a KING. Fuck the rest who dissagree, quite frankly I do not care. I lead myself, i do not need anyones permission for anything. God or whatever you believe in, gave me a brain and I intend on using it.
If you pay tax, VAT, income tax, fuel tax or whatever tax, your goverment owes YOU. You do not owe them anything, no subservience, no answers, no privacy, no compromise, nothing...THE REST IS BS. It is just economic transaction, you pay, they do, simple. Not the status quo that we have around the globe, that is BS! No matter how it is played, it is BS. Where else in life does a man pay and then not be in charge. If you pay, YOU are in charge. FUCK leaders that think otherwise, they are just there to fix your potholes and provide free, eco-energy for powering our grow lamps, remove AND RECYCLE your waste etc..! This has gone on for too long, every human being has the basic right to make up their own mind and plant any seed or do anything that makes their own life better so long that it does make others' lives worse. Fuck the rest. The time for nice language and compromise is long gone, how many more must have their assets stolen and lives lost or imprisoned for something which is their GOD given right to do! Makes me foam!
If you pay tax, VAT, income tax, fuel tax or whatever tax, your goverment owes YOU. You do not owe them anything, no subservience, no answers, no privacy, no compromise, nothing...THE REST IS BS. It is just economic transaction, you pay, they do, simple. Not the status quo that we have around the globe, that is BS! No matter how it is played, it is BS. Where else in life does a man pay and then not be in charge. If you pay, YOU are in charge. FUCK leaders that think otherwise, they are just there to fix your potholes and provide free, eco-energy for powering our grow lamps, remove AND RECYCLE your waste etc..! This has gone on for too long, every human being has the basic right to make up their own mind and plant any seed or do anything that makes their own life better so long that it does make others' lives worse. Fuck the rest. The time for nice language and compromise is long gone, how many more must have their assets stolen and lives lost or imprisoned for something which is their GOD given right to do! Makes me foam!