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so....fuck it...


Well-known member
Fortunate to live in an area with good bus service.
This time round with renewal, am going to let it go.
Neat thread.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The Volvo 240 wagon I bot to drive my last female dawg around in I sold for $500 to get rid of a few yrs ago. She didn't like the thing cause the muffler blew up while she was riding in back. This one was a diplomat car driven then brought back from Europe but American steering. Car had a 4 link rear end like my hotrod.

The guys that bot the Volvo wanted the intermittant fuel pump issue fixed - that is why the muffler blew. So just to get rid of the damn car I had to fix it also. Ended up being a flakey fuel pump relay. Bastards were f'in engineers but younger.

I think the PUs were Dodges back in 2004. Mine is.

I like Mr. Ringodoggie's plan to get rid of all the stuff. I have way way too much. As for SoCal beach, about 50 years too late IMO.
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anoydas 666

old is good, except my body lol. just sold a 2000 ford ute 236000 on it n going strong, looking for a non rust bucket f100.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Have an older Camry that is going great. Washer and dryer are Roper or budget Whirlpool, which ever you like. Top loader ftw. Replaced the relay on the washer and going 24 years now and they were maybe 5 years old when I got them. Speed Queen is good too.

German cars have had a crap reputation for quite a while. Volvos are solid. Toyota too.


Get yourself a 1984-1987 Toyota truck, I prefer the 84 extended cab straight axle myself. Engine is bulletproof, a chilton manual costs 20$ and any part in the entire truck is sub 100$ . Fixing it is a damn breeze and if you can find one under 300k miles it will run another 300k with little effort.


Active member
Thats a whole.nother thread...vehicles that dont suck! My daughters 2000 mustang last3d a quarter.mil before she sold it and they drove.it anither year at.least. Door hinges and brakes were the big issue my buddy had a 2001 f150 with the same v6 engine that lasted similarly well..i was.also told the chev trailblazer with the inline 6 was a good one

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Older cars are good for me.

The most recent is a H*nda Acc*rd, 2001, sixth generation.
Purchased with 180k miles for two grand a couple years ago.
8/10 appearance and solid mechanical.

Pushing 225k as I write this and have only had to do brake pads
and fluids maintenance, tires too. Bushings are next, then shocks/struts.
4cyl model, avoid the 6 cyl on this generation, otherwise good to go.

So sorry you have a VW, as a hobby mechanic, wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Hoping for the best, cheers!

anoydas 666

all you need n some more .

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