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So i need some advice about this new girl in my life


livin my way the high way
alright so i met this chick about 2 weeks ago and we have 2 classes together so i thought alright im gonna get this girl. well its been two weeks and we very happy when were together and everything just seems to click between us. Oh by the way i fell way hard for her.

so heres the problem. another guy asked her out on new years and she said yea. well she has yet to break it off with him even tho i keep getting told im way better and she will soon enough. now im trying really hard to just let it slide but every day i keep falling further and further for her. like really she has captured my heart. well tonight i was with her and a few of her friends just hanging at a bar. we were playing pool and having a great time and i leaned over for a kiss and was rejected with, "i dont want to do anything publicly yet because we arent together" so i asked her if she had a timeline for breaking it off so we could finally start a real relationship. i was then told that she didnt have any idea but didnt want to rush things. yea that kinda ended my fun for the night.

so im trying really hard to win her over. doing all the cheesy shit too, poems, flowers, all that. im mean for valentines day im making a bouquet of origami flowers in her favorite color, along with a butterfly (the butterfly is because she said she doesnt feel the butterflies with this other guy anymore) so im gonna make her one and write love poems all over it so i can say if your ever not feeling butterflies with me than just read a poem and you will.

on valentines day i have a wonderful day planned and i might ruin it because im gonna have to bring up this other guy cause i cant go on not knowing whether this is serious or not. she seems like shes worried for some reason and ive put my heart and soul into making this work so im scared that i may ruin a great thing.

so my question is how would you go about bringing this up in a respectable way without seeming overbearing

im just worried that i may ruin probably the most true love ive ever felt because she wont break it off with this other guy. this may ruin me too because i had my heart broken about a year ago and this is the first time ive even considered a relationship since then. o did i mention i fell hard for this girl, like tripped down a flight of concrete stairs hard

o btw i didnt know she had a boyfriend until a few days ago

only reasonable replies are welcome. non of that bitches aint shit stuff.


livin my way the high way
naw fuck that i can get girls but ive never felt anything for them really. but this chick is different, i really care for her


all praises are due to the Most High
oh my, this girl sounds like a nightmare to me...

good luck with all that.

much peace and health


livin my way the high way
yea if by valentines day its not over im gonna have to let her know than im done.


....so heres the problem. another guy asked her out on new years and she said yea.... o btw i didnt know she had a boyfriend until a few days ago

Read what you wrote and ask yourself if you really need help with this one.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
2 weeks bro...I have a feeling you can get over this one if it doesn't work out...good luck...


livin my way the high way
i know i could get over it but thats not what i want to happen. i really want to develop this into somthing long term. ive never had this feeling for a girl before. ive felt lust, puppy love, etc but this feels true if you know what i mean. from the second i saw her i just knew. i dont know how to explain it other than it feels right.




Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Babyboy, two weeks and that's all it took for your head to "jump time"? You know, there's always one that's gonna be the creme de la creme in your eyes. More often than not, it's the one you can't get. Couple of flags fly up with me. First of all, you fell too fast. Always remember, when you give that much of your heart away, you don't have ANY control of yourself. Not to mention this girl has other interests. Dongle69 said it best. That's it in a nutshell. If you the playa' you claim you can be, i'd find me another little babygirl - or two - to hang out with. Trust me, her true colors will show. You need to pull your self up out of this one a tad bit because you're leaving yourself WIDE OPEN to get hurt.
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alright so i met this chick about 2 weeks ago and we have 2 classes together so i thought alright im gonna get this girl. well its been two weeks and we very happy when were together and everything just seems to click between us. Oh by the way i fell way hard for her.

so heres the problem. another guy asked her out on new years and she said yea. well she has yet to break it off with him even tho i keep getting told im way better and she will soon enough. now im trying really hard to just let it slide but every day i keep falling further and further for her. like really she has captured my heart. well tonight i was with her and a few of her friends just hanging at a bar. we were playing pool and having a great time and i leaned over for a kiss and was rejected with, "i dont want to do anything publicly yet because we arent together" so i asked her if she had a timeline for breaking it off so we could finally start a real relationship. i was then told that she didnt have any idea but didnt want to rush things. yea that kinda ended my fun for the night.

so im trying really hard to win her over. doing all the cheesy shit too, poems, flowers, all that. im mean for valentines day im making a bouquet of origami flowers in her favorite color, along with a butterfly (the butterfly is because she said she doesnt feel the butterflies with this other guy anymore) so im gonna make her one and write love poems all over it so i can say if your ever not feeling butterflies with me than just read a poem and you will.

on valentines day i have a wonderful day planned and i might ruin it because im gonna have to bring up this other guy cause i cant go on not knowing whether this is serious or not. she seems like shes worried for some reason and ive put my heart and soul into making this work so im scared that i may ruin a great thing.

so my question is how would you go about bringing this up in a respectable way without seeming overbearing

im just worried that i may ruin probably the most true love ive ever felt because she wont break it off with this other guy. this may ruin me too because i had my heart broken about a year ago and this is the first time ive even considered a relationship since then. o did i mention i fell hard for this girl, like tripped down a flight of concrete stairs hard

o btw i didnt know she had a boyfriend until a few days ago

only reasonable replies are welcome. non of that bitches aint shit stuff.

dude, listen...i dont know what other people have said thus far, but hear me out.

don't bend over backwards for this girl. now, immediately, you might be thinking "but i want to" or "i like her so much i just feel the need to"... just LISTEN and READ this dude.

here is the cold, hard truth (given if you are in the age range of 18-30)

the most probable outcome of your situation is, the girl doesn't end up breaking it off with this dude, falls into his arms or whatever, and devastates you.

so here's what you have to do. first, prepare yourself this might happen, and probably will happen no matter WHAT you do (so quit on the roses, the candy, origami or whatever you think will impress her)...

a woman's attraction isn't always "things". unless it is very super expensive things (like rollin up to the club in a bentley or lambo), women really don't care. other things catch their eye and interest them..looks obviously, so if this dude got 200 lbs on you in the weight room on the bench, then maybe you should consider factors like that...or even if you "look" better than him, attitude makes all the difference. quickest and easiest way to get a girls attention...give her a true, genuine laugh...whether its a joke or just kidding about events going on around you, make her interested with YOU.

i say, best course of action, quit sucking up to her, quit making her shit, call her on the phone or see her in person (preferred)...and tell her whats up. explain how you feel, if she's feeling the same way trust me dude she will tell you. if she gives you some bullshit line about "she needs time" or "just doesnt know yet"...its all a sham. they all are. she's trying to keep you as a sidelined tackle incase her 1st string lineman gets injured if you catch my drift.

once you explain everything, her response is your answer to this whole problem. be upfront with your shit. be confident. know how to talk to women, and dont be afraid to tell her what you want and how you feel (but also, know HOW to say it)


New member
The surest way to guaranty that you will never get a girl is to want it too much. If you go through with your Valentines Day plans you will most likely never get this girl. Why don’t you try blowing her off for a while and make her jealous for a change? Make out with another girl in front of her if you can, make her the one asking questions.

The fact that she’s being going out with a guy since New Years and didn’t tell you until a few days ago is a bad omen though man.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
wtf, she has a man and ur reading her poetry and shit? i'd flatten ur face if that was my girl. have u considered such a situation? p.s. trying hard never gets the girls

p.p.s. leave it at a classmate relationship and stop wearing your heart on your sleeve
What we have here ladies and gentlemen, is a member of a cannabis growing forum with almost 800 posts who is clearly not a grower of weed. Just check his posts or gallery.

Ahem, ah, I fell for one of his threads before too.

Yummybud strikes again.



Active member
The surest way to guaranty that you will never get a girl is to want it too much. If you go through with your Valentines Day plans you will most likely never get this girl. Why don’t you try blowing her off for a while and make her jealous for a change? Make out with another girl in front of her if you can, make her the one asking questions.

The fact that she’s being going out with a guy since New Years and didn’t tell you until a few days ago is a bad omen though man.

I agree with this guy...... from experience if a girl knows you're crazy for her and want her badly she'll run away. don't know why but that's how it is.

I finally asked a girl out and now i'm going out with her but the reason it happened was that I didn't want her badly, like I asked her out and talked to her thinking I don't really give a fk if she says no. She's good looking but I really like this other girl at work and that is not working right now. she gave me signals that she liked me then i told her that I really liked her and missed seeing her and now she pretty much ignores me.

It's sad but the girls I end up really liking a lot and wanting badly never work out.

plus honestly love poems ??? I think that only works in the movies lol. if a girl likes you she will go out with you if you're nice to her, if she doesn't like you love poems and singing next to her window isn't going to make her like you.

it's human nature though, you always want what you can't get. even though I finally got a really good looking girl going out with me that is really nice I can't stop thinking and wanting that girl I really like at work that pays attention to me sometimes and then ignores me and makes me feel like shit.


livin my way the high way
umm de toke ville i def. am a grower of weed just not atm for security reasons. everyone else that had somthing constructive to say thanks, i will take this advice and use it. im gonna tell her straightup on tuesday watsup.


Zinga, your fucked if yummy is posting advice in your thread. I feel for ya man, i really do.


livin my way the high way
I think yummybud can give a lot of insight into this just from experience. When we have class on tuesday I'm gonna tell her that she has to end it with this other guy by Vday or I'm done cuz I can't be strung along like this not knowing whether or not she's serious.

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